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The Great Big Fsf Quiz


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Right here we go folks.


Let's get the rules sorted first.

1.The questions will be numbered. If you answer a question please state the number of the question you are answering.


2. If you've been around a long time, please consider leaving the easier questions to newer members. That way everyone gets a look in. If you know lots of the answers, please just answer a few, then leave some to others.


3. We may well run out of questions, so there is still time to send me some. Only one rule for asking questions...answers MUST be found within the FSF. Please send them to me rather than put them up in th thread.


4. if there any arguments, my decision is final...(ohh the power)


5. there are some very tricky questions and there will be a years free membership to the person asking the hardest question.


Now the important children in need bit.


You can pledge a flat donation to children in need or per question correctly answered. (eg 10p per question, 100 questions, that would be £10). The all important link is in my signature, so you will see it every time I post!

You do not have to pledge to take part in the quiz, if you do, super, its all about raising money, but that is entirely up to you. The most important thing is that we have some fun as we find out more about the forum.


If there is anything you don't understand, feel free to ask.


Are you ready then?

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Ok. 10 questions to get you going...


1. What year was the Foundation Stage Forum formed?


2. Who reviewed the book The Thinking Child Resource Book (Early Years)

By Nicola Call


3. Which moderator celebrated a birthday this week?


4. How many posts do you need to make before becoming part of the furniture?


5. Helen has recently started updating the NVQ guidance in line with the new standards. Which is the first unit to be covered?


6. A 2 part question

How many 'rooms' are there in the live chat? name them


7. There are 5 subforums in the Training and Professional Development forum. What are they?


8. Who recently uploaded a photograph of their Chinese Restaurant into the gallery?


9. Who was looking for a simple explanation to poetry recently?



10. ral77 complained in Gardener's corner that 'they have ruined all my bulbs and dug up all my pansies' Who or what was she talking about?

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Not an official response Jacquie, but yes, that's right well done! :o


3. Young Carol, aka Beau.


Thanks for setting this up and delivering it mundia. I know you and the other moderators have been beavering away behind the scenes getting the questions ready, without any help from me! And I'm not being any help this evening either I'm afraid. I'm taking off for the weekend with Helen, Jamie and Annie to Bedford. Some kind of administrator I am eh?


Don't anyone answer this post - don't want to disrupt the flow any further. Have fun everyone and wish I could be here! xD

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Well done for getting the ball rolling mundia.


That's 3 correct answers so far - I presume they can be answered in any order? I mean, if you know the answer to question 7 for example you don't have to wait until the preceding questions have been answered. I also think that you shouldn't be allowed to answer a question that involves you!


Good luck everyone! :o

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Do we have to give the right answers or can we make them up as we go along for comic effect?


Thanks for the link - am off to make my donation now!




Any answers will do - after all, its meant to be a bit of fun! And I don't think we could stop you making quips in any case! :o

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Any answers will do - after all, its meant to be a bit of fun! And I don't think we could stop you making quips in any case! :o

How very dare you! I am mortally offended...




Oh and PS. I just heard a friend has had a new baby and has called her Beau. Wonder if she saw your name and was inspired? Perhaps she's lurking here and I just haven't recognised her yet. Hmm. Do you think I should start being careful about what I say on here? Nah - way too much effort for one such as me who only opens her mouth to change feet...

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new member, yeah sure!


correct for number 4. Incorrect for number 6,try again.


so far we have answered 1 2 3 4 7 8


Im going to add the next 10 questions whilst I pop out on a mercy mission, just to keep you all busy.


11. What date did lovely Clemmie arrive in the forum? Ans:


12. Who got married on 25 August this year?


13. Who is the only member to celebrate their birthday on the 25th February?


14. What is the longest thread in the Birth to Three Matters Forum?


15. LJW asked “Anyone got a data hazard sheet to start me off?” in which thread in ‘Nursery settings management issues’?


16. Mundia asked about bird of paradise. What was the title of the thread?


17. Way back in 2005, Steve talked about quality honking. What was he referring to?



18. Who is member no. 6292? (extra brownie points for getting this one)


19. who wrote the article about Rudolf Steiner.


20. What is the name of the child who is seen over a 12 month period in the DVD "Learning Through Play?"

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I'm not sure we are supposed to help each other with the quiz but as the forum is all about supporting each other........ Q16 about the bird, I might have seen something while hunting for ral77's squirrels......hope that isn't too cryptic


This is good fun Mundia, you have put so much work in, thanks from the rest of us lesser mortals.


Sue x

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I think ( dangerous occupation!!) that number 16 is 'Strelitzia Reginae'??


I want to find the answer to question 18 but I am working on it xD For now I think it is someone who joined the forum after 9th July 2006 but before 28th October 2006 - there again I could be going totally the wrong way about finding the answer :o

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Hello all, got the search forum posts' buzzing eh? :o:(


qu: 9 I think it's Lotte asking about poetry.




If anyone can guess how much raised on our coin line then I will donate an extra £10.


put answers on my new thread ( with more pics) and not here. xD




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Just a tip, copy and paste the questions into word and print off.


I've just gone galivanting (spl?) around the forum searching for answers but then forgot the question I was searching the answer for. duh. :oxD:(:(



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well done Geraldine for question 16.


Question 18 is one of our 'tricky ones' so no clues yet I'm afraid.


We are still hunting for answers in round 1 to questions 5 6 9.

A quick visit t the chat room should help answer number 6 and q 5 may well be found on the home page.

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