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Woking Temperature

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I am in the process of having to make up a policy for minimum working temperature and the procedure if the temperature within the setting drops below 16c. Does anyone by chance have a policy that covers this? Any help would be great. Thank You


I haven't actually got a policy but I would state what the minimum and maximum temperature guidelines are and the source where they are stated. ( can't remember exactly but do a post search as this has been discussed recently).

I would then list ways to keep warm or cool and at what point / temperature I would consider I felt I would need to close. I would then write the procedure for contacting parents, and closing. This closure policy would be similar to one in the event of heavy snowfall which we may all need to remind ourselves of and make clear to any new staff / parents.





It was me that started the topic on Temperatures and I have tried to link it - spent a fair amount of time trying to do it myself - BUT - I can't !! :oxD:(


I posted it in Nursery Pre-schools and Playgroup setting discussions - General Issues on Nov 19 at 17.45


Could someone tell me how to link please - then I will try it.


Sue J


Hi All

i have put together a policy on room temperatures which I thought I would attach if it is of any use to everyone will also stick it in the resource library. If anyone has any suggestions for alterations please let me know.



help someone have tried attaching policy and said not permitted to attach this file have changed it to a word doc and microsoft works but still no luck have put it in resource section but will not attach to his topic never had a problem before any suggestions??

Here is the link to the other discussion..


temperature discussion


Hope this helps!!


The standards don't ask for a specific temperature to be maintained. I think this is probably because you might have your door open to the outside all the time for outdoor play, so how can you maintain a constant temperature in these circumstances? I think it would be more worrying if the temperature was stipulated in the standards as it would be so difficult to maintain and may stop settings accessing outdoor play all the time.

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