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Is Anyone As Busy As Me?

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Ok, lets see who has the most to do on here:

I have my class to teach and keep calm until the end of term.

I am producing, i've written and I am playing piano for the nativity play.

I am organising a carol sing for the old folk in the village hall with older children

I am accompanying the playgroup on the piano for their nativity play and taking my class to help with the singing.

I am running, executing and organising KS2 christmas concert as well as getting the choir to sing. I am playing piano for this as well as conducting some pieces and I have produced a dance for this event aswell.

I am organising a banquet on Friday and laying on food for all the children in KS1

I am taking the choir carol singing around the village.

I have 5 social evening events to attend either from my school, friends and my hubby's work do's.

I have 3 cluster meetings to attend.

I have to write up my observation of our NQT and the performance management of 7 TA's.

I have 8 SEN assessments to either carry out and/or write up and parents to see as a result.

Christmas party for children to organise.

I have a report to write for a colleague

Planning for last two weeks plus next terms planning MT in place

Displays to put up/ take down and put up again

open morning to plan and prepare for.

Adviser visit to prepare for and write up afterwards.

Two staff meetings to run

three assemblies to take

and 4 playground duties

No wonder I don't know if I am coming or going.....



what's your secret, how do you keep going!!!! I feel like i'm drowning and feel so rough with it, we are doing the nativity, i have 2 staff down so i'm working in session all the time, paperwork to do at home in the evenings and degree assignments due in!!!! need to do registers for jan 08 and phone up peopple to sort out new starters.... my problem is how rough i'm feeling... i feel like i have a cold coming but it never comes just that horrible feeling.....and i feel soo tired..... how do you do it...


I'm buried under a pile of SENCO paperwork!! Three reviews to lead , six referrals to complete and a Child Protection hearing a meeting with Parent's Partnership to attend plus a zillion phone calls to make relating to the above. Then Family Day, two dress rehearsals, and a carol concert practice oh and teach the class put up scenery and knock together a couple of costumes......... and I've got flu!!!!

guess you're a fellow music coordinator!!!



yes, and senco like Marion... get well soon!!!

We will get to the end......and then flop? no cook christmas dinner for 16 family members- wrap presents...and before that write Christmas cards...how do i do it? God knows....


Well I have:


3 module assgiments to completed by 5 pm monday 7th January 08.


apply for jobs in childcare again.


and reorgainse a placement for college course until I get a job, not sure when to start up again as theres only 2 weeks until the end of term and I had several offers earlier on this term. Am think with the petrol prices to ring up the nearest school to me who offered me one but I ended up sorting one out, but could ask them if I needed one in the future, I can walk there in less than 5 mins.


Suzybell is most defo the busiest person I have seem, and I thought I had tons of stuff to do.


Oh Marion hope you feel better to, I had a poorly gran visit today (carpets been cleaned at her house).





I dare not list what I've got to do, I am the proverbial crisis manager, if it's not done by today then well hey, I'll do it tomorrow. :(

Unfortunately this doesn't apply when winding down a business, selling off everything possible ( which includes hours I've spent sorting, checking every jigsaw puzzle, game, how many glue sticks, dinosaurs, duplo etc and listing / pricing).All my work tomorrows' end on the 14th December, so now I really do have my not to be extended deadline date. :o


But hey, I still made time to go to the hairdressers today and spend tonight making leaving presents for the children. :(


Marion hope you feel better soon.

Mundia, the thought of moving house at this time of year is unthinkable for me, Best of luck in your new home.

Suzybell and everyone else just make time for a chill, enjoy the fruits of your hard work and vow to make a new year resolution to delegate. :(xD



Gosh! I thought I had lots to do, I think you have beaten me here! No wonder we are all shattered the whole time - keep going though you are doing a fantastic job, we all are! Do wonder if sometimes we should start saying no and then maybe the Government will start looking at what is expected and begin to look at work life balance and also teacher pay!!!


Happy Christmas! Vikkim

Ok, lets see who has the most to do on here:

I have my class to teach and keep calm until the end of term.

I am producing, i've written and I am playing piano for the nativity play.

I am organising a carol sing for the old folk in the village hall with older children

I am accompanying the playgroup on the piano for their nativity play and taking my class to help with the singing.

I am running, executing and organising KS2 christmas concert as well as getting the choir to sing. I am playing piano for this as well as conducting some pieces and I have produced a dance for this event aswell.

I am organising a banquet on Friday and laying on food for all the children in KS1

I am taking the choir carol singing around the village.

I have 5 social evening events to attend either from my school, friends and my hubby's work do's.

I have 3 cluster meetings to attend.

I have to write up my observation of our NQT and the performance management of 7 TA's.

I have 8 SEN assessments to either carry out and/or write up and parents to see as a result.

Christmas party for children to organise.

I have a report to write for a colleague

Planning for last two weeks plus next terms planning MT in place

Displays to put up/ take down and put up again

open morning to plan and prepare for.

Adviser visit to prepare for and write up afterwards.

Two staff meetings to run

three assemblies to take

and 4 playground duties

No wonder I don't know if I am coming or going.....


Guest MaryEMac

I'm shattered after reading that Suzybell. At the moment my only problem is trying to organise a nativity tableau with a cast that are dropping like flies. Chicken pox, stomach bug and a fluey cold are doing the rounds at playgroup and school.

Make sure that you timetable some you- time Suzybell.




Thank you all everyone for your encouraging words. I took 20 kids to sing to the old folk today- it went really well and i was so proud of the children (year 6) I then came back to school and had 3 sets of parents to see and I had been out all morning at the SENCo cluster. But each day i can tick something else off the list.

I must admit- I do love my job and through all this i never stop smiling... on with tomorrow now


Suzybell you truly are an inspiration!


I feel like I am currently having a nervous breakdown as I struggle working 3 part time days a week, I have just started a Fast Track Forest Leader course, almost finished a Somerset Total Communication beginner course while half way through my EYPS. While trying to juggle the responsibilities of being a mother to two very full on boys (4 and 6) always issues going on with pre-school and school (!!) and a husband who is away a lot of the time and we are just about to be moved out of our house as we have a new gas central heating system being put in!!! Christmas hasn't come into the picture yet in our house.


But in comparison to you I have it pretty easy!


Well I'm just far too busy to reply to this thread, obviously :o


I'd like to think I was a crisis manager like Peggy, but in truth I'm just a last-minute-merchant of the first order! So I'd rather not write a list of what I had to do because I'd probably scare myself silly.


Try and find some 'me' time in your busy week if you can - I'm going to try tai chi tonight with one of my ladies from work. She obviously thought I was looking frazzled (the bags under my eyes are more like refuse sacks!) and she said I need to get some positive energy back in my life.


So I'll let you know how I get on. After tonight I might be able to conquer the world. Anyone know where I can get my chakras balanced...?



Posted (edited)

Wow what a list Suzy


I wouldn't dare to put all the jobs I need to do before Christmas into a list, would be too frightening!! It's th etime of the year. I have to say I have never let on at work that I can play the piano....well.....you end up doing it all!! :o And as for SENCo, well, there we are another tough role to juggle, so many deadlines and meetings.


For me its ICT, need 3 different quotes to replace the whole network from 3 different companies, so thats meetings talking about system requirements etc. Written reports on positive/negatives of going with each company, take to the G' body for approval. Order and check delivery date and time, arange pick up for old pc's, may need to go in during holiday for this......well you get the picture...role on the end of term!!

Edited by annie d

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