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Suffer Little Children


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Hi every one

I'm sure every one has heard me moan before about the problems I'm having with the church and our buildings.

Well the week before christmas and we have hit rock bottome.

The cold weather has made it so cold and the church has only allowed us extra heating for this week so come January if its cold we won't be able to open.

The hall where we are is only 13 degrees at most and we have checked with Environmental Health and it should be minimum of 16 degrees mor like 18/20 for small children.

as there is no where for us to go that will accmodate all 70+ children we will beforced to shut.

So I have a day of battles to try and stay open for all the children,.

One of our local schools has given us permission to use a classroom temporaily til Feburary but it will only take 26 may be 30 children at most.

So very SAD day ahead.

Watch out for me on the Tele as I have nothing to loose now but go public on the Borough and Churches lack of help!!!!!!! :oxD:(:(:( :wacko: xD :rolleyes: :unsure: ;):ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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Good Luck Steph.....what's happened to the spirit of Christmas.......good will to all men!!!

We had this problem a couple of years ago...not in a church but community hall which was taken over by the WRVS, luckily we found alternative accomodation...but at a cost!

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Oh Steph ...... you have my absolute sympathies. I Know exactly what it is like. My issue isn't about heating at the moment - just that the saga with the kitchen continues. The vicar has arranged a meeting after Christmas with me, the Centre Committee and representatives from the PCC - it's going to be like going into the lion's den.


But I don't care - I've had enough. I flatly refuse to run the Pre-school from my 3rd bedroom anymore, using my time, my electric, my computer, my phone etc. etc. etc. My mother is coming to stay at Christmas and it will involve emptying this room of as much as possible - she is 80 and I can't expect her to sleep in this mess.


I've told the vicar it is crunch time as far as I am concerned and the only way I will stay is if they let the Pre-school have a spare store room as an office, where I can work during the morning and amazingly be paid for it.


I am hoping that they ridicule my idea, really, really hoping that they do, as I want nothing more than to leave now. I wish I hadn't even suggested the idea to him as it just prolongs the agony of leaving. I will miss the children, the parents and the brilliant staff - but apart from that I will feel nothing but sheer relief.


I have had some good support from the Borough which has helped to bring things to a head - don't think we have the same Childcare Officer though. P.M. me if you need to know more about that.


Good luck - let me know how things are going for you. And as for your Church - who do they think will want to hire a hall that size, on such a regular basis, giving them such a regular income?


Janice x

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well we are being evicted for two weeks in Jan as the flooring is being re done in our hall due to the floods last summer. Church have said we can move into the church for those two weeks so we have to delay our new starters for 2 weeks :( ,asked a member of staff to not work one sesion each week as numbers are down, :o Ofsted to have been informed of this change for over 3 weeks now have just got back to us this week to say we have do do a new application, crbs etc :( and to cap it all church are invoicing us for use of the church :(xD

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Hali - that's dreadful xD . I'll just keep very quiet from now on - my kitchen saga pales into insignificance with what you're having to cope with.


Good luck - hope you manage to get it all sorted :o

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Just wondering - how can a church hall offer to rent you a room for January and then refuse to heat it above 13 degrees. Their offer is useless so in effect it is a refusal to rent to you. Does this invalidate your contract. Do you seee what I mean?

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Well the Saga continues. We went and spoke to the secretary this morning to clarify things. We asked if we had understood corectly that the hall would not have extra heating for January when we start. She said "that's correct" Then we asked if we could put in more heating and were told "NO" when my staff member asked if we could negotiate and come to some compromise then we were told that she has been instructed to not talk to us any more.

The Priest when he sees us run passed or gets on his bike and cycles off as fast as his little legs can carry him. xD:o

We have been in touch with 2 local councillors today to see what they can do, one has put us on the "agenda" for January meeting.

The Borough staff are all in "meetings"

So!!! we have gone to the local Echo and they are coming tomorrow to take photos and do an article, and also the local Meridian TV and hopefully they will come tomorrow.

At last count today we are due to start back on January 7th with 86 children over the week. 52 of them on Grants!!!!!!!

We have our Christmas concert tomorrow with all our children and parents so we have tried to organise the publicity for the same time.

I will also have to stand up infront off them and tell them that if the weather is as cold as it is now we won't open. :( :wacko: :( I don't know how they are going to take it.

I have spoken to another leader of a group today who are in the same boat. there's is a community hall and their heating is old and not good enough but because they need to work they are carrying on in low temperatures.


If I have a National newspaper contact me and try and open up the campaign instead of the Times moaning about the damage we are supossedly doing looking after children maybe they should look into the buildings that we all have to put up with.


Anybody like to join me in a National Campaign to get better buildings!!!!!!!! If so PM with contact details because I am past the point of no return now.


Oh and Janice don't give up I won't have anybody to giggle with through our courses. You should have been at the Visioning session in the Town great lunch provided :(

Will keep you all updated

Going off to play a computer game to "switch off"

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Good luck with your campaign - let us know how it goes. The Childcare Act puts a legal duty on the Local Authority to ensure there is enough childcare provision to meet demand in its area. So they have a vested interest in not letting you close - keep the pressure up if you can.


Can't offer any practical help or advice, but I am sending as much moral support as I can through the ether!



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Hi everyone

Well had a terrific concert all the little darlings performed on cue waved and bowed at the right time. went on and off the stage at the right time.

I spent 15 minutes talking to the parents who have rallied together beautifully and hopefully we will have extra heating with a generator donated by a big rental company and heaters also the diesel paid for by the parents.

The newspaper reporter came and took photo's and took the story.

The priest is still pedalling away every time he see's us.

The Borough have been conspicuous in there absence. Not a phone call nor anything.

Still it was a lovely morning with a beautiful crowd of children parents and fantastic staff. It is my 10th anniversary of having the group and I had all my family with me mother father 2 sons husband grand son and daughter-in-law. So not a dry eye in the house.

So what ever happens in January we know we have done our best and whatever fate throws at us we will cope with and servive.

Lots of thanks for all your support out there

Have a lovely Christmas!!!!!!!!

and hopefully 2008 won't bring so many problems as 2007

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Guest MaryEMac

Seems like you have had a brilliant end to the year. I'm glad that everything went well for you today and hope that everything works out for January. Merry Christmas :o



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Well done you and congrats on your 10th anniversary!


Glad everything turned out ok in the end - what do the church say about you having the generator or has the priest pedalled off so quickly that you haven't been able to catch him yet?!! :o

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haven't told them yet!!!!!


So that the company get publicity for helping us we have to wait for the story to come out in the newspaper then do a follow up saying that these people are helping us or not if the church don't let us have the generator.

We will have to wait and see!!

going to bed as I'm so exhausted from talking and keeping going this week

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Well done Steph! It sounds as if you have had a lovely day despite all the difficulties you face.


I keep thinking about the Priest peddling off on his bike. What was the name of that mythical bird who flew so fast he disappeared up his own rear end? Perhaps the Priest will suffer a similar fate if he peddles much faster! :o


With apologies for offence caused to any Priests who might be peddling by...



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Well done, lets hope it all comes together for the New Year.


(Must admit we hire a church hall and the Priest also disappears rather fast when he sees me coming...developed a strategy of sending someone else to catch him unawares! worked so far, will fail when I run out of staff members to send I suppose! )



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  • 4 weeks later...

I'e had a rotten week as a childminder and was reading various topics to distract me - and your situations have certainly done that! At least working in my own home I can turn the heating up (but don't tell hubby!) I'd love to know how your publicity went and how you're all getting on?


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thanks Maz!

1 (BIG!) glass of wine & part of the 2nd later & things look diferent :o

have caught "stress" off family with job relocation, house move, and lots (perhaps too much) going on in their busy lives.

Has been building since Sept & finally led to us having words when didn't arrive on time to collect their children. I'd taken them with me to do next pickup & mum not happy that I wasn't home when she arrived.

I took exception to being shouted at, sent text to that effect after she stormed off and they withdrew their children next morning!!

Upset & worried about effect on children who I've cared for since babies (over 4 years for nearly 5 yr old & since 3 mths old for rising 3yr old) but have realised I wouldn't have done anything differently & if they think is right decision for their children I have to let it go, even though I love the kids to bits!!

Trying to tell myself has all happened for a reason and is perhaps the time to think of moving on when other minded children leave in the summer to start school. When one door closes.........

Quite the philosopher at this time of night with alcoholic influence!

Gosh I feel better for airing that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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thanks Maz!

1 (BIG!) glass of wine & part of the 2nd later & things look diferent :o

have caught "stress" off family with job relocation, house move, and lots (perhaps too much) going on in their busy lives.

Has been building since Sept & finally led to us having words when didn't arrive on time to collect their children. I'd taken them with me to do next pickup & mum not happy that I wasn't home when she arrived.

I took exception to being shouted at, sent text to that effect after she stormed off and they withdrew their children next morning!!

Upset & worried about effect on children who I've cared for since babies (over 4 years for nearly 5 yr old & since 3 mths old for rising 3yr old) but have realised I wouldn't have done anything differently & if they think is right decision for their children I have to let it go, even though I love the kids to bits!!

Trying to tell myself has all happened for a reason and is perhaps the time to think of moving on when other minded children leave in the summer to start school. When one door closes.........

Quite the philosopher at this time of night with alcoholic influence!

Gosh I feel better for airing that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




My sympathies are with you on this one. I used to childmind many years ago and one of my mums in particular used to mess me about something rotten. There was one day when my daughter was at an after school club but I was at home waiting for this mum to turn up and pick up her daughter. I knew her son was also at an after school club so in the end I decided to go round to the school to pick up both my daughter and her son. When I arrived she was stood outside the school, having picked up her son, and was deep in conversation with some of her friends. I was absolutely livid! She had been running late and decided to pick her son up first and was obviously in no rush to come to pick up her daughter from me. Meanwhile my daughter was sat on her own in the classroom waiting to be picked up and the teacher was none too pleased that I was so late. So I hope that this turns out to be a positive turning point for you. Good luck!

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