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Hi, I wondered if anyone can give me some guidance, i need to write a 4000 word essay, i have completed the observations i have to do on a particular child but it then says Analyse each observation, i'm not sure if this is the type of observation or its contents. I'm just not sure which way to go, the types of observation used are EEL., Narrative, Target, Sticky label, tracking, developmental checklist.

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Hi, I wondered if anyone can give me some guidance, i need to write a 4000 word essay, i have completed the observations i have to do on a particular child but it then says Analyse each observation, i'm not sure if this is the type of observation or its contents. I'm just not sure which way to go, the types of observation used are EEL., Narrative, Target, Sticky label, tracking, developmental checklist.

Hi, I would assume that you would be analysing the content rather than the actual observation, what does your module title actually say. This would probably make it more clearer if we knew. I am sure some one will be along to help soon.

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Hi, I wondered if anyone can give me some guidance, i need to write a 4000 word essay, i have completed the observations i have to do on a particular child but it then says Analyse each observation, i'm not sure if this is the type of observation or its contents. I'm just not sure which way to go, the types of observation used are EEL., Narrative, Target, Sticky label, tracking, developmental checklist.

Firstly, I'd recommend that you go back and read the criteria very carefully, together with any explanatory notes that go with it.


What is the title of the essay you need to write? If its a child study then I'd say you need to analyse the observations and link your findings to theorists relevant to the subject matter.


However, if the essay is about observation and assessment in general, then it may be that you need to analyse the method of observation used in terms of how effective it was in gathering information about the stage of development the child has reached and how it would inform your planning to move that child on.


Without knowing the title of the essay you're writing its a little difficult to be certain!


Good luck



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Its title is making learning visible. in task 3 it asks us to highlight the voice of the child and talk about childs interests, but in task 2 it just says complete observations on a child, of type mentioned before then analyse each observation, and in task 4 it says evaluate the effectiveness of observation methods.

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Its title is making learning visible. in task 3 it asks us to highlight the voice of the child and talk about childs interests, but in task 2 it just says complete observations on a child, of type mentioned before then analyse each observation, and in task 4 it says evaluate the effectiveness of observation methods.



From the above task description I would say that you need to analyse the 'content' of the observations ( that is if you are doing task 2). Each observation should be numbered and have had an aim, once completed you analyse to the aim, ie: Obs 1. Type: Narrative - Aim; to observe communication with peers. The analysis is based on all observed language/communication within the Narrative observation.

Numbering each observation enables you to clearly link to each one in task 4, evaluation of observation method. ie: Obs 1 , evaluation may say something like, " The use of Narrative method enables the observer to record context of communication as well as what is actually communicated and is therefore a useful method for this aim" If for example you used the post-it notes method the evaluation may say something like; " Post-it observations only enable a quick snapshot of what has occured, it doesn't show context or all communication or actions in fact when using post-it observations the observer tends to record a short evaluation of what has occured ie: Child A threaded 10 beads. whereas a Target observation would give a more descriptive account. So compare and contrast different methods in your task 4 evaluations to show understanding.


Hope this helps.



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Thanks for all your replies, good luck with yours Hali, i'm having real problems with this one, my last 2 assignments were fine but this has proved more difficult, maybe i'm making it harder than it is!!! Also it's christmas and i'm finding it hard to get motivated, just don't seem to be able to get to grips with this one at all. Decided to call it quits tonight and start afresh tomorrow afternoon when maybe it will all fall into place!!!! Here's to wishful thinking!!!!! Must get to grips though as i have planning to do next week......

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Not too good, i have only done about 100 words... seem to be working at a snails pace... i have also woken up with a splitting headache..... hope i'm not getting the virus all my family have been down with for christmas, thats all i need!!!!!!!!!


Hope you make progress on yours, good luck!!!

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My 'making learning visible' essay has to be in Jan 7th, and i have been fighting off a lousy very heavy cold over christmas, so no real work done so far! will make seriuos efforts over the weekend, as, hopefully i shall be feeling much better by then!


oh yes, and a 10 minute powerpoint presentation has to be done on the 7th too, deep, deep joy!!

Edited by narnia
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Even though the OU has given us a weeks holiday for Christmas I haven't looked at my books for what seems like ages. I'm supposed to have read various chapters of the Reader and completed at least 2/3 study topics by now.

Motivation has long gone and can't find a room in my house with a lock. Apparently my children can only ask me for permission to do various things ............another chocolate decoration off the tree, out with friends, money for this and that............you all know the endless questions they ask, even though your other half is invariably sitting on front of the t.v.

I have given myself until Monday and it has to happen. I start E124 on Feb 5th and the second E123 assignment is due in on Feb. 15th...I think!!


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Hope you all find the motivation soon...Narnia, hope you feel better soon, I to have had a very lousy heavy cold and I'm just about up and about today feeling very jaded!!!!My intentions were to get started reading the paperwork that came through my door before we broke up! and get a head start.


Simcity...hope you haven't gone down with this lousy virus thing aswell...I know quite a few people who have.

Take care everyone.....mrsb

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well today is the first day ive felt anything like well!!Since last weekend! And i too have an assignment to hand in on jan 15th now its seems like along time off but after literally running out of time for the last assignment and having to hand it in incomplete im determined this one will be a much less stressful event so have THOUGHT about it today (wondering where the hek ive put all my uni stuff that is its usually all over the dining room table!! :o

hats off to you dublinbay and all others with young children there is no way i could do this,running a pre-school and having young children at home you have my respect xD

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well i'm here again trying to do my assignment - not motivated at all with yes a splitting headache that hasn't left me for 2 days now but i keep getting distracted and searching the forum... really seem to have hit a brick wall, its due in next week and like you narnia i have a presentation to do tooo which i also haven't started.... it's really making me feel down in the dumps.... plus my children are at home, so is hubby all on christmas break...... but next week i really need to do the planning and sort out all the stuff for pre-school...... at the moment shop work is looking very inviting!!!!!!! I just can't make any progress at all...... this isn't looking good....


Hyperthetcial question for you ... if you had a child who is interested in ballet- how could you extend their learning... i thought about setting up a ballett class in the homecorner, drawing a ballet dancer, then i seem to have hit another brick wall....... any ideas.......

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What about balancing. You could use lines on the floor or low beams with lots of arms up in arches. Ribbons for spinning around with. Get pictures of ballerinas and look at the shapes they make with their bodies. Look at the colours, materials and textures used for the costumes. Like Rosina said the Angelina Ballerina books are good. Remember to look at both male and female dancers.

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I'm struggling too, :o set my alarm for 6 am to get up and study and promptly turned the alarm off and went back to sleep!

One assignment to be in on the 8th and one on the 15th xD:(:(


All I feel like doing is eating and drinking and making sure my children and horses are ok oh and husband in that order :( :wacko:


I am sure we will all be fine, sometimes I think you need to give yourself a break - trouble is it is always in the back of your mind. xD

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well i have been sat here for 5 hours straight and so far i have managed 2500 words, another 1500 to go. decided its time for a refreshment break, def need a drink and some chocolate!!! maybe i need something stronger than tea!!!!! as i have read next line of the task and still not sinking in, i now have to highlight the voice of the child!!!!! mmmmmm def going for that drink.... thanks for all your help :o

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I am really struggling to complete one assgisgment on foundations section one to learning in particual the phyical and emmtional envrioment. I have managed to get lots in about the phyical but nothing on the emotional side. Now both my learning mentor and I think that emtional should be in the second section as it realtes more to the role of the adult than theiores of play. Worst of all is that when we covered this learning outcome it was leaning more towards phsyical than emtional envrioment and she said word for word of the hand out so I am at a loss there too.


I wouldn't care but I have 2 more assigment to do by next Thursday in which I cannot start until I complete this one that I am doing. At this point I actiuall feel like tell college where they can stuff it as I feel that they have not been very supportive this time around and it is affecting my job prospectes on the basis I cannot fully say what days and hours I am doing from the end of Jan. I feel an offical compate coming on especally having lost all the orginal staff who I started with.




Ps sorry about the spelling, just can't seem to spell correctly today.

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Yipeee I have just worked out what emtional enviroment means, that children should learn to share etc in play and respect cultures in play. I did have some work we did on it but in another folder for some strange reason. All I need to do now is complete section 2 of the foundations of learning assisgment then thats 1 down 2 to go.


I forgot to mention that I went on a strange dream last night for the working with parents module, well what fun that was but at least I will be able to quickly write up part one in terms of parenting stlyes, enviroment etc.




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well i have been sat here for 5 hours straight and so far i have managed 2500 words, another 1500 to go. decided its time for a refreshment break, def need a drink and some chocolate!!! maybe i need something stronger than tea!!!!! as i have read next line of the task and still not sinking in, i now have to highlight the voice of the child!!!!! mmmmmm def going for that drink.... thanks for all your help :o

Wow! What an inspiration you are to those of who haven't even begun to think about it (19 days to go til 'D' day, Hali!).


It seems to me your child's inner voice was saying "bring me chocolate, now please!".


Hope by now you've finished...



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i have demolished a large box of maltesers and some turkish delight, just starting on the roses now.... oh this assignment work is doing me no good at all........ dread to think what my waistline will be like by the time i'm finished....

I'm upto 3200 words, so nearly there.......the ends in sight.... so are the roses........... hope you enjoyed your bon bons haven't had those for years......

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Yes I have completed one assigment in draft form, just got to type up what I wrote, check it then get dad to double check it and its all done. I have no idea where the words came from, i think going out for an hour or two helped. I haven't counted all the words yet but I know I have wrote on the computer 1400 words and I think I need another 1100 words to get to 2500 words, thank goodness for 10% allowance I have a feeling I may end up going slightly over it.


Just got another 2 to do by next Thursday (10/1/08) then I can rest up for a couple of weeks before then next round. Working with parents will be a doodle, just need to find some current initiavies in working with parents for part 2 then that another done. I am working on getting this one done by Thursday then starting Anti basis on Friday and to complete all by the following Monday/Tuesday for double checking on Wednesday.


Now I wish I'd resorted a work placement as I am finding the work based sections hardest of all. I think I need to talk to someone at college to see if I can do one day per week placement with the rest being supply until I get a job or it will be bye bye unsporting college and off to find another college elsewhere.




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