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Birth To Three Matters

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xD Hi I'm new to the forum, it's been quite a relief to know that there are other out there as frustrated as I am!

I am at present trying to get my head around the Birth to Three Matters 'curriculum'! do we plan or not if so how. Any ideas?

I have been told by some working in childcare that we should be planning our activities for under threes and by others that we shouldn't. I would appreciate any advise.

look forward to speaking to you all again soon :o


Hi Mandy

Welcome to the forum and thanks for your first post.

No answers for you at the moment as I don't work with under 3s but there are many who do who I am sure will be able to answer your questions.

Hope to hear from you a lot on the site. Its great and I am sure you will get a lot from it.



Hi Mandy, all,


Had training session last week with our EY mentor.


Guess what? She says forget about BT3.


Why? Because locally (and nationally, I may presume), there is an initiative to combine FS and BT3. They (and OFSTED, maybe) are peed off (sorry) with looking at both. Why have both when the two can be interlinked, I think, I have thought since BT3 came out.


I guess BT3 was someone's incentive to get day nurseries and childminders organised (as if they needed it). A silly idea that had no real purpose, except that the development stuff on the CD-ROM (or via the internet) is interesting academic reading. Hands up all who have read it in its entirety. As I thought! I have read some bits, as have (probably) most of us.


It is possible that BT3 and the FS will be superseded. And don't we all just need this: change, after change, after change ..... ?


Why isn't there proper consultation before things are introduced? We could have told the powers that be that the FS could be extended downwards, surely? It was clear to me. And I am only (still) just a pair of hands.


Perhaps the situation needs clarification before anyone spends any more time or effort on this SureStart initiative that may fizzle out?



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