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Hi All! I've recently joined and have found it really interesting reading previous posts.

I thought I'd share my Ofsted experience.

I had my Ofsted in November 2007 and wasn't looking forward to it!

Several RCM's in Dudley had strange tales to tell - requests that they mark the register "in and out" ie when they take children to other settings, did they grow their own vegetables, were posters displayed?

I, too, wanted my home to look like a home - if parents wanted posters displayed then surely they would look at a Nursery setting! I asked all my parents and they agreed - they even put their comments on a home environment in their written statements to the Inspector! (the only poster up is BTTM)

On the day I presented the Inspector with a massive pile of paperwork, policies, procedures, photo albums, letters from parents etc and asked her to let me know if she needed anything else. She was stunned! However, she worked through it all and despite a half hour break while I did a Nursery pick up (she sat in her car outside my house) was finished in about 3 hours.

When she was ready to give my feedback she showed me the screen with the gradings on her laptop.

I was THRILLED to get OUTSTANDING in all areas :o

I took the opportunity to ask a few questions which other RCM's had raised -

1 - it is "good practice" to get your register signed - mine is done at the end of the month

2 - it is "good practice" to mark in your register when children are in other settings ie playgroup

3 - it is "good practice" to get your parents to sign to say they've seen your policies & procedures and any amendments (and your Ofsted report too!)

I also looked on the Ofsted site before my inspection at recently posted reports - they all mentioned handwashing, outdoor play and healthy eating. Have a look at the "Getting on Well" report there too - it tells you more about what the inspector looks for.

Hope I haven't bored you! Just thought it may help someone else who's due theirs soon.

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What a lovely, positive post about Mrs Ofsted - many congratulations on your outstanding report!


Isn't this Forum great - where else could you pass on such important information to so many people at once?


It sounds as if you had a really good experience - and got the chance to ask some questions too (and unusualy you got some answers!)


Well done you!



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Guest cathy m

Well done you must be delighted and thanks for the reassurance you and i seem to think alike! Quite a few childmders i know are all due inspections and we know it will be before the new inspection cycle starts



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congratulations what an excellent grading.


my husband is a story teller during the day and a childminder before and after school. As he only looks after school aged children we often wonder about some of the questions you raised as most of the children want to chill and chose him over a after school club because of the home environment.


thank you for sharing your ideas, i will get him working on his paperwwork me thinks.

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Thanks all.

The parents I mind for brought me champagne after school on the Friday and we celebrated together - they all teach and know how stressful Ofsted is. They were amazed I took the children to "stay and play" as usual the afternoon of my inspection - apparently the usual reaction when the inspector leaves is to sit in a corner and cry!!

I'm a Network childminder for Dudley and we were told by our co-ordinator that ALL RCM's must be inspected by March before EYFS comes in, so if you haven't already done your pre-Ofsted paperwork now's the time to get to it - in the spare time that no childminder ever has!

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Well done Nona, I think that part of your outstanding was due to the fact that you didn't 'bow down' to urban myth ( about posters etc) and stood to your principles of a 'homely' environment, plus of course much much more excellent hard work.


Thanks for sharing your positive news and positive hints and tips for others to benefit from. :o


WELL DONE xD ( mere words that cannot truely express your great achievement)




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  • 2 weeks later...

nona well done and expected by people that know you. you deserve an outatanding not just for being a brill childminder but for all the help you give us new chilminders without being given credit for it by the early years team. not that you want credit. any way "thanks" from some one who does appriciate the work you do. :o

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Nona,


I know I'm a bit late in replying to your post but I only joined last night !


I just want to say Congratulations and well done on your fantastic inspection grading and thank you for sharing that information with us.

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:o Welcome Cannonbolt! Good to see more childminders finding their way here.

I'm hooked on this site and find lots of great info, tips & advice on lots of subjects - hope you will too.


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  • 1 month later...

congratulations from me too.I know it was a while ago but I ve just joined the forum and came across this page tonight.

I ve heard lots of stories of childminders having bad experiences with Ofsted and also being told childminders could nt outstanding before theyd started the inspection so its nice to hear of a positive one.

When I attended the annual childminders conference in Torquay last November we were told that if an inspector mentioned anything about not giving outstanding before they d completed the inspection we had a right to ask them to leave!!!!

I was also advised that if I thought I was outstanding to put it on my feedback form and let them prove I m not as if you put less ie good they would nt mark you up only agree or mark you down.

So armed with this information I awaited my inspection in December.

The inspector arrived ,I gave her all my paperwork and my proffesional development file.I said I d see to the children and just to ask if she had any questions-which she did !!

She asked lots of questions and was very thorough ,but chatted with me and the children and put me at ease .and I did nt feel like she was trying to trip me up .She was here about 2 1/2 hrs .After which time she handed me the form which said OUTSTANDING ! i was gobsmacked and burst into tears - i dont know what I was expecting but would have been happy as long as I d had a fair inspection.

So to all those out there awaiting their inspections there are outstanding inspectors out there-I hope you get one too

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Hi Janice


Welcome to the forum and a big WELL DONE and CONGRATULATIONS on your OUTSTANDING grade from your inspection.


I look forward to chatting to you....CB x

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Congratulations from me too!!! i re-registered in april last year after leaving the pre-school setting and i have still not had my first graded inspection ahhhhh.I was due in november and had everything ready and waiting but to know avail have since moved i was told id have to reregister but my ncma development officer told me i didnt and all id have to do is send them a letter once id moved with the risk assessment so i wrote and told them i was moving in a months time and i moved and waiting for me was my new certificate!!! They said they will inspect my property when i have a graded inspection lol so i have been waiting on tender hooks ever since its been a year now lol and i really want to start working on the early years foundation stage but have to keep working on the birth to three until sept or i have the inspection!Talk about frustrating !!


But i guess the good thing is i have had time to build on my folders and childrens development folders so i will have something to show!

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Thanks for all the good wishes

How frustating for you Ray.

A colleague of mine is awaiting their first graded inspection and having been told Ofsted would be here before April is still waiting .They re trying to gey to grips with B to 3 and also EYFS having been told if they come now its B to 3 and if its Sept its EYFS.very confusing for some one relatively new to childminding.

I ve recently completed 2 Days EYFS training and at least for those of us who d used Birth 2 three EYFS is quite similar just under different headings.

Though there were some very puzzled faces from some who s previous knowledge is limited,

You mention childrens development files ,what sort of things are you putting in?

At present i use daily diaries but have nt yet put pen to paper for EYFS

Any Ideas?

I see you worked in pre school so may have ideas from that type of setting

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Thanks Beau for your good wishes

Unfortunatley the stories I ve heard about childminders giving up and also not been given outstanding by inspectors are true.

One instance a colleague of mine was told at a previous inspection that she was better than good and the inspector wished she could give her a better grade

3 years later the same inspector said "I cant give Outstanding its more than my jobs worth"before she d even started the inspection!!!I totally disillusioned childminder!!

I attend lots of County and Regional childminding meetings and NCMA s annual conerence and the stories are all too real.I know I do a good job and do better than some but count myself very lucky to have got a good inspector

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Guest Wolfie

Is this the first thread where you've officially announced your inspection grading Hali??? I guessed that this is what you got....many many congratulations, I have no doubt that it was very well deserved! :o

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Well done Janice & Hali - it's good to hear of more "outstandings" being given. I found it a very positive experience and am quick to dispel rumours of "bad" inspectors when I hear them. In my 10+ years I've always had supportive Inspectors who have offered good advice and practical ideas for improvement, unlike the old social services style who "had" to find an area of improvement - one year that came down to shortening the flex on my kettle!! xD You can imagine the expressions on the faces of my (teacher!) clients!!!!! :o

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Thanks for all the good wishes

How frustating for you Ray.

A colleague of mine is awaiting their first graded inspection and having been told Ofsted would be here before April is still waiting .They re trying to gey to grips with B to 3 and also EYFS having been told if they come now its B to 3 and if its Sept its EYFS.very confusing for some one relatively new to childminding.

I ve recently completed 2 Days EYFS training and at least for those of us who d used Birth 2 three EYFS is quite similar just under different headings.

Though there were some very puzzled faces from some who s previous knowledge is limited,

You mention childrens development files ,what sort of things are you putting in?

At present i use daily diaries but have nt yet put pen to paper for EYFS

Any Ideas?

I see you worked in pre school so may have ideas from that type of setting



Hi in my individual files i am putting in observations etc pictures that reflect and show evidence of achiements etc and planning for each area of learning.dates they were achieved evidence etc.....


individual learning plans for areas that need working on etc..


each child also has a scrap book with pics etc and a diary which the parents share.I also send home an activites at home sheet with ideas and info on for parents to help there children which reflect the areas im working on...


hope this helps x

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Thanks thats brilliant ,you ve given me lots of ideas .

We ve recently been told there ll be a further days training to help us bring ideas together when Ofsted decide what evidence they ll want to see at inspection

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Thanks thats brilliant ,you ve given me lots of ideas .

We ve recently been told there ll be a further days training to help us bring ideas together when Ofsted decide what evidence they ll want to see at inspection



Yes two more sessions which is great!!

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