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Communication Problems Between Adults


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How much information do you think a committee run pre school should give a pre school leader.

I ask because it seems that in my pre school the committee have become very secretive in providing any form of imformation about the finances, meetings they have and general fundraising and ideas for the future.

It feels as though the staff are just there to run the session. We are not allowed to view any information that is sent to the setting and now outside agencies(EYDO) speak to the Chair and not the leader or deputy as before. All staff feel as though we are not trusted but I feel the chair has almost taken over and is on some form of power trip!


I would welcome your thoughts and experiences on how committees involve staff in other settings.


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I think the committee should always involve staff in their decision making and equally inform them of everything that is going on if they are to operate a happy team. equally the staff should always keep the committee informed. It is a two way thing. I know it happens in many pre schools. There are often chairs who are power mad though!

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I also think the staff should be involved, afterall in most pre-schools the staff are the 'constant', with the committee changing regularly. Someone needs to know what has happened over previous years, otherwise life is more difficult for the new committee.

Hope it all gets sorted out without to much hassle. :o


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I agree with you Sal. The other thing to bear in mind is that the lack of communication can lead to resentments building up and taking away alot of the goodwill that is usually present within the pre-school staff. The committee wouldn't be very happy when the staff start looking for other jobs. The staff must know the financial situation as they should be involved in deciding what resources need to be ordered (and whether they can afford things.) It is very short-sighted of a committee who doesn't value their staff.

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Why on earth has the chair imposed this on you? Certainly that is not how things are in our setting. Perhaps a quiet word with the chair, stating that you are concerned about Staff morale is needed. I was wondering who does the staff appraisals in your setting, the chair or you?

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Have you got a PLA Development worker involved with your group? If the problem persists I would get her(or him) involved who can act as a kind of mediator and find out what is going on!!

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Not a good idea at all keeping things from the staff.

What if they plan a fundraising event and you've already planned a day out or a visitor? All kinds of clashes can take place.

You need to talk to the committee, I would go to all of them rather than just the chair, if she's that power hungry she may not pass on your concerns.

Tell them that while their input is valuable and highly appriciated, staff need to be aware of all the things you have highlighted.

Getting your PDW involved is a good idea and I'd also contact your Early years worker, it's probably possible for you to be sent copies of everything that goes to the chair.

I cant imagine how you can be expected to run efficiently with only half of your potential being realised.

Your chair could also be thinking that from her point of view, being the registered person is a very responsible role and she doesnt want to take the risk of anything going wrong on her watch, so maybe she's secretly hoping someone will take some jobs off her again.

Good luck :o

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Committees....either do too much or not enough. Our committee attends regular meetings and I know what goes on & I keep them updated....but I think out of the group of 8 of us (inc myslef and deputy) 4 have stepped foot into the setting!

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What a terrible situation to find yourself in! You must be feeling completely demoralised at the moment. The only thing that has kept me going when I have had 'problem' committees is consoling myself that they come and go and next year will probably be better. Like others have said though, don't try to deal with this on your own. Getting outside agencies involved is a really good idea and helps to burst the power hungry bubble that some of these people build around themselves! Good luck. :o

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