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No Cigarettes


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This is my third day without smoking.



I gave up for 2 years but about 5 years ago I started again.

Since then I've stopped for a month, 6 weeks and 3 months, but I always start again to prove to myself I wont get hooked.

Yes, you're right, its very perverse. xD

So I'm doing it again.

If anyone else has given up for the new year: good luck, keep going and dont start again.



Theres a message to myself in there too :o

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i,ve done the same, given up for 18 months then started again for a year. now given up again but fridays are my worst day would love an alcoholic drink and a smoke to finish the week!!!


i must say though i dont advise anyone to give up for their new years revolution as this is th 2nd time i have and dont notice the money saving as jan/feb is always our most expensive months so broke anyways!! xD



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Not tried patches because I've got sensitive skin, but I have got some low strength gum. The packet says to have 8-12 pieces a day, but I'm doing it on about 2-3 pieces.

I dont want to get hooked on the gum, which is what I did once before, the jaw ache from all the chewing was so bad I took up smoking again instead!


Keep at it shazzam, one time I gave up I replaced the cigarettes with small bottles of beer, but I noticed a definite trend so had to give up the beer too. No good stopping smoking if I have to become a member of alcoholics anonymous is it. xD So no alcohol until i have this licked :o

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Good luck to all of you and hardfelt admiration, I'm still addicted and not in the right frame of mind to stop yet, maybe one day. I did try once before, lasted a whole 4 months, the cravings went within a few days, but it was the 'habitual behaviour' that I found hard to break, the as I get in the car light up, as I get out the car, light up, after a meal, light up, I also use cigarettes when I'm hungry, so when I did give up, on went the weight. I went cold turkey, plus it was hubby's idea to give up and not mine ( he lasted 2 yrs, but then started again).


My friends ( a couple) have lasted a year now, but are both addicted to the gum, which is beter than the nicotine.


Soon you will all notice enhanced taste buds, :o sense of smell, xD nice fresh air around you, :( nice clothes :( non yellowed walls, :( having a cough that clears within a few days rather than lingers on & on :wacko: , no sinus problems xD a fuller purse :rolleyes: no having to go out in the freezing cold when socialising up the pub with your mates :unsure: so although I am a bit hypocritical, I'd like to say, keep at it, you've made the choice to stop so YES YOU CAN DO IT, welcome to the forum NON smokers ;)



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The main reason I'm doing it (and struggling damned hard today) is fear.

I read/heard a while back that a link has been found between arthritis of the knees (whch I have) and lung cancer.

Like all smokers I ignored it and lit up. Then hubby came home one day to say he'd seen a woman he'd known for years, she'd been for a blood test for her arthritis and somewhere along the line they found she had lung cancer.

So, although I have for a long time wished I was a non smoker, now I have fear to help me. I couldnt bear the thought of telling my children I was going to die. And thats the bottom line.


Have a cheerful weekend wont you????? xD:o

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