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I'm going to two this term but both related to Children's Centres rather than EYFS really -engaging the most excluded families and something about observing and assessing babies and toddlers I think. I'm waiting for the Summer Term programme to come out....

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Hi! Dudley LEA offered 2 hour briefing to "all practitioners" in August, so I went along, sat through it as the only childminder present and was then asked (by the trainer!) to attend "childminder only" session in September. I did, and it was ok but no information on observations, assessments and planning which we were all keen to have.

2 sessions - 2.5 hours each starting next week "EYFS principles into practice (childminders)"

At the Network meeting last week we were asked what issues we would like included as the team were having a consultation with the trainer this week to address them. Last minute or what? - 1st session is next Tuesday! :o

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Hi everybody. I am looking at the sort of training settings are receiving with regards to the EYFS. I would be grateful if you could answer the following question:


What training have you received regarding the new Early Years Foundation Stage?


1) Attended briefing session

2) Have attended training

3) Enroled on future training

4) No training planned that you are aware of


I would also be grateful if you could let me know what local authority your setting is in, but this is not absolutely necessary if you don't wish to divulge this information.


Many thanks



Only second time I have used this site and still unsure if I am doing it right to reply?!

Hi Linda,

My LEA is Leicestershire and have had initial training for EYFS in autumn 2007 and planning, obs and assessing training in Jan 2008. Also was given special packs for cascading information to rest of staff. Been really useful.



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A warm welcome from me too, Sharon! I STILL haven't got the hang of quoting other people like you have so you're obviously settling in well! :o

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Interesting reading, I have delivered the briefing to LA colleagues, Headteachers including an overview of the welfare requirements, Maths Coordinators, 2 x sessions for FS coords to get into the main themes and approaches, more happening over the next few terms. EYATs are doing same for PVIs.


HOWEVER - the EYFS isn't new stuff, we all know what good practice is and my approach is to encourage settings/schools to take this as an opportunity to review their provision etc using eyfs as an audit (we do provide an audit document) and then action plan their responses. We can then support specific needs rather than providing just a best guess at what everyone wants to know. We provide a training offer that we have audited against EYFS and have filled gaps we have found. Our training is colour coded against the 4 themes so settings can easily see if this meets their identified needs. I want a proactive approach!


There isn't a one size fits all approach I think - each setting will have different needs and be at different points so as LA consultants we are in the invidious position of trying to please all the people all the time!


To be brutally honest we don't get "special" info about it, all we have been given is the LA briefing pack. Everything else has been the work of individuals/teams working together - we have just had to use our common sense, experience and professionalism to read the document and understand how it will work in practice. A bit like everyone else really.



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yes thats what ive decided to do Catma,introduce the framework the whys and what fors then look at different parts of it for example planning and obs/key workers what does it propose? What do we do now? and what can we do to meet the new requirements if we are not already. As i have gradually steered us away from planning weeks in advance and this will be one of the last steps we take. Through good forward planning it also ties in with one of my targets at uni so hopefully lots will be achieved.

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That's kind of my point - it's really hard to pitch training and often has to work from the botom level up and so anyone else who has more experience etc may well find it covering what they already know. It's not as if anything NEW has been added to EYFS from the care standards/FSCG/BT3 so you probably will know whatever the trainers are saying and the more experience you have the more famliar it will all be! That's why it's really hard as we are trying to cover all the different needs from across a VERY wide and diverse sector.

Cx :o

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Only second time I have used this site and still unsure if I am doing it right to reply?!

Hi Linda,

My LEA is Leicestershire and have had initial training for EYFS in autumn 2007 and planning, obs and assessing training in Jan 2008. Also was given special packs for cascading information to rest of staff. Been really useful.




Hi Sharon


Welcome to the forum. You lucky thing having had obs and assessment training. As well as a pack for cascading information!! I just had to right note and hope my brain didn't fail me!



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I do appreciate that there are varying degrees of knowledge out there and that it must be difficult to pitch the same session at different levels. Most of our training though is delivered by our early years advisory teachers and development workers, who have a very good idea what experience and knowledge settings are bringing.

That really wasn't what my query was about. I thought LA's were supposed to deliver training on the EYFS and it would seem that some areas are getting quite in depth training and others are getting very little.

I know that there aren't great changes in the document but sometimes it's good to get together with others just for reassurance. I have decided to use most of our inservice training sessions to pick through it with staff so that they feel comfotable with the document and I know I haven't missed anything.


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From what I've read the main thing people will need to be doing is observing and assessing. Luckily I've still got observation handouts from my training days to refresh my memory on one or two aspects. I also found these to give me a nudge.

For anyone who also has a bit of a memory lapse hopefully you'll find these useful



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Hi Linda,


I am a Registered Childminder, and my LEA is Birmingham.


I went on an EYFS briefing session in November, 2007, and have just started training sessions for EYFS obs training, which is three sessions.


I've made a start anyway!


With regards



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I would like to say that I went to my EYFS training yesterday (Somerset LEA) and the training was really good.


The trainer was very clear and concise and made us do exercises to understand how we are already meeting all of the principles. She really made us all think about our own practice and how we will begin to implement.


There was a childminder on my course, its good to hear how others will be using the EYFS.


We don't get that much training offered in this area so it was good to have such a well prepared EYFS Awareness session.


No jellybabies though!!

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Hi everybody. I am looking at the sort of training settings are receiving with regards to the EYFS. I would be grateful if you could answer the following question:


What training have you received regarding the new Early Years Foundation Stage?


1) Attended briefing session

2) Have attended training

3) Enroled on future training

4) No training planned that you are aware of


I would also be grateful if you could let me know what local authority your setting is in, but this is not absolutely necessary if you don't wish to divulge this information.


Many thanks


Hi Linda


Wirral LEA


Had brief briefing!! and altho training dates are set, we havent been offered any yet



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