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i have moved to reception this year from year 2 and am struggling to get to grips with everything! have just heard that i am going to be moderated next week, this will involve observing 3 children (mixed ability) doing a child initiated or adult framed activity focussing on CLL and creative developmet, does anyone have any ideas on th kind of activity i could set up for this - all ideas greatly appreciated!

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Hi Amylou and welcome.


Have you been given any pointers as to which CLL aspect?


You could do something with speaking and listening perhaps, following instructions for example to develop a creative skill within exploring media?


Maybe they shouldnt be linked at all though?

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Guest tinkerbell

With Mothers day comming up I am going to do lots of talking about our mums and get the children to paint a picture of their mums,this will be adult led and the adult will do lots of talking with the children in the painting activity.

A writing activity ,not necessary at the same time? could be message s to their mums,again this could be an adult led activity.


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thanks for the suggestions, as far as im aware it can be any aspect of CLL but they have asked that where possible the activities should be child inititated! i guess i could set up a CLL and a creative activity for the children to explore and hope that they choose to do them!


was trying to link the two initially but maybe it would be best to leave them as seperate activities?

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I have a moderation coming up too and I haven't quite figured out what to do yet!


I don't see a problem with having the same activity to cover both as areas overlap anyway, but it may be better to just have two clear cut activities and go from there.


Good luck with it and don't forget to let us know what you did and how it went.

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We,ve been told that 80% of our evidence informing our assessments must come from child initiated activities otherwise we won't be 'ticked off' as successfully moderated. Think it would be good idea to have some child initiated activities going on when moderator comes in.

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As a moderator I would want to see the children in the setting, but would just be observing them in the room doing whatever they are doing. I look at the type of provision and see if the aspects I'm moderating are accesible through the provision, either general or adult provision for specific activities etc and I chat with the children about things they have done e.g. things they like making. I can't really see how they can dictate what the children would be doing as this becomes a more formal "set up" observation. However as said all LAs are a bit different in their approach. The main objective though is to quality assure your judgements, so the moderator would have to know what you think in advance through discussion or your records etc.


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i have various different areas that the children can access freely, such as literacy area, art area etc but what the children choose to do that day will depend on what is observed.


totally agree that if you set the activity up then it isnt child-initiated nor is it if you direct them to it!


havent seen the profile handbook so il go in search of that tomorrow-thanks!

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Hi, just wanted to let you know that we had our first moderation two week ago and it was really showing evidence of what we have already done and how we mark it against the profile. For creative we showed some of the work that the children had done from collecting items off the craft table by choice. Then on sheets that are headed with the area of the profile that it covers we added a photo a statement of what the child had said about his work and circle all the boxes that it covered. Another one was pictures of the children outside on a rainy day, where they had realised that when they stood in a puddle and then on to the pavement the pattern of their shoe was left behind, this was child initiated and covered the creative, CLL, and PSRN area. They were very pleased with the way that we evidenced everything. The CLLareas were mainly done in the role play area by adding a few items and letting the children decide what they wanted to do with them. One child said they were going camping with the big bags that we put in so we shuffled the furniture and made a tent/den to go with his idea and they loved it. Children and moderater both liked it. I think that they are mainly looking for how you evidence your findings. I hope that you can understand what I am going on about. good luck with moderation.

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I have a moderation in a couple of weeks too. I've been told that in my LEA one thing that moderators are looking for is that children can reach all of the different Profile Scale Points in the appropriate areas of the Unit. For example, there should be resources to encourage retelling narrative in the reading area so that children have the opportunity to achieve Reading Scale Point 7. It sounds a bit obvious now that I've written it down but I've not gone round the areas in my setting looking the the Profile before, I'm sure I'll find a few things to tweak!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Amylou,

I have my moderation person coming round next week. We are also focussing on CLL and Creative Dev. (Perhaps we work for the same authority) Anyway, can you advise me how you set up your day and how things went.

Thanks a mill


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Hi Elbee

When we had our visit a couple of weeks ago we just ran the day as normal and the moderators (4 of them!) spent time in a room looking at our profiles then a long time watching and talking to children.

They also looked at CD and in the report mentioned that without a permanent Music Area children wouldn't be able to reach the higher CD Profile Scale Points. This was an aside though and the important things were

1 - how secure our judgements were and

2 - how rigorous our assessment systems were.


Our moderators were very nice and gave us good ideas and advice on being more rigorous which we can use straight away.


I found the best things I did before the day was making sure I was as up to date with possible with assessments, having the Unit looking tidy and a few interesting resources and activities out. They loved when we went with what the children wanted and planned to do.


They were very fair and made some comments about 1 particular child who they thought we were under assessing. We argued our case that what they had seen on that day was exceptionally good for him and they took it on board.


Hope your day goes well. We found it a bit stressful at the time (especially coming 3 weeks after Ofsted) and we’re glad it’s over but it was really helpful in giving us an impetus and support to improve our assessment.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm so annoyed! ours got cancelled due to the person doing it having an ofsted. We were meant to rebook once we had moved to our new class base so I phoned them up and the moderater who was supposed to see me thought that I had been seen and didn't realise until a meeting they had the day before that no-one had been out!


Still don't have a date for it :o


I can see that its a good thing for them to visit the settings instead of teachers meeting at a cluster to discuss their judgements, but I do miss meeting other reception teachers and sharing expertise.

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