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Bbc Whistleblower Programme


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Please watch BBC 1 Tonight at 8 Pm regarding a private nursery and post back tomorrow!!!!!

Why are they targeting only private settings. Another nail in the coffin??? I will wait until I see it but it apparently is really bad example of setting but we are not all like that. In fact I would say the opposite is true. Perhaps the BBC would like to visit a private setting that has quality staff and standards. You are welcome to come to mine. Both sides of the coin!!!!!

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I was shocked to read the article about the programme in the Daily Telegraph this morning. I know from reading about all your settings and personal knowledge of settings I visited when I was teaching reception that there are so many people doing an excellent job. These sort of programmes try to do so much damage to the profession! :oxD

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The setting is the one where a child died , choking on an apple, a while back. It has since closed, or is about to. And no, an excellent setting would NOT make good viewing - people appear to only want the vicarious thrill of villifying something second hand. If we had more quality tv these days, it'd make a change.


Yes, it makes us mad, but it's the same mentality that makes papers turn perfectly good Ofsted reports into a doom-laden warning of how unsafe all childcare provision is.


No, I won't be bothering!



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I will wait for some one to tell me the worst which I'm sure they will. I did thinknI would put out a notice to paents to invite them in to spend some tiem in the seting if they are worried after seeing the program. Nice things happening in all the other groups as Sue said don't make good viewing. Same reason why people watch horror films!!!!!!!

To see the horrible side of life.

The shame is that people will watch and make their own opinions.

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I've just been reading the BBC website about it and they say it was an OFSTED inspector who rang the whistleblowers last year to 'tip them off' about nurseries. This inspector told them that out of over 700 nurseries she inspected only 5 she would choose to put her own children in.


This is what Im repeating off that website - its bbc's website.

I don't know, I will watch it like and catch up with you all later





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Just watched this. The only thing I can say is that there should have been an example or 2 of good nurseries, not just all bad. But as people say only bad news is worth making. The strange this is that I have visited a couple of nurseries siimliar to this, Low staff morale etc, etc. BUT most settings I have seen have been very good because of managers understanding their role etc not like the ones one from these settings.


Now for the manager saying well we have enough for the ratio overall ummmmmmmmm no if there are 9 babies it requires 3 staff not 2 and the 3rd elsewhere in the building. I am just pleased that they have finally shut the nursery down, I hope that the children have a better quality care elsewhere in the local area.



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Yeah I agree Beth they could have shown some good practice!!


Footage that they showed was shocking like - when the workman were in sorting the radiators and the babies sand with the little sign things in!!


Can't beleave the ratios comment - so much to talk about with that programme!



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Guest Wolfie

I too watched the programme - mainly because I know everyone will be asking me tomorrow if I did! Agreed, there needs to be some balance in these programmes......but of course it is shock horror bad practice that makes good TV, isn't it? :o


However, I have a close friend who used to be an Ofsted inspector and she would endorse the comments made by the Whistleblower that Ofsted is more interested in meeting targets than the quality of the inspections done. It was the reason that she left...

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Just picked my jaw up off the floor!!!!!!!!


Wonder how Ofsted feel about being on the other end of a report like this. This shows them in a shocking light.


By the end of this program I truly felt for these poor children and their parents. Hope it hasn't caused them any lasting damage.


My friend works in a private day nursery and it couldn't be more different. She is a loving and dedicated worker and is part of a qualified professional team. I have been in her nursery many times and have seen for myself the happy and well looked after children there. Why can't they show places like this then!!

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O boy! nurseries, Ofsted, childminders - we all got our share didn't we?

I can honestly say though that I can understand the whistleblowers concerns. I know of childminders in my area who I wouldn't use having seen them out and about with children. It's still too easy for them to put on a good show for Ofsted at inspection time, particularly as they can tell almost to the day when the Inspector will arrive!

Shame on them - gives us all a bad name! :o

Sadly programmes like this cause worry for parents but offer little information on how to choose a good setting/childminder or what to do if parents have concerns after watching. Think I'll post the complaints procedure & Ofsted contact details up tomorrow & direct parents concerns to them!

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Really bad management issues :(

Also just finished a b...... assignment on quality and principles in EY sector.

points I was making was that ofsted reports measure the quality of your setting!!! and the new EYFS framework will help to ensure ALL children recieve good quality care Hmmm xD

Already ten percent over word count!! But can i really not make ref now!! :o

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well she seemed very nice with the children but not without any expereince and we would of definalty checked her ref. but if the whistle blower is saying that ofsted are not pulling the bad practice up and turning a blind eye!! then surely quality can not be measured effectively?

Edited by Andreamay
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didn't have a chance to watch it - was in a meeting - my second tonight - husband phoned me (he works away all week) in between meetings and couldn't record it - hopefully staff will have recorded it and hubbie will tell me all about it!!!

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The good thing about the programme was that it did raise the issue of low pay equalling low staff moral etc and the fact that more government funding was needed! The fact that the girls in the nursery were being paid £100 per week was shocking!


Of course all the other things being raised were truly awful but like everyone else has said, there are lots of good Nurserys with qualified and dedicated staff!

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Why can't we see a programme that at least compares the good and the bad?

I was truly shocked at the content of the programme. We are so tightly governed in Scotland by the Care Commission, HMIE and Disclosure Scotland, I would hope that none of the private nurseries here are like that. I have every faith in my daughters nursery and the team of carers and educators that work there. Without all you dedicated people providing a service, I would never have been able to go back to my teaching job. Well done to everyone in the private sector, you're doing a grand job!!

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:o I'm quite keen to see how Ofsted respond to this programme. Their credibility has been questioned, surely they'll have to answer the targets vs child safety issue if nothing else?

Pre- Ofsted (if you can recall it) Social Services used to do pre-registration visits for childminders & any improvements or training had to be sorted before registration was granted. I wonder how many incidents/accidents/complaints occur in the first 6 months of registration? (ie the leeway allowed for first aid training or safety equipment to be sourced)

The poor staff in the nurseries shown all had their concerns about ratios dismissed and resigned in protest - that shows their level of commitment to the children in their care. They should be proud of themselves!

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Very distressing programme with examples of the worst practice.


Just wish Whistleblowers could have shown examples of good practice in the good settings up and down the country. But as has been said that wouldn't make sensational headlines.


With regard to the Mark Warner holidays. Am glad that they have stopped the practise of listening outside children's rooms as a means of checking they are ok and now use a creche service (I think) but I feel that the parents must take responsibility for using this service which to me seems wholly inadequate. Simply listening outside a child's room cannot guarantee a child is OK.

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Im sure that the dedicated practitioners here do run not nurseries/settings like that but dont you think that the parents out there who are looking for childcare need to be aware of some of the things to look out for, which this programme has highlighted.


I have to admit that I thank my lucky stars that I didnt have to go back to work when mine were tiny and that they refused to go to the holiday clubs that we had so carefully chosen those holiday locations for!!!

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I wonder how many good settings she tried to get into before finally finding some who didnt think checks were important? Like Inge pointed out, would she have got into any of your settings? I doubt it!

I've seen plenty of places I wouldnt recommend for a variety of reasons, but none like that, although the low morale and young girls with lack of experience and poor training are abundant.


I was once told that Ofsted dont give inadequates or close places down because its too much paperwork. Plenty of us on here have been on the receiving end of an inspector who doesnt follow the rules and who skims over things we ourselves would like raised and spoken about.

I hope soeone from Ofsted was watching and bowing their heads in shame

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i too have just watched the programme and as a general manager of a childcare company i was shocked too by what i saw, and do agree that they will only show the worst - good pratice and committed staff does not make interesting viewing, i only hope that this doesnt worry some parents who already may feel guilty for having to leave their children in nurseries and these sort of programmes do not help at all. its a great shame they didnt give some examples and quotes from other early years practitioners - people like ourselves who could reassure the public and show evidence of our good practice and our dedication to providing the best = but we all know that we cn sleep tonight with the assurance that none of this happens in our settings

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