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Help I Need Some Help! Please

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I became the playleader of a setting with no policies, no rountine, no regular staff but it did have staff who had fag breaks, confused parents, children rushing about and in those days shocking social sercives reports.

Make a list of what needs to done, i used to take pen and paper to bed with me!

Create a action plan from your list and work through it. You will be surprised how much you can achive. You will find so much support and help on here, you will get through it and belive me it is so rewarding when you can reflect back and see the changes.

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I have just recived some information from the chair person. xD I have discovered that their is a sort of long term plan, based on each term i.e. autumn 1 ourselves and an area of learning and development i.e Personal, Social and Emotional development. :o:(


Right I must go and get ready for work, staff meeting this afternoon as well will be back sometime in the late afternoon.





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Hi Beth


We're due to have a training night at our nursery on a different and apparently much easier planning system which also will transfer well into the new foundation stage. If you would like, i could post you the new sheets. According to the early years advisory teacher, they went into one nursery that was going to be due an inspection where the planning wasn't good at all. Ofsted was quite impressed with the planning system they had.

The training isn't until the 7th of April, but i could download what they give me if that's any help.


I've included the type of planning we're using at the minute. The weekly sheets and daily evaluation might be ok just until then. Would the staff not be able to remember the format of the planning the've been doing? If they can, i'd draft a few sheets together so it's something they're familiar with. (If the attatchments don't come up, i'm sorry as i've never done it before)


Good luck







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hi Beth, i too found myself in a similar situation when taking over as supervisor in my Pre-school last Easter

Welcome to the Forum, debatwrittle!


Congratulations on making your first post - here's to many more...


Isn't it amazing how many of these replies are saying "me too, I did that!". Good to know you're not alone, Beth!



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I have got lots of email attachments from the chair person. There seems to be some form of planning but based for the Foundation Stage not B23 matters. xD


Meeting went well, I have to write up what was said, I need to contact the adveisory (sp) teacher to see if they can come in and help us update the Keyworker and planning system, poor lot don't know where they are going. They are happy for me to be there and get the preschool into a better conditon.


I had a very busy day today, visitors turned up regarding a place at preschool, could we find anything - no(waiting lis is a mess) , then a tutor of a student turned up. And then after a short while another visitor turned up wanting a place at preschool. Oh well I am going to 'lock myself away in a cupboard' well more like a side room :o so I can sort out the nice messy files so I know where everything is and try to get sorted for another visit. Roll on Thursday when I can have a rest, no chance I need to sort things out and study for my FD!




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hi i have some advise on polices. I had no polices so typed in google playgroup polices there are loads of playgroups willing to share their policies. It took a lot of typing but i just adapted them to suit our setting.


we are still struggling with planning and assesements how to plan for the individual children interests and the biggest problem assessing and recording


i spend hours on hear reading what others do


good luck



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First a big welcome to debatwrittle. xD


Beth1, I am so excited for you, it seems that your new colleagues are welcoming you with open arms (and so they should).


I would advise to get yourself a large lined notepad and write yourself a daily, say, bullet point style diary of all the things you think of, start, and do. Date each page. This will ensure Ofsted see all that you have done, are planning to do. And will be a good place for reference for you. I know in the past if I had too many things to think about, I used to think of a great idea, but then forget it, so write them down. Maybe ask your staff to do the same, things that can be discussed in future staff meetings.


Lots of good advice already, I echo, take things one step at a time, delegate and involve all staff. A person involved in the ideas, planning of change can impliment it more easily than a person who needs to be 'taught' about a system that they have had no part in developing.


Just one more thing for your 'to do' list, look at the last Ofsted report, have the actions been addressed?


You may find my blank SEF format, found in the resource section a good way for all your staff to write down what the setting does well, and what they feel are the action points, clearly identified within each of the 5 outcomes. Their perspective will be day to day practice where as yours is that AND at management level. Both perspectives can be useful to each other.


Please, don't get too bogged down, ensure you find time to relax, don't work past the midnight hour :o , A tired, stressed, overworked Beth will be no good to yourself or others. also


HAVE CONFIDENCE IN YOUR OWN KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIES- yes spend time searching the forum and considering others ideas but if you know what you NEED to do, want to do, how you want to do it, on any part of your role, DO IT, don't waste time looking for assurance, because we know you can do it, so have self faith. :(



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I have had a very busy first week, not had much time to sit down and spend time with the children (hoping for more time after the hols).


I spent:


Monday watching the children and staff interact and come up with ideas on what needs doing.


Tuesday having 2 sets of parents visiting for places in preschool, very hard day not enough time to do anything and chairing a staff planning meeting.


Wednesday another parent visiting for a place in preschool, and going through the folders to see what is where.


Thursday in a room with a few folders, seeing what the waiting list is like (it is based on date of birth) and making sure all children have registration forms (must make sure all who haven't got one should fill it in). I still haven't sorted out the waiting list as we have another parent wanting a place (need to ring them up but don't know when's best considering we are off for 2 weeks)


My goodness me no wonder I am tired. I am looking forward to going back after the hols with hopefully the folders sorted out, a new room layout, an action plan of what needs doing and hopefully some idea of how to fill out the Nursery Education Funding forms (look very confusing indeed). And not to metion trying to complete assginment work ready for May 08 planning to get at least one wrote up in draft form.


Peggy I am getting around to getting your SEF form to do after the holidays, it will be needed as there is nothing at the moment. The staff is fairly new so I am not sure what do to about the action needed from OFSTED?




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What are the last Ofsted reports actions?

Could this be something to look at together with all your staff?


Could te funding forms be delegated to the Committee treasurer?



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I too am in a similar situation but with the added frustration of being on a temporary contract until end of summer term before we are taken over by adjoining school when the post will be advertised. I have been acting up from my previous assistant position the current deputy has no interest in being supervisor (I have just taken EYPS awaiting results.)


There is so much to do and like you it is a struggle to know where to start. I have made it my utmost priority to ensure that the children are enoying themselves and know clear boundaries and the parents are satisfied that the children are playing and learning. I am tring to clearly define each area and eliminate clutter!!!


The planning needs sorting out so thanks for the posts as I always like to see how everyone else works. I find that I try out something new but then need to tweak it and still haven't found anything which I really like yet. The folders are starting to sort themselves out and the number of children at the setting is on the up which can only mean that the parents are happy.


I agree with everyone one step at a time. Now my EYPS is complete I do actually feel like I can say that's enough now its time for me and my family. I refused to bring home any work this weekend!!!


Of course I am still addicted to this site and have to check every day in case someone has posted something which will be useful at work.

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