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Snow In Kent


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HI all


Happy Easter


It is snowing here in kent but not laying at the moment and the temperature has really dropped.


What it like in your area?


Mind how you all go in your travels and safe journey



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When I got up at 7 it was beautiful with a blanket of snow everywhere .

I am in Batley west yorks

Now the sun is out and the snow has nearly all melted. I like the snow and the sun so I dont mind :o .

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Morning, it was snowing first thing but now changed to sleet!!!!

Happy Easter


Hi Hairymaclary, hows the studying going?

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Heavy snow all day, still falling and laying ( East Anglia) I have had snowball fight.........yippeee!!!! ps is it Christmas or Easter?! how bizarre the weather is!!

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Was snowing during the night in West Yorkshire, I got up at around half four and noticed the lovey white stuff but could not be bothered to walk downstairs to get the camera we had a couple of inches. xD Then I got up at around six just because it was too bright to sleep and there was even more snow falling. I finally got up at ten to find the snow was starting to melt, now there is very little snow left and it is sunny outside. :(


I am confused about the time of year is it Christmas or Easter????? :o



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Morning, it was snowing first thing but now changed to sleet!!!!

Happy Easter


Hi Hairymaclary, hows the studying going?


almost done my first tma. comfortably

what about you?

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Guest MaryEMac

I got up this morning to find everywhere covered in a blanket of snow. It looked gorgeous. We were supposed to be going to a village football team reunion this afternoon but didn't think that we would be able to go. By 2pm when we left, all the roads were clear and most of the snow had gone. Reunion was good, met up with loads of people that I went to primary school with, great afternoon.



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Well we went out after the first football match on tv around 3 pm. The weather was sunny so we drove up t'dales (up the dales) :( and there was not much snow to see. xD As we drove up the road from us we looked back towards the south and there was loads of snow in the fields near to were I work. :( Anyway we had a nice time on the drive, went right upto Harrogate and back down to the Leeds/Bradford airport.


There is a nice fish shop nearby so we stopped for something to eat, well we sat down to eat our meal and the clouds came over that was dark. :o We fiinished our meal and looked outside and saw BIG SNOWFAKES comming down. :( I nearly took the camera but thought better of it now I wished I had taken it with me. :wacko: We made a quick exit home, on the way back the village up on the hill from us on the northside had lots of snow in the fields BUT on the south side it was what snow as we drove into the drive. :rolleyes: xD


Most of the snow as gone or where plied up is turning to icy snow.




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Hi cannonbolt, can I ask what * * chwarae * * dysgu * * tyfu * * means in English please? I don't speak Welsh (my mum does a little as she grew up there) and would love to know. Welsh always looks so beautiful written down, but I can never quite get my tongue around it!! I have trouble with my Essex accent!!

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Hi cannonbolt, can I ask what * * chwarae * * dysgu * * tyfu * * means in English please? I don't speak Welsh (my mum does a little as she grew up there) and would love to know. Welsh always looks so beautiful written down, but I can never quite get my tongue around it!! I have trouble with my Essex accent!!


Great minds think alike! I was intrigued yesterday so found myself a Welsh translation site. It came up with 'Play' 'Learn' 'Grow'. :o

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Sorry I should've put the English translation underneath. :(


Beau I think it's great that you've tried to find the translation - and you're correct. xD


Chwarae - means Play

Dysgu - means Learn

Tyfu - means Grow


Would you like some little phrases to use in your setting lol lol


Amser tacliso - tidy up time

Amser chwarae - playtime or time to play

Amser canu - songtime

Amser cinio - dinner time


I'm not a Welsh medium setting but children are introduced to Basic Welsh so by the time they are 3yrs old can easily count up to 20 and identify their colours etc etc in both languages.

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Thank you for the other phrases. Believe me when I say you would not like to here me saying them!! I just can't get the accent or the sounds.


I know it is a bit cheeky, but is there any chance you could let me know what the colours red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple are? They are our key group colours and we have lots of other languages up but not welsh. As I said my mum grew up in Wales and we all have welsh names (Dilys, Sian and Gareth) so would love to have some welsh in the setting.


Thanks again!

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Shiny....lol I can assure you that Welsh people who don't speak the language also have tremendous difficulties in pronouncing Welsh words :o


It's great that you're taking such an interest - where did your mum grow up?


Here are the colours that you want:


Red - coch (you don't say 'ch' as in church it's more like ch in choir but as if you've got something stuck at the back of your throat ! lol)

Green - gwyrdd (prounced like gwirv)

Blue - glas (like glass but the accent on the 'a'

Orange - oren

Yellow - melyn

Purple - piws or porffor (we tend to say piws - pronounced peuce lol !!)


A simple song I sing with little one's is to the tune of Frere Jacques


la la melyn, la la melyn

po coch, po coch

tinky winky piws, tinky winky piws

dipsy gwyrdd, dipsy gwyrdd



Kat x x

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Thank you very much. I shall make sure they are up after easter half term! I have written down your very super descriptions of how to pronounce each word and will be teaching the children how to say them!!


My mum grew up in the Rhondda. Spent a few holidays there myself!! Also spent a few holidays in Anglesey! Loved it there.


I will attempt the song too. Thank goodness you can't here me!!

Many thanks


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