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Hi... Has anyone got any ideas how i can cover diversity and inclusion in an activity. I have an assessor coming in and i have to do an activity to cover this. Any ideas much appreciated..


Diversity and inclusion in one activity, I find this really difficult because this is all about attitude and I believe continuous provision - ie: role modeling behaviour including everyone, diversity, we are all individual and diverse, positive images of all, etc. To focus on a particular theme from inclusion and diversity, to me is tokenistic.


I appreciatte this is for NVQ is it? At preschool age I would say that children are still learning about their own identity and how they fit in with regards to socially, academically, gender, race, size, views/opinions, etc.


Some activities I have done are:


Making life size models of each other - draw around body on wallpaper, add hair, clothes facial features etc and hang up together on the wall.


Photo puppets, small photo of each child stuck to a toilet roll, used in small world play.


Once we compared length of hair, linning up in order, long to short hair, and took a photo of rear of head to display (celebrating differences). This was child initiated and not planned for.



I made a display board, lots of pictures of childrens faces, stuck on like a collage with the poem "Children learn what they live" in the centre. ( the children could make a collage like this)


The story Elma the Elephant covers differences and inclusion.


Hope this helps, as you can see all my activities involve the children in the setting rather than say doing an activity about 'travellers' which would be out of context. ( except of course using the opportunity at the time we had some Travellers move into our carpark ).

To me these subjects need to be covered in a context that is familiar to the children otherwise these 'abstract' concepts may be missed / not fully appreciated/understood.





It is Narnia, she is coming in next week, she wants to see an activity.....i wanted to do circle time but she said she would rather see an activity during the session thats ongoing.... totally thrown me!!!


For this age of children you really need to start with what they know and understand. Do you have children from a range of backgrounds that you could use as a starting point? Do you have children with special needs at all - make sure that whatever you plan can be accessed by all the children.

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