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Need A Hug


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That's great news Sue! It must be so frustrating for you all but slow but sure is nearly always the best way in these sort of cases.

Take care.


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Well, for better or worse, Steve, I told Mum about you lovely people all rooting for her. She looked at me, a bit nonplussed, squeezed my hand and said " you always had a lot of friends, Susan". Clear as a bell, lovely smile - I'm filling up now, thinking about it.


Sue :D

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Dear Sue


Really pleased to hear your latest news. :D


Your mum's right you have got a lot of friends. Strange world isn't it, most of us have never met, don't know what each other looks like really (apart from a little photo on this site) and yet hopefully we have been of some comfort to you and your family at this difficult time.


Lots of love and best wishes to you and yours,



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Dear Sue


Sorry to hear your news. Hope your Mum is recovering. You're such a kind, giving person on here that everyone will know what a great source of strength you will be for her.


Take care!


Love Angela

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First of all a great big hug to you, I know what you're going through.


It happened to my Mum 8 years ago, she started doing really strange stuff (more strange than usual, anyway) coal in the washing machine, you know the stuff. We took her to the doctor and he said she had bubbles in the brain and it would cure itself. My Dad phoned for a home visit one night, only to be told by the doctors wife to sit Mum in a tepid bath and give her some paracetamol.

It was only the next morning when I went to set a nurse that lived next door, she could see something very wrong and took her to hospital.


She had suffered a series of strokes, although it was some time before this was diagnosed, she had to be transferred to a UK hospital (we live on the Isle of Man) for diagnosis and treatment, during all this my own son got chickenpox and I was not allowed to visit, because I could be carrying the virus!!!!


Anyway, she's still with us, damage to the memory, sight and a little right side paralysis (facially)


Dad now is the worry, he has just been diagnosed with Multiple System Atrophy, a degenerative and non treatable illness. His diagnosis has been full of errors too.

I suppose you have to laugh, if you didn't you might go mad.

We are all going to California 4 weeks tomorrow for 3 weeks, I don't know how I am going to cope with a mother that calls me "cheese" and a father that finds it hard to stand still without falling over!!!!!!!



Thinking of you



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Thanks for the hug.


I've organised some wheelchairs for my dad, so we don't have to watch the "soft shoe shuffle" while we queue for things, and we don't have to listen to my Mum shouting at him to stand still.


Hope things are getting better with your Mum.



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Hi Sue

Just signed on for the first time this week. Really sorry to hear about your mum. Just like to send you and your family my good wishes and another big hug. You must be feeling pretty-squeezed by now!

God Bless

Tracy XX


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Thank you, Susan,

I had a lovely weekend, thanks - a bit wet, but, hey....! xD


Mum is doing OK thanks - was greeted on my return by "Have you had a nice weekend - I'm still waiting for my ******** dinner!" ( Not really rude), we're Londoners , and we are not too fussy with polite language when annoyed! Husband is not, he's from Nottingham, so won't really understand what that meant to me. :o


Was like a tonic. now I know we'll get there!! :D


Sue :D

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Great news Sue! it made me smile too - my mum never said a rude word in her life bless her (not like her daughter!!) the worst she ever said was "damn it" and that was when she was really wound up!


I trailed back and forth to the hospital after her stroke and there she was one day propped up in bed and as I arrived she opened her mouth and said "DAMN IT" after two weeks of total silence it was pure music to my ears :D


I know JUST what a tonic it was for you and its such good news :D:D:D

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Dear |Sue

so glad that your mum is feeling better. You must be relieved. you will be able to spend time with her in the summer break and speed her recovery.

Thinking of you.


Ps. I still think of Les Dawson when i see your icon. I wonder why?!!!! :oxD


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As we're off to Cornwall tomorrow, thought I'd give you lovely people an update here - Mum has really come on in the last few days! She's moving her right leg quite a bit now, even standing unaided for short periods, she'll be walking soon, fingers crossed :) . She still has no feeling in her right arm and hand, but keeps trying, bless her. Her speech is becoming easier to follow, although she is still quite slurred and the odd wrong words pop out - she refers to her physio sessions as 'dancing', which both annoys and amuses her!! :o I suppose it could be considered not far of the mark, as she and Dad always enjoyed dancing and it has been a major pastime for them during their retirement.

I feel much better about going away tomorrow with this improvement - at last I can begin to believe that she will actually get better enough to return home to Dad, where she should be. Did I mention that the stroke happened on their 55th Anniversary. Lousy timing, hey!! :(


Anyway, will keep you all posted, meanwhile, don't forget me in my absence xD and be prepared for freak conditions in the Southwest, we often get 'mediocre' weather. I'm quite looking forward to an update on progress at the Eden Project, we haven't been for a couple of years, it's always really interesting.


Bye all :(


Sue :D

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