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Sure It's Stress!


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STRESS?! Never felt like this before & i'm sure it's stress related.

Symptons: generally feeling fed up, tired all the time, bored, not wanting to go out, no interest in work related things, missed periods.


Diagnosis: STRESS...due to too much work, moving house, E123 & E124. :oxD


Any advice to help ease the symptoms?

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A bit of time doing nothing helps me, be it only 10 mins at a time.

Doing something for yourself not others, a hot bath, or just a quiet sit down..

I often use the good old relaxation technique, of a quiet place, close your eyes and imagine you are somewhere nice and warm lying on a sandy beach, hot sun, sound of sea, relax from toes up making yourself aware of what you are doing... ...... or what ever you like doing most, could be thinking about a long walk in the country, but then I would rather be doing that than thinking about it myself.

finding the 10 mins is the hardest part.


Also have you been inside a lot recently... not enough sun and daylight can give all the symptoms you describe.(SAD).. get outdoors in the daylight a bit more....


.. wine may sound good but remember it is a stimulant so can make stress symptoms worse in some people, does me.


its hard to slow down when you know there is so much that needs doing or has to be done....But if you prioritise those which cannot wait and those which will happily be done later it can help.


probably been told all this before


look after yourself .



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They do say moving house is one of the most stressful things you can do, having done it two years ago the memory is still fresh.


Am currently only doing E124 and suffering from brain overload, forgetful, the lights are on but there's no one home kind of thing! Am looking forward to having the summer off, there is light at the end of the tunnel.


Exercise is good, even if it's just half an hour walking the dog or round the block. Plus as Inge says get out in the sunshine, you might be lacking in a bit of vitamin D.


Seem to be surviving on chocolate and red wine myself but doing something for yourself is another good suggestion.


Look after yourself, get others to help out.


Take care.




PS Inge - just adore your new avatar!

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I agree with others you need to prioritise your time and make sure you give yourself a break - albeit short break - easier said than done I know, but the fact you are realising your own stress symptoms is good it means you can try to do something about it, otherwise you will be feeling worse and then who will do the bazillion things you do!!


Virtual empathy to you - been there, as most of us have at times, look after yourself. :oxD:(:(:( :wacko:

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well, assuming you've been to the doctor, had blood tests etc which rule out the obvious things such as thyroid/anaemia/pregnancy, the i suggest a week off, doing nothing but pampering yourself.....even if that just means curling up on the sofa with a book, undisturbed.Failing that, a good bottle of wine, and lots of good old loving from your other half, while listening to some Marillion..............well, it works for me!! :o

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I took up karate and found a Friday night class-fabulous stress release even if I did scare the sensi with the depth of feeling and loudness of my 'AYE' after every move :o Came home after having shouted and kicked the stress out and then could enjoy my weekend.Unfortunately I've not been for a while following a non karate injury but keep meaning to go back as I miss the release

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(( Mrsb ))


I can really empahise with you. I too have been feeling this way for the past year, since my awful Ofsted inspection, things just seemed to pile up. I am a nursery director and what with the manager, deputy and senior nursery nurse all being on maternity leave i'm pretty much on my own!


Strangely, since taking on the NVQ 4 i have realised that i can't do everything, i started just by leaving work a little earlier than usual on a quiet day just to get my assignments completed and to my surprise everthing was fine on my return!

I then began taking one afternoon off per week and now i have an official day off each week!!


The results have been amazing, i feel much more in control and am achieveing much more in the 4 days at work than i used to in 5.


Is there any way you could possibly arrange a day off each week?

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It is possible to do everything and slow down. I've recently been without my car for almost two weeks, so had to walk to work, shops, bank and still fit in all the usual things. Everything got done but slower. I've got the car back now and just feel like I'm rushing around and not getting anywhere.

Hope you feel better soon, but if you dont then a trip to your GP is advisable :o

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Guest Wolfie

Nothing new to add to what others have said - find some time just for you, do something that you really enjoy and don't feel guilty about it.


Stress does really strange things to people, doesn't it? Lokk after yourself - recognising the symptoms is the first big step to tackling the problem and recovering. :o

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And don't forget the chocolate!!!!




Nothing new to add to what others have said - find some time just for you, do something that you really enjoy and don't feel guilty about it.


Stress does really strange things to people, doesn't it? Lokk after yourself - recognising the symptoms is the first big step to tackling the problem and recovering. :o

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Sometimes it is incredibly difficult to find more time for yourself - especially as the stress/depression is often caused by the fact that you've been trying to do too much for too many people for too long.


I'd advise a trip to the doctor if you haven't done so already - stress and depression are easily confused. Talking about stuff can help too - even if its difficult at first!


I'd suggest chocolate too - but look what happened to me! (size 18 with a size 12 struggling to get out - and that's on a good day) :o Seriously: finding something else that's a bit of a treat such as painting your toenails or whatever might be more healthy as well as either wine or chocolate which can develop into a habit and become part of the problem....


Take care


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Another option would be to defer both E124 & e123 or one of them for a year I did this and have now gone on to complete my F/D I felt better for taking the break and getting other things in my life sorted and then re started the course. Good luck hope things become easier or you very soon

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Mrsb I go through phases like this and the best way I find to get out of it is set myself a target. Book a holiday or have something to aim towards. Get out walking enjoy the lovely weather get away from everything work/course related, the computer, the paperwork everything.


I think it is definitely just your brain and body saying I have had enough now I need some time to unwind and reflect. Definitley some me time is required. What do you find really relaxing? How about a weekend at a spa, saw some good offers on lastminute.com!!

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Hi, I know I suggested chocolate, but I would also suggest a trip to the Doctor's. I felt pretty much like the way you describe and it turned out that I actually have developed an iron deficiency. Apparently normal iron levels are between 12 and 15, mine was 8.7!! Nothing to do with work however but down to being pre-menopausal and particularly heavy "times of the month" times caused it. However with trying to work a 100 hour week and run an home and do my Fd, things got too much for me, I would sit down anywhere and quite literally fall asleep - even in the Doctor's waiting room waiting for the appointment!!! I am now on a course of iron tablets and feel like a new person!!! Full of energy (well almost!!) and manage to get out of bed with a spring in my step now, but most importantly I really really try hard to finish work on time so that I do my 40 hours only and no more, doesn't always work though, but I do try hard!!

Hope I've been of some help to you, and as others have said just getting it off your chest here might well help!!! Good luck!!! (now go and buy a Galaxy Bar lol!!!)




Mrsb I go through phases like this and the best way I find to get out of it is set myself a target. Book a holiday or have something to aim towards. Get out walking enjoy the lovely weather get away from everything work/course related, the computer, the paperwork everything.


I think it is definitely just your brain and body saying I have had enough now I need some time to unwind and reflect. Definitley some me time is required. What do you find really relaxing? How about a weekend at a spa, saw some good offers on lastminute.com!!

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hey sorry to hear you feeling down mrs b, but hey so much sounds advice here that many you can try and pretty sure it will help.

I don't have much time and well have to say I love my garden due to the fact I love being outdoors evening in summer evening I out gardening til sunset sometimes and I find as Inge mentioned winter blues is because lack of daylight.


So reward yourself by going for a walk along the beach, walk in the wood with your family not only kids love it but you will feel great and things will be much clearer to you when you attack things. take time out in the fresh air.


I usually use this but I also have a good friend who listens to me when I feel low and think it goes the other way too.

So maybe you could meet up for a coffee with a good friend, natter and relieve your feelings.


take care now and don't worry too much it will work out.....


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I hope something in the previous posts will help you Mrsb, either to seek medical advice, take a much needed holiday or to cut down on your workload.


Its nice to have someone close to tell your problems to and how lucky are we to have so many people to talk to on here. xD


I do hope you feel better soon - take care. :o

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Guest MaryEMac

Hi, mrsb. just wanted to add my best wishes and hope that you feel better soon. I felt like you a few years ago and I turned out to have an underactive thyroid. So please make time to see your GP and take some time for yourself.


Best wishes, Mary

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Hi everyone, many thanks for all your kind words of advice. I'm feeling a little better....got some much needed sunshine and adult company yesterday withd 2 close friends( & work colleagues) who listened and listened. I did a pregnancy test(!) because my period is now over 2 months late which was negative....didn't expect it to be any different because I've been sterilised for almost 7 years.

Am going to get myself checked out at the docs......my mum reckons it could be the start of the menopause...i'm 42.

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Mums are so helpful, aren't they :o


You probably feel a little better because you've taken the matter in hand and are doing something positive about it. And talking to some friends who really care about you always helps!


Glad to hear you're feeling more positive, mrsb.



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Good Luck Mrs B, I was feeling like you but i was also feeling very sickly, numerous funny stomachs. i went to my doctor who says he thinks i have IBS and excess gas in my stomach which is aggrevated by all the hours i work and the degree i'm doing, he has given me some pills which aren't really helping, now have lots of books on the subject.... more reading!!!!! i'm really struggling to cope every day but hopefully things will get better, i'm just trying to aim for the 6 week summer break and get my assignments done which are due in in may and june... good luck with it. I hope it all works out for you

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