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Hi everyone,


I am a REception class teacher and have our whole class 'parents watching' assembly in June. Our topic around the time will be Elmer and have been tring to find on net if there are either any pre written assemblies for this topic or any of you great people ahve any good ideas.


The expecation is that its 15-20 mins and obviously all singing all dancing kinda styleeee..


any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated! :)


Many thanks in advance


Here is a simple elephant poem you could include if its any use you can add your own actions....

An elephant goes like this and that

He's terribly tall and he's terribly fat

He has no fingers, he has no toes

But Goodness, gracious what a nose!


There is also 'Nelly the elephant' song you could learn. Or you could do an elephant hokey cokey - put your swingy trunks in; your swishy tails in; your big tusks in etc...


There are some other songs on the following website too:




there is also an elephants have wrinkles song on a tumble tots CD. You could also do the down in the jungle song with the washer woman and change the washer woman for jungle animals.


Hope this helps

  • 2 months later...

Sorry it is so late but I only just saw this ...

We did Elmer in the Spring and I thought it might be good to post our script from the assembly. It was based on Elephants and Patterns so it might be good for someone else to tweak.


I am sure it all went well anyway.


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