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Can any one help. I have quiet a few parents that speak only Malayalam I'm not sure if they speak Hindi as well but what we need is some one that can do some translations of policies for us. Have found a company and they charge a fortune so we can't afford them.

I am going to see if the best english speaking parent could do some translating for us but wonder if any one knows of any information that we could give parents in their own language.


thanks steph

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In our county we have a multicultural service attached to the LEA. They provide resources, leaflets and translations. Why not ring your development officer and ask for advice? Maybe you have something similar in your area.

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Most LEAs have a multicultural service or can let you know of a decent lo0cal one. we have found that most of our parents who use Malayalam also use Hindi as well.


If using a DIY translation site do check it by translating it back or using a parent.. we had great laughs from a parent when we asked her to check one for us.... actually said nothing we had asked for!!


Like the idea of software to do it.



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thanks everyone for the quick replies. I have asked our LEA and our Advisory teachers also our Support team that work on all the ethnic supplies but they haven't been able to get to us with any thing. We are not a Borough that is used to other nationalities and as we are the onlyn group with the biggest group of EAL children they really are not helping us at all.

I'll have a look at the sites and hopefully do something for myself. Which is the way most things go in our borough.


Again thanks to you all for the info


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  • 2 weeks later...

:o Sorry everyone have not been able to get back to the question that I asked. I have asked the Children's information Service for translations I have asked Advisory Teachers have also asked our Ethnic Advisers. I am now in the process of doing a questionaire with our EAL children to ask the parents on what they think of our service and what they would like from us in the way of information and what language they would like it in. They have all said that they are very happy with the service all have given 9/10 out of 10. They have mostly said that they are happy for things to be in english, but would be happy for any information in their own language.

I think because we are a small borough with a small ethnic groups the LEA have not got the system in place to help. They are well aware what nationalities we have with us and in the town, but as we have most of our Lead Officers leaving the LEA there is no one to take the initiative except junior staff that are run off their feet trying to cope without defined leaders.


The old adage of to many chiefs and not enough indians is the other way round in our area, too many indians and not enough chiefs. xD:(

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  • 1 month later...

You just need to contact EMAS- Ethnic Minority Achievement Service

They will help with all sorts of ethnic based issues. I have always understood them to be a nationwide organisation not a local one. However I do live in an area with a large ethnic minority so it could be that they are just very active in areas such as mine.

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I am doing a bit of research... they are putting together a toolkit for settings in our area specifically for EAL, and what settings could benefit from , etc.. so just wondered if anyone had used this resource and if it worked.


We do have EMAS and use them but if there was something which was affordable and could be easily changed for individual settings.. as all are so different.


Thank you for your help



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