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Hello all,


This is my new post so hope I'm doing it correctly.


I have just accepted a new position as a nursery teacher and looking for any words of wisen! !




A very excited new nursery teacher x :o

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Welcome to the Forum, lenaberry!


I can't offer you the words of wisdom you're looking for - but its good to hear you're so excited about your new job!


Looking forward to hearing more about you.



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congratulations on your new job and welcome :o .

words of wisdom= Keep calm=keep smiling and keep lots of chocolate for yourself in a drawer.

only kidding. you will love the challenge.

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Hi there.... I'm in exactly the same situation as you! I've just accepted a job for September in Nursery. This will be my first FKS job after three years in KS1 so I'm trying to get my 'early years' head on and get to grips with the new EYFS. I can't actually get hold of a hard copy of the EYFS document so its not a great start!


Claire :o

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Hi and welcome to lenaberry and shoeshopper.


Congratulations to you both on your new jobs. I'm sure you will have lots of fun and you will find lots of help and support here. Im moving in the other direction into KS1 and understand the excitement and trepidation!!!

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Thank-you to you all.


I'm going from reception/year one combined to a straight nursery. So excited but really want to do it well.

Could any one give me advice on how much large and small group time (adult led) they do in a week?


My new setting seems to do a lot of large group time.



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Hello to Lnaberry and shoeshopper. I think you should play your group times by ear. If you are starting in September with a new intake they will not be used to sitting down or listening. My group times at his stage are about 5 mins long and usually consist of action rhymes and familiar Nursery Rhymes and interactive stories. At this stage in the term most of them can manage a range of group time activities 10-15 mins. Small groups run thruoghout the week and are targetted at certain chldren that need particular skills. They tend to be 5-10 mins

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I have a big ask Has any one got any good planning sheets for nursery using the EYFS?


I have spent hours yesterday trying to develop new ones but they all seem to be to unflexible!


Would be grateful of any help.



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The link I used in the previous post doesn't seem to work - don't know why!! :o


Going on the teachernet website should give you the information anyway..........hopefully! :(


I've edited your post to hopefully put in the correct link. Let me know if this is where you wanted to link to! xD

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thank-you to you all.


I'm going from reception/year one combined to a straight nursery. So excited but really want to do it well.

Could any one give me advice on how much large and small group time (adult led) they do in a week?


My new setting seems to do a lot of large group time.



Hi, I'm teaching in reception at the moment, contract ends in July, so seeking work now. I work in a Foundation Stage Unit, the groups for nursery are as follows;

12:40 - 1:pm arrive at nursery- free play, settling in, self registration etc.

  • 1pm- input possibly 15mins; topic based
    1:15- 1:40 - groups outside area, teacher led activity, free play etc
    1:40-2pm- circle time - milk/fruit Phonics based input

2-pm-2:20- above groups


2:20-2:40pm-free play, focused activity etc.

2:40-3:05pm- Carpet time, songs, stories etc.


So they have 3 points during the session where they are on the carpet particpating in a large group.

It seems to work really well!


I'd love a job in Nursery, although reception is rather fun too!!


Hope that gives you some idea of another school based nursery.

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Thank-you for that!

That really helps. It is good to know I was on the right lines with my ideas.

i know I will be using this forum endlessly over the next few months.

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Hi I'm really excited as found out today I will be teaching nursery in sept. Have been in year one this year and really struggled - missed foundation stage!"!! prior to this year I have taught reception for 8 years. I am really looking forward to the challenge of nursery and being able to come back to FS forums!! :: :o

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Welcome Rach!


News to all - have just got a great book in relation to 'the EYFS in practice'. Have just spend a hour looking through a bit of it. Author is Liz Wilcock. Is worth a look at.

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Hi worked in Nursery for 3 years now.

Have youngest children in the afternoon and only do two 5 min whole group times -one at start and one at end of each session. In morning (older children) have 3 whole group times of about 10 mins each time.


We do one adult focused activity each day for four days a week and concentrate on observing and developing social, emotional skills one day a week. The day changes each week. Key person in the main does the adult activity (for there own group of children) which gives the remainding adult time to observe each day. Only been working like this for a term and it is going well.

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Hi LenaBerry - I have just started working on some medium term planning using EYFS which will run from Nursery through our Foundation classes into our F/Y1 class. They are very much in the early stages of development - and unfortunately I've been working on them in isolation as our Reception teacher has decided to retire, my Nursery teacher is off sick and the other staff in the department are either NQTs or part time- you're welcome to a copy and I'd welcome any comments and suggestions you might have :o

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Thank-you that would be great. You sound like you have your hands full at the moment.

Any help with this planning even in the early stages would be fab.

My email is *********


Thanks again. x

Please pm to get email address


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  • 2 weeks later...
Welcome Rach!


News to all - have just got a great book in relation to 'the EYFS in practice'. Have just spend a hour looking through a bit of it. Author is Liz Wilcock. Is worth a look at.



Where can I get my hands a copy of that book?

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  • 2 weeks later...

my books - Liz Wilcock one and Supporting every child's learning across the Early Years Foundation Stage by Vicky Hutchin - arrived today and I am actually really looking forward to reading them!! Got them both from Amazon

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