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Job... What Would You Do?

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HI All


I have found a job closer to home for an Early Years Manager. I have received the details and it really interests me...

However this is my dilemma


My partner and me have been trying to conceive for nearly 7 years. I have been having regular acupuncture and things look to be going thr right way. My acupuncturist is hopeful. I feel tht It is time to move on with my teaching career as I have been at my current setting for 6 years, and made many improvements. However in the back of my mind is the thought is it right to move on? What happens if we do fall pregnant.... is this fair on the new school.... but If I don't I am holding back for what ifs again. I know I need to go and look around the school and see if it is for me.


But any comments woud be welcomed. What would you do?





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Guest Wolfie

Hi Lorna! Oooh, decisions, decisions, it's never easy is it! If I were you, I'd definitely go and have a look around the school -something in that visit might make the decision for you either way. I have been in a very simialr situation to you in the past and I know that it almost feels as though you're putting your life "on hold" and waiting for the decision to be made for you, doesn't it? If you like the school, and everything feels right about the job, I would say apply - whatever happens in the future, things will work out fine - don't worry about the ifs and buts, do what is right for YOU now.


I wish you all the very best with the acupuncture - a good friend of mine had exactly the same treatment for the same reasons...and Catherine is now 9! :o

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Hi Lorna,

I would suggest, like Wolfie, that you go and look at the school and make your decision on those grounds. You can not live your life on an "if" and a "maybe", although I know how hard that can be not to, sometimes. Make the decision that is right for you now and manage whatever comes after, afterwards.

Good luck with both.

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Live for today, not for 'if's, buts and maybe's'..........................go for what you need now, not for what you might have in the future.So, go and have a look, and if you like what you see, then apply and fingers crossed you get it.You never know, a more relaxed job, closer to home, might be just what you need to help with the other plans you are making!!

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Go for the new job. The most important thing is you are happy and do what is right for you and your circumstances now. Don't live for the "IF" I am sure you have put your life on hold hoping for years - I know I did. You need to be happy - best treatment ever.


10 years ago, I took a training job - I too was having lots of fertility treatment at the time (even on the day of the interview) . But never had regrets - loved the job, worked really hard and it was fab - lokking back really glad I was in a position to take that job it has shaped my future. Any way had Sam through IVF (fully supported by my new boss) and he's now 8 and I loved my job so much I went back. hey presto Alex turned up a year later.


Good luck with the new job and look forward to seeing you around in Hampshire

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Been there in the same situation and made the wrong decision putting loyality to current work place before fresh horizons 'just in case' you MUST go for it.

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lots of advice and some really good ones too!

so nothing to add except

GOOD LUCK in everything and may you both get some very happy news soon

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just wanted to say visit the setting then make your decision. I regret not going for the interview for my ideal job because we were going through fertility treatment at the time. Like others have said you cannot worry about what ifs, you must do what you feel is right for you. good luck whatever you decide.

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Good luck Lorna, have read the advice with interest and I think I would agree with others, what will be will be - try not think about what if......everything crossed for you for the fertility treatment. :oxD

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well got past the first hurdle.... Have been invited for interview next Friday.

I have to teach a Reception class/ group for 20 minutes (liteacy activity with some modelled writing)- Although Friday Afternoon.

Then a presentation-My vision of outstanding Early Years practice.


Will let you all know how it goes.


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Well the interview, presentation and teaching went fine.....

2 hours deliberation for the interview panel to decide.....


I didn't get the job.... not enough management experience a very close second.


But a good experience.


Thank you all for your support

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Sorry to hear you didn't get it Lorna, but as you say good experience. Good luck with acupuncture and let's hope another job opportunity comes up soon too with you in pole position!



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