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I have been in Foundation satge for sometime now and i have begun to loose my way. it all started after i returned from materinity. I love the children, i teach reception, and i am in a fantastically understanding school but i just feel that it is all getting too much. I have responsibilities for lots of areas and find it takes so much of my time. i love thinking of new topics to do with the children and sometimes changing everything adn doing something else. am i waffeling!

here it is. I am in a one form entry school probably like many of you, but i enjoy planning with others. It was not so bad before i had my little girl but now planning just seem to take me ages and i just cannot find a format i like to plan on.

What i was thinking was if Steve or anyone could set up somewhere where those of us who want to can upload our planning to share with others and surely this would help everybody. Please don't think i want somthing for nothing, i hav elots of activites i am willing to share too but sometimes a fresh look at the same topic can be a breath of fresh air-espeially when you are on your own. If anyone is interseted or knwo how we could go about doing this i would be inerested in becoming involved. Thanks for reading this post

Natasha x


Hi Natasha

Im going to move this into the planning section!

As has been suggested, the resurce library could be a good place o start but also if you search in the planning are there was a lot of plan sharing a couple of years ago and you might find something there that you like.

Planning is quite unique to the individual, it has to work for you and it should be a working document, be flexible and adaptable.

It does sound as if it is not so much the way you plan but ideas to share that you are looking for and a search in both the places I have suggested might give you some ideas otherwise you could try some more specific requests!

Good luck, it can be lonely on your own I know but I am sure you are doing better than you think you are.

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