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I am preparing a report along with the child's key person for a child who attends our setting with Autism who currently has one to one support , his parents have requested a statement for him. The report format has been given too me but as it is my first time of doing one like this I wonder if anyone could offer any advice to me. Obviously this report will determine how much support he will receive in school. He has been offered a place at the local mainstream school but his parents are undeceided about where to send him and are visitng other schools in the area.


I did wonder about speaking to the mainstream schools SENCO but am not sure about this?



Guest Wolfie

What sort of setting are you in smiles? Have you got an early years SENCO advisory team that could help and advise you?


Sorry, Im in a Preschool. Report is bascically about his strengths and weaknesses and what works with him. He accesses the activities and expereinces but with adult support otherewise he tends to just wander about.






Have also done this for a child with global developmental delay, also receiving one-to-one in a preschool setting going to local village school in September. Statement has come through for the child. We are also in Essex so it could be a similar form. Maybe I can help?




Not too far away, I'm near Saffron Walden Let's see what we can do tomorrow



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