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Different Eyfs Training


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I recently attended the EYFS training delivered by my LEA and found it very informative and helpful and I have since delivered it to all my staff through in house training and have been asked to deliver it to the childcare lecturers at the local college.


My deputy had the good fortune of attending the EYFS training delivered by the same LEA last week (different trainers) and I am shocked at how many things were not highlighted upon or even mentioned as part of the training.

Areas not included were :-


Learning Journals - not mentioned

Home Visits - not mentioned

Consultations - not mentioned

PLODs - Skimmed over

Planning - Skimmed over

Parent Observations - not mentioned

to name a few.


She only knew about them from my training.

I am just wondering if other courses discussed these areas or did I just have a very comprehensive trainer.


net x

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Ours was very vague too more stressing the importance of continual provision and the welcoming and inspiring environment than anything else.



Less than half an hour of the 2 day course was spent looking at planning!

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Hi - two of my colleagues went on a "look, listen & note" course - two different trainers, though in same location - both courses did not cover the same things ? very inconsistent - hence when they fed back the questions between them "were you not told that on your course" etc, etc, - who knows is my view - training in my area extremely poor :o Dot

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thats just part of the probelem.. every LEA hads different training as well as the differing trainign witin LEASs..ours had the overview and then just 1 day covering everything! But since then in cluster meetings also covered bits and pieces, the whole country seems to be having such different input for what is supposed to be a uniform or overall thing.. and of course as always will the inspectors also have such differeing training and outlooks?


Makes a bit of a mockery of the whole thing.



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When you lot above this post can count yourselves lucky... birmingham have had diddly squat other than a half day briefing session on 'An introduction the the pack' xD This was not very well advertised at all and I even ended up attending on a Saturday morning- grumble grumble grumble :o

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it does seem to vary according to who you get and what area you come from, my training was very good apart from the lack of planning training even though this was ment to be the whole of day 2 my deputy's was less informative generally and left her doubting the whole necessity to spend 2 days each on courses that the trainers seemed to be making up as they went along!! :o

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Guest Stalbans

I am due to go on a one day course at the end of this month and am now concerned that its going to bring up more questions than answers

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Dudley training was dire - powerpoint presentation of cards (which they read out to us!) handouts (of the powerpoint presentation!) no time to ask questions (you weren't allowed to interrupt as you'd break their "flow") and nothing about planning, observations & assessments - they'd cover that on another date. To date, I've attended 1 afternoon session & 3 evenings after childminding all day!!!!!!!!!!


However, on a POSITIVE note - I know my way round it now, 'cause I've read all your lovely posts & accessed your resources - all from the comfort of my own home, usually with a glass of wine in my hand :o

Thank you!

Nona X

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Our LA training was also dire, and generally consisted of them reading aloud to us from the pack, as others have said. I think they believe because we work with under fives that our reading skills are the same as the under fives!


We bought in a CD Rom based training package for our setting so that we could all train together and focus on the changes we wanted to make for our setting rather than trying to pull out what was most relevant from a generic training session. We have completed two sections (of eight) now and all the staff agree that there is not much different to what we do now. We are using the sessions to open up discussion about how we can adapt and introduce new ideas which help support what we already do, need to introduce and those things we need to make more obvious for inspection purposes.

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Where did you get your CD Rom from, we used one that sounds similar and do not want to miss anything that will help.

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We bought it from a company called training-packages.com. I think it has been discussed on here before. The staff are definitely enjoying working through the sections together much more than sitting and being read to by our advisors.

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I have been on a 1 day EYFS awareness training and on the 1st July myself and my deputy are going on a 9-4pm observation planning and assessment eyfs training course run by our local authority on the 1st of July.


I will post back after the training to let you all know what we learnt :o

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It looks as if our LEA seems to be one of the most efficient in delivering the EYFS, no matter how the trainers differ.


I must congratulate them!!!


Plods - or as we call them 'personal lines of development' are fab. They focus on what the individual childs interest are and how they can learn through them.


Surfer - I will pm you (when I work out how) what I have done as the course booklet is VERY long to scan or type and will also try to scan you the powerpoint the LEA have done.


Net x


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