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If any one has followed my saga we were shutting on the 18th July.

Well we have been saved at the 11th hour.

We have had a lovely man who is the manager of our local stadium (dog track/dirtbike racing not football) and has given us the Social club building that is attached to it. The building is being refurbished completely new heating electrics air conditioning toilets new kitchen. He is even going to build us new decking and outside area.

We cannot believe that someone can out of the blue offer us a building and be so nice. I don't think he quite realises what he has given us.

My parents are estatic. They want to have celebrations and everything. Today we were only opening a half day and had organised a lunch to celebrate 10 years and as our leaving party. WELL you can imagine it turned into a celebration of the next 10 years.

:oxD:(:(:( :wacko:

We are walking around with such big grins on our faces we are stunned.

We know it is good business for the stadium to show they are community minded but it doesn't matter the man is our saviour.

(and not bad looking with it) xD :rolleyes: :unsure:

We are so excited that we can't think straight. We have so much planning and things to sort out for moving but it can all wait till monday now as I am off the the O2 arena on Sunday with my husband and 2 boys to see Santana (if you know who they are it shows your age ;):ph34r: )




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Congratulations - "good things come to those who wait !" - don't know if this is the correct saying but what lovely news !! :o


Have a lovely weekend Dot xD

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Steph, I am so, so, so pleased for you, your staff, children and parents, he's good looking too, and a fun weekend planned, don't know who your guardian angel is, but I want one too. :o


I first felt elated/excited for you, then read emmajess's post and nearly cried too, heartfelt for her, yet tearfully happy for you.

High emotions.


emmajess, you know we are here for you, THINKING OF YOU.





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Now I did say a few weeks back that it wasn't over 'til it's over (not sure if that sounds right but you know what I mean!) and in your true fighting spirit you've pulled it off!


Well done Steph - really pleased for you and good luck :o


Enjoy Santana xD

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thanks every one I still can't imagine what we did to get saved. I have just had an email from one of our councillors and he had the cheek to say it was not an ideal place. He's very glad that it has come up otherwise he would have still had me on his back nagging him about finding us a site.

It will be interesting to see what the response to my letter to the minster will be especially when they find out that the borough still didn't help but a private business. Although it is ironic that the stadium is on Borough land that they lease to the stadium. Haha

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How lovely to come in and read such a fantastic post!!! Many congratulations - I hope you will have many happy and fun-filled years in your new place!!!

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Im so pleased that everything has turned out great for you!


I was saddened to read your posting about having to close, and you have made me smile in thinking that there are some really lovely people in the world. Never mind if they don't work for the council!


I hope you have many great years ahead of you now!



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Guest Stalbans

That is fantastic news, not surprised you're all smiling. Just goes to show there are nice people out there! Well done and Good luck with the next 10 years

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great news Steph you must be so pleased, isn't it fab when something can be celebrated, it makes you realise that there are good honest people out there that want to go the extra mile and do some good in the world to help :o

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Thanks everyone for the good wishes. I have had the 2 councillors email and give me congratulations but one said what a shame it was not in the ideal place!!!!!!!!! and the other said he hoped that everyone now understoood how difficult was for them as councillors to help people like me. OH my bleeding heart. Never have I had to deal with such stupid Pr****. Excuse my language but they really do take the biscuit with their selfish and self centred attitude. I can't believe that these people get paid by us to do the jobs that we are meant to be asking them to do.

I am going to do so much publicity for the stadium and Shaun (the good looking one ) and make the Councillors feeling so small.

I will keep you all posted on how things are going. Sur R suggested a blog, so I will look into that.

Watch this space.


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