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Please can i just ask how many different forms of assessment/ records you keep. I am a teacher in a reception class i obviously fill in the profile and for this have all the points on a grid and highlight when ch have achieved. I then have to keep a record for every child of their progress according to p-scales for numeracy ( we shouldnt be using p scales i know i have had very heated discussions with assessment co-ordinator luckily our early years advisor is coming into fight our case) we then have to keep a record sheet of every childs progress through the stepping stone to ELG to NCL 1c again which have been matched to pscales. We now have to keep a record sheet for each child on their progress through the phases for letters and sounds. I feel our assessment coordinator has gone record mad and i feel i am having to keep far too many records. What do others do?


Hi Lola,


My current head (I leave at the end of this year) also insists that reception children are assessed against P scales for writing, even after saying she knew that they weren't supposed to be used for this! Argh! Aswell as using the eprofile, I also keep phonics assessment related to the letters and sounds phases, observations and have a record sheet of every child's progress for each area of learning through the stepping stones to ELG. I find the last set of records hard to keep on top of and have endless folders.


If someone has a better way I'd love to hear about it!



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