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Are There Any Alternatives?


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Are there any charity run pre-schools out there who use an alternative 'body' than the PLA?


We had out AGM yesterday (mmmm 4 parents turned up). Anyway, the directors (as we are also a company limited by guarentee) would like to drop the PLA in favour of a different constitution. The present one just doesnt suit the needs of the group!


They would like to have a 'friends' of instead of a committee with a chair, secretary etc.


The staff's concern is that the PLA also give legal advice and guidance etc and for staff protection we have to have an alternative in place.


I do know that we dont have to (apparently) go through the 'give back everything you own to the PLA' thing, because when they transfered to a company limited by guarentee, they transfered all the assets!


Am I waffling and not making any sense?? Basically what 'bodies' do others use?


thank you :o

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Unfortunately we are stuck with the PSLA!! :o We would like nothing more than to 'buy out' the preschool to save us from the yearly panic of getting committee. I am not sure if there is any other way for us as we are a registered charity and it is the charities commission who require the 3 officers etc?? When will they realise, committee run preschools are always struggling??? xD

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If the only concern is legal advice: most insurance companies offer this as part of their premium don't they? I'm a privately owned group, but the Pre-school Learning Alliance can't be the be all and end all of community pre-schools - surely there must be an alternative?



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I too wish there was an alternative,


I face another committee meeting this week and I have three members who can make it out of six! Can I hold this meeting?!


I feel there is a great amount to talk about as this is the first meeting after our moving premises and going from 5 to 9 sessions, yet I am left feeling really out of control as my committee don't know how to hold a meeting and get other new parents involved now (rather than wait for the AGM).


There certainly should be something else in place - at least so we could make a choice rather than all joining the same group.


When I was approached by the head of the school to move onto thier premises I immediately phoned my EYAT and had a meeting. My first question was "Can we do it without a committee"?


You can guess the answer!

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We can dream cant we??/

In answer to the original question, we belong to te PSLA but have a seperate constitution (RC group so our admissions are different) Belonging to the PSLA does not mean you have to have a committee, you could become an 'incorporated' group instead of committee run, but if you are a registered charity you have to have 'trustees' to manage your money, although I think they can be directors instead. I'm not tooo sure of the exact rules but it's something along the lines of they pay £1 each to belong the company. Problem is finding directors could be just as difficult as finding committee members.

As for mimimum number of memebrs turning up- depends on what your constitution says. Ours staets that we must have a minimum of 3 officers to make any decisions- but doesn't state a minimum number to hold meeting. Not much point if there aren't enough officers to pass any resolutions though! With each year it is becoming harder to find committee members, I'm sure eventually something will have to be done about voluntary groups, not sute what though.

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we are committee run in a church, at the last 3 committee meetings we have only had 2 committee members so nothing has been passed, every meeting everything gets carried over.... i'm getting very frustrated by this as even the simplist thing of adopting a policy is becoming a nightmare, we too are backed by the PSLA, i have been trying to get out of this situation for years but don't seem to be able to find a route through the trees... the forest just keeps getting thicker!!!

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4 parents at your AGM............how lucky is that, we had none!!!!


We are a charity run pre-school linked forever to the PLA by their constitution signed many, many years ago.


We have tried over the years to break away but to no avail. If we did go bust because of the lack of committee we would have to hand everything over to the PLA. :o

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I shall follow this thread with interest! We were fortunate this year to elect a full committee but its always hard. From September we are using PayPlay (through PLA!!) for our payroll as it is now so complicated that it is unrealistic to expect an officer to do it unless they have accountancy experience.

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With regard to holding meetings with few attendees - we have started emailing committee members about certain discussions. The Chair starts the email setting out what needs to be decided and reasons for the current proposal. Members are asked to reply with questions and comments by a certain date and the discussion continues from there, with each response giving a replies by date. It is a bit slow but I think issues are being more fully debated as members have the chance to fully consider their replies and state their points without being interrupted. Of course only certain issues can be handled this way and we still hold meetings regularly so as to be open to anyone new wanting to join. However for those sensitive issues (wages, fees, etc) that need to be decided upon by committee members only, it is working well, as all our current members find emailing in the evenings more convenient.


PS Forgot to mention we print copies of the emails for the files as evidence.

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we also have problems with numbers at meetings but go ahead with them and then send minuirtes out to all members asking if they approve of decisions made and to return a signed form of agreement.. if they do not agree they are asked to discuss matter with committee members who attended the meeting.. gives them a chance to give opinions and shows they are being consulted.. seems to be Ok so far


and we are PLA but with a different constitution.. think they had to get it approved by PLA and charity commission before adopting it.



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Do you guys have development or committee business employer support officers from the PLA to advise and guide you? We do in my area but don't know if it is a general PLA thing!

There is hte option of Direct Service Provsion but again i don't know if that's National. Basically you continue to run as you are with your same staff etc but the group is managed by the PLA instead of a committee. I really don't know much about it except there have to be criteria met for you to qualify but might be worth looking into?

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Our Pre-school has been committee run for 20 years and with the prospect of no parents stepping up to form a committee at our AGM, the parents voted for me to take over as a Private Business. I must admit Pre-school Learning Alliance was not impressed however it has taken me 3 weeks to obtain my Ofsted Registration in my own name, I have registered the company as a Community Interest Company and I am applying for a grant as I am effectively starting up a new setting. However, I have had to face lots of battles with a few parents (mainly old committee members) who was not in favour of this new venture. Our Pre-school closes on the 25th July and I re-open as a private business on 8th September, so it can be done. If I can help anyone or give any info please get in touch.

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It is not as easy as it sounds, we had to have a meeting with the Parents, hosted by Pre-school Learning Alliance and LA and the parents had to say that they were not prepared to stand for a committee at our AGM in September (this is the key). The committee had to then take steps to effectively shut the Pre-school, which enabled me to purchase some of the equipment and re-register myself with Ofsted. To become a Community Interest Company log onto www.cicregulator.gov.uk or your LA should be able to supply you with a business advisor who will help you. I hope this helps.

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do you mind if i ask what sort of building you are based in... we are in a church, which i think may complicate things... as this is something i would love to do... did you have to pay much for the toys/equipment?

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Hi, We are in a Village hall, we have the dreaded packing away and setting up to contend with each day. I have had to pay £3,000 for some of the toys and I want to invest more to provide better resources. All equipment needs to be valued independently as the Charity Commission will regulate closure. We had our resources priced up by Pre-school Learning Alliance and LA.

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Is it ....? Can I ...? I think, maybe, I might see light at the end of a very long tunnel!!!!!! xD

Hooray for Allisonhunt then! I'm off to the website to see what a community interest company is... :o




PS: sorry, Allisonhunt: welcome to the Forum! And what an interesting/useful first post! (or it might have been your third: can't tell but you know what I mean!).

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