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New To Foundation Stage!


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I can only imagine that this forum in inundated with requests for information/advice such as this but if there is anyone who would be kind enough to answer my questions....it would really cheer my day up!


I am a KS2 trained teacher (Year 5 and 6) who has been teaching for just over 5 years now. I am going to teach Reception in September and have started to freak out!


I have NO experience in this stage and have not observed anyone teaching this age group. I was given a budget to do up a classroom and have started to put all my furniture together today when all of a sudden I realised.....I don't have a clue what to do. (Not just with the furniture!)


I have trawled the internet for hours, gone through past planning at our school, spoken to our FS leader, bought books and watched all the videos on teachers TV and still feel the only thing I really don't understand is.....the day!


So....I have a few questions!! Even if you can only answer one, I will be so so pleased!


What are the key documents I should have? (I've been given conflicting advice....I've been told Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage little purple folder is the main thing even though I keep seeing new documentation.)


What is the profile and is there another document in relation to this?


Where are the objectives I need to teach?


I've got a million other questions but right now...I feel like I am drowning....


Any advice.



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I'm afraid I can't offer much advice - someone will no doubt be along soon with loads of experience though! Just to say don't panic - and to offer a sympathetic ear. I'm in the same boat as you, moving from Y5/6 after 4 years.

This forum is fantastic - you'll soon start to see a little bit of wood amongst the trees, I'm sure.

Good luck, and I'm sure we'll be exchanging last minute panics as September approaches!

Tracylu :o

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I'm pleased to see I'm not the only one!


Well, I'll keep asking questions and hopefully as 3rd Sept comes around....I'll be there with my puppet on my arm, singing songs covered in paint! xx

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Hi and welcome :o


This next year is going to be so different for you!! It will be hard work but very rewarding.


You need to look at the new framework 'Early years foundation stage' Here's the link for the online version




The e profile (assessment) will be on a school computer or could be loaded onto your laptop. There used to be booklets/paper copies of it but I don't think you can get hold of these any more.


This has been my first year back in Reception for about 12 years. A lot has changed. My advise would be to get on some courses and contact your early year county adviser for extra support.


This site of course is brilliant xD


Good luck

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quote "I'll be there with my puppet on my arm, singing songs covered in paint! xx"


Sounds like a good start to me. xD


A warm welcome to the forum, Good news it is a 'new curriculum' to all practitioners in September so you are certainly not alone, some have started to dissect it, coming up with many questions themselves, I am sure you have begun to find the many discussions in the forum.



Have you found this yet in the articles section from Helen? HERE


and this article from Sue? HERE


They should give aflavour of some of the ways to work with the EYFS.


Just keep your lovely sense of humour and I'm sure you'll be fine. :o



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the main thing is don't panic, it is so good. For me it about making sure those children are happy, safe, secure, having fun, love learning, enjoying and everything else falls into place.


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Hi!! Dont panic, Reception teaching is so rewarding!!


The main thing you need is the new documnet "The Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage"

It is new for September and is a white document with 4 principles.

There should be a copy in school by now but if not look on line and order one.


the purple folder is now outdated!

The profile is how you assess the children. There should be an eprofile on your main school computer. you need to load up all of the childrens names and numbers and then as the year goes on you record their achievments. Most people keep some kind of hard copy evidence too, such as a file for each child to add observations and post it notes etc.

The legal requirement is that it is filled in at the end of the year the same kind of time that SATs results need to be sent in.


The objectives you need to teach will be found in the white document.

But dont worry to much. Most of what you should be doing is letting the children play!! With good quality provision set up. You observe what they can do and you plan for their next steps. for example if you are playing in the water and notice someone loves fish..and they dont know how many fish there are, the next day you would invite that child for some counting games.


Just remember that they wont know how to line up, they may not know how to go to the toilet and wash their hands, they may not be able to sit for a story, so you are right back to basics.

Dont worry about sitting back and watching for a few weeks.


Let them play, then call them together in small groups if you have another adult for a story and a song. then let them play again. just watch them. if you have a class that love digging, buy some spades. if you have a group that loves the mirror and dressing up, set up a hair dressers.


One tip (dont let on to the parent that you dont know what your doing!) you are always in control!!

Also Jolly Phonics is a great way to teach them their sounds.


Good luck



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Guest heleng
Hi!! Dont panic, Reception teaching is so rewarding!!


The main thing you need is the new documnet "The Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage"

It is new for September and is a white document with 4 principles.

There should be a copy in school by now but if not look on line and order one.


the purple folder is now outdated!


The Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage is the purple folder and it is outdated.


You do need the new curriculum for September which is a white document with 4 principles but it is called The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)


Relax and enjoy. The main thing to remember is the children will do all sorts of things you won't expect but they are just exploring and it will turn out OK in the end :o

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I'm sure you will have a great time! Just thought I'd add, although most places use the e profile for their profile info, some don't - we have the whole school "target tracker" system which includes the Foundation stage profile, and I think some schools use a sims system. The profile is the same whatever system you use for recording it, but it might be worth checking what is already in place in your school. Good luck! :o

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