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E124 Results Are On The Ou Website

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Hi everyone


Have just heard that E124 results are on the OU website. Am delighted to say I have passed. Would like now like a certificate to prove it, hasn't quite sunk in yet - I have a level 4 qualification! Think it's great that we achieve something part way through the FD, gives one a little incentive especially as it can take a few years to complete via the OU.


Good luck to everybody else.

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Hi Debs,


Congratulations. I have passed the E123 and the E124. Got both my results yesterday and am very very pleased. There is life after all in my poor old brian :o Does anyone know if you get a pay rise for being a level 4. I am going to ask the OU for the Certificate. I am enjoying a few more weeks of no study before I start E115 in October. Half of me was thinking about not completing the FD as I know I am not going to go down the path of the EYPS route. My hubby is also quite poorly at times and with having a very busy job and life in general, I was thinking it might be too much. But hubby has talked me round to keep going with it. I was just wondering has anyone else felt this way or is it just me xD



I hope every one else who was waiting on their E123 and E124 results get the results they were after. My results were much much better than I had anticipated.



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Well done both of you for passing :oxD


I have also passed the E123/E124 and gained a level 4 got my results yesterday :(:(


I'm over the moon and still keep looking at the results to make sure :( :wacko:


I'm also starting the E115 in October and am enjoying a well earn break until then lol


Again WELL DONE !!!!!!!!!

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Thanks guys!


Rosepetal congratulations on passing E123 and E124 - you have my complete admiration for acheiving them both at the same time. You will be more than ready and able to take on the challenge of E115.


It's lovely that you have the support of your husband to carry on with the FD, I couldn't do it without my husband's support and that of my children (cooking tea when I don't realize the time......etc etc). I'm sure you are not alone however when you wonder whether to carry on with it, we all have our moments, for various reasons, obviously having a family member who is sometimes poorly must be very worrying.


That's why its great to receive this acheivement part way along the journey, and Geraldine, having come through the FD and beyond, is living proof that it can be done.


As well as everyone else studying through other Universities anc Colleges etc


I am anxious about E115 but I know where to come for support, there's quite a few of us starting in October, so hopefully we can all help each other.


If I acheive the FD, I will decide nearer the time which route I wish to take, if any, but in the meantime I am enjoying learning and being able to put what I have learnt into practice when interacting with the children.


I have linked E123 and E124 on my qualification planner on the OU towards the Certificate in Early Years Practice, as well as the FD, will I automatically be sent a certificate or do I need to ask the OU for it?


Meantime let's enjoy the break, and recharge our batteries!

Edited by Deb
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Congratulations, snowbell and rosepetal!


I hope you're all enjoying a break from study (and even from thinking about study). Its a good idea to recharge the batteries before contemplating your next course!



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This is the first time I've posted on the Forum. I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who has


passed E123/E124. I found out this morning that I have passed too. It's a really great feeling. I'm not to sure


about E115 which starts in October - so linking up with others will be a great help.




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Ohh Helen 'What's E115 all about ?' is a bit of a 64,000 dollar question xD

The 'official' answer is:

This is the compulsory Level 1 work-based component of the Foundation Degree in Early Years (G01). E115 focuses on furthering your own professional development, and how to investigate practice in the early years setting in which you work. Successful study is reliant on you having permission to do work-based learning within your work setting(s), working directly with children, under eight years old, for a minimum of five hours a week, and on providing confirmation of this work by a suitable person who is familiar with your day-to-day practice. Before studying E115 you must have:


worked in a suitable early years setting for at least two years


completed E123 and E124 (or equivalent recognised study)


Word processing, internet access and computer conferencing are all integral and compulsory elements of this course.

E115 will teach you the necessary knowledge and skills to enable you to reflect upon your practice within your work setting. You will be taught how to present evidence of the development of your practice against the core learning outcomes that are set out by the government for all Early Years Sector-Endorsed Foundation Degrees. This will be done by building on the notion of ‘reflective practice’ that was introduced in Supporting children's learning in the early years (E124).


The teaching in E115 is organised around three themes that are important in all early years settings:


working with parents and other professionals


promoting children’s learning and development


promoting children’s rights and child protection.


You will learn

During E115 you will be introduced to the processes that are involved in being a reflective practitioner. You will use these reflective practice processes to help you deepen your understandings in relation to the three themes, and how these relate to practice in your work setting. You will learn how to evaluate your own practice, and present evidence of your professional competence against the core learning outcomes for the foundation degree. You will also learn how to use computer mediated communication to support your own learning. By the end of E115 you should be able to provide evidence, based on your practice in your workplace, of your competence against most, if not all, of the core learning outcomes for the Foundation Degree in Early Years (G01). This will prepare you for Extending personal professional development (E215) (the Level 2 work-based learning course) that is also a compulsory component of G01. E215 will expect you to update your evidence relating to the core learning outcomes and develop your understanding of the route-specific learning outcomes relevant to your work context.


My personal view is that it is a great course but very different in style to E123/124. The OU sites have quite a few negative feedback comments about E115 and I believe that these result from the initial 'shock to the system' when you first recieve the course materials. I remember very well my early days of studying E115 and I felt rather 'out of my depth' and questioned both my decision to study and my ability to do so! However this did not last long at all and the secret to E115 is to really read the guidance and be organised from day 1. There are several acronyms to get used to as you enter the world of PEF, WBLF, EYCLO's to name just some, but in no time you will be using these in conversation as though you had always known about them.


From what I have seen/read about EYPS I think E115 has similarities. The 'PEF' is Personal Evidence Folder where you file 'hard evidence' of your practice against the core learning outcomes. There are 12 such outcomes which collectively cover 43 elements with (eventually) 3 pieces of evidence required for each element :o


These core learning outcomes (EYCLO's) are assessed during the course as the forms are submitted in 'batches' alongside a written assignment.


I have probabbly prattled on this forum somewhere before about E115 and I just want to reassure those about to start this course that it is nothing like as bad as some of the reviews you may have heard/read about. Just approach it with an open mind, be prepared for some serious study (after all it is a 60 point course whereas E123/124 are 30 points each) and try to be organised with your paperwork from the start. One of the very early activites in the course material is setting up your WBLF and PEF and I would advise following the guidance to the letter and being organised from the start :( Most of all ENJOY your study!


Sorry if this is a huge garbled message :(:(

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Welcome Laura, well done on making your first post and congratulations on passing E123 and E124.


I look forward to getting to know you better over the coming months as we embark on E115.


Thanks Geraldine for your reassurances, positive thoughts on E115 and good advice.


Has anybody got any tips on getting organised personally ie I have bought all my birthday cards for my family for the next year (over 30 of them) and they are filed away in a birthday organiser ready to grab the appropriate card at the appropriate time and send it - NB to self - buy the stamps too. It's amazing how little things like co-ordinating the purchase of a stamp and a card stressed me out whilst in the thick of studying! Perhaps I need a holiday!! :o

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Well done to all those who passed. :o


I also passed!!!! I am soooo relieved!!! I'm starting E115 in October and all my enthusiasm has returned!! made me realised how worried I was cos when I saw I'd passed it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders!!!

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Well done to everyone who has passed E123 and or E124.


I am looking forward to getting to know some of you through the E115 course and supporting each other.


Geraldine, thank you for the info about the E115 course, it has given me a very good insight into what to expect. Do you know of any books which I should consider getting for the E115 course. I have not received any paper work to do with the course yet, I think I am due to receive them in September.



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Hi everyone, :o


Just returned from Dublin last night and on checking the OU website I found that I too have passed my E123. Yipee! xD

Just have E124 to finish in October ready to start E115 along with quite a few others on here. Hopefully we can support each other which always helps make things a bit easier.


Many many congratulations to all of you who have passed. I take my hat off to those who have completed them together - I would never have been able to do that.


Rosepetal I am pleased to see you are continuing with the FD and I hope things run smoothly in your family during the course.


Welcome and congratulations to Laura for joining the forum and for passing E123/E124. Well done and good luck for E115. :(

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Congrats to all who have passed! Just returned to UK aftter a 6 wk hols and l too have passed. I had been doing the E123, E124 and E230. Now l have my 4th Tma to complete for E230. And l really dont feel motivated.


Oh l forgot. You can download your Certificate of Practice from your OU homepage. :o

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Congratulations Serena and well done on passing. :o


Good news on the Certificate being available online - hope its still available when the results of my E124 come out.


I don't expect anyone feels particularly motivated to do assignments after a great holiday (I'm on tma3 for E124). Is yours due soon? Mine is due on 5th Sept so I'm determined to get my head down and finish this so I can get on to my ECA to finish the course. Give yourself a few days and then get stuck in and just do it!!! In at the deep end I always say and just think how well you'll feel when you are all finished! Good luck with it and 'may your words flow freely'. xD

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Wouldn't a re-working of the "may the road rise up to meet you" be a great idea for students?! If only I knew the words to the original! :o



May the road rise up and meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine upon your face,

the rain fall soft upon your fields

and until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

(Traditional Irish blessing - author unknown)


Another ending I know is 'May you be in Heaven an half an hour before the devil knows you're dead.' :(


Can't remember if thats part of another 'Irish blessing' Maz but I await your re-working of it for students everywhere. xD

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