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Simple Symbols For Autistic Child?


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Hi all, hope you're all enjoying the holidays - can't believe how quickly they've flown by! :o


Just after some advice for a child i have starting in my class -as yet he is not statemented but was assessed by the ed-psych in the nursery and as a result is having 18hrs support when i get him.


I am trying to set up a task board for him so he kows exactly what is ahead of him throughout the day and have been looking for some simple symbols for classroom activities, (e.g. carpet, pe) but am having difficulty finding any which aren't going to cost me the rest of my years budget. Is any body able to offer me some assistance? I would be extremely grateful to any suggestions or material on offer.




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Annette, I've been looking for something affordable like this for ages - this year I'm just going to try drawing some pictures of my own, but my artistic skills are very limited indeed! I did think about trying to use photo's but decided they would be too 'busy'. I tried using clip art online from Microsoft but couldn't find the things I needed ... back to square one!


Hope someone else can be of more help! :o


Dianne xxx

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hi Ive also used photos of each activity/ area/ before to make cards for a planning board and it worked quite well.I made them as simple as possible Digital cameras are a godsend plus you can make them the size you want.Aslo you could have matching photos in areas or on draws.Hope this Helps :)

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Have you tried Google images? This is what I used to make pictures for my visual timetable. It does take a long time looking for the 'right' picture though. My own child has special needs and the visual timetable worked well for him in class. He even enjoyed putting it together with his 1:1 teacher at the beginning of the day. We did use photos at home to make a special book for him i.e pictures of the people he deals with most eg family friends teacher and of objects eg home school park etc. and places we have been to that he really enjoyed. This book is still his favourite one and he takes it everywhere to show people.



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What you might find helpful are pecs symbols. They are simple colour or black and white pictures that show the activity and then have the word underneath.

I have included a link to a sight that offers these pictures free and lots of other links as well. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page it has sheets of printable pecs pictures for everyday things and activities.






Hope this helps. :)



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Thats a terrific link Lorna, thanks for that. :D


I, too, have tried to find pictures for visual timetables but unsuccessfully.

I have to admit to finding trawling through clipart and images very tedious. I even bought a clipart progrmme and I've still been unsuccessful! As for using my digital camera, well my mind just went blank!! :o

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Yeah, thanks Lorna!


I had spent ages looking through clipart online but hadn't thought of goolgel images!


Thanks everyone. :o

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Hi Annette


If you let me know the kind of images you are looking for I could e-mail some across to you. I've amassed quite a collection from google images and it might save you time as it can take forever finding the right picture. Anyway the offer's there.



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Denise, that sounds wonderful - I wonder if there's a way to put them all into a file and upload them as an attachment to save you from getting loads and loads of requests?


Dianne xxx

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It would be good if the pictures could be linked to.

I need to set up a visual timetable in my classroom - suitable for 4 year olds..... as I 2 children starting with possible autistic tendencies.... and they both find change difficult and I have been advised to have a timetable for them. So anyone with suitable symbols that could forward them to me would be much appreciated.





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Hi Lorna and Diane


I'd be more than happy to send you some of pictures I have - they may or may not be of some use to you. How to send you them is the problem. I don't actually think e-mailling them would work - I made a test run earlier and I could only e-mail them one picture at a time and I have over 500 of them - eek!! An expert is needed to try and create a link maybe if we ask Steve very nicely he might be able to help and give us his permission :o



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Mousebat, you are a star!


Sorry i haven't replied earlier - i got my kitten last wEek so have been busy playing with her and trying to persuade her it is a bad idea to eat the computer wires! :o


I am really after symbols for things like circle time, snack time, literacy and numeracy as well as free choice, 1-1 time (while other children are in assembly) and also something to signify me not being the leader of the session to use when i have non-contact time or if a supply teacher is in.


If you could email me anything which you think would be appropriate I would be extremely grateful.


I wonder if Steve would consider putting some of your collection somewhere on the site as it seems that this is something a lot of members are interested?

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