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Have you changed/altered any policies to fall in line with the new EYFS standards? If so, which ones and any chance of seeing a sample?! Please


Have you tried a search Mrsb, I'm sure there have been previous posts discussing and listing policy changes.



Have you tried a search Mrsb, I'm sure there have been previous posts discussing and listing policy changes.





Yes Peggy, I did that and tried to go onto TES website as suggested but I can't get on there!


We have changed our early years policy to fall in line with the EYFS


There was a brilliant one on the TES site!!!!!!!!!!



We just looked through the statutory guidance for any details that needed changing and fitted it in with our original policies.

To be honest on most of them we have just proof read and then changed the wording from Foundation stage and B23 to EYFS. I will post them when I find where they are.



i did a "gap analysis" by going thorugh the entire EYFS statutory guidance highlighting areas where we had not got things covered either in our policies or in our practice (very few I was pleased to find) Where they have made changes to wordings (eg about prescrition / non presecription medicine ) etc I have altered in our policies.


Something else which may help is the Pre School Learning Alliance are just about to publish their new policy booklet to cover everything which comes with useful CD rom so you can amend to your own particular setting. Imminent I think if not already on the web site.


good luck!




We just looked through the statutory guidance for any details that needed changing and fitted it in with our original policies.

To be honest on most of them we have just proof read and then changed the wording from Foundation stage and B23 to EYFS. I will post them when I find where they are.


That's what we did. Although we already had a medicine storage policy, I think.


Have you found, like us, that you had all sorts of policies that didn't seem to have an obvious 'home'? We cross referenced or filed them under what seemed most appropriate - the big O are bound to ask for them eventually!! :o


Yes Sue we had some that seemed redundant. I know if I got rid of them that the big O will want them next year. We did have the medicine included in the policy but needed to add about not storing it locked away. It has been really small changes that have been needed.

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