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Hi there - good old Bank Holiday eh - looking at planning & organisation for implementing EYFS when we get back (which is looming very quickly!!!). I have been reading lots of different discussions and posts on here and am finding that i am getting myself in a real tizz!!! HELP!!!! I am so confused about how we need to plan now - previously we had detailed MTP linked to a topic/theme - through weekly meetings - we discussed ideas & activities we felt would motivate & interest the children and put these into STP. I would be really grateful if people could share how they are now organising their planning in line with teh EYFS.

Will you still have LTP?MTP?

What formats will you be using for STP?

Will you be doing separate Phonics/PSRN planning?

How will you be carrying out observations of children to inform planning (ie - will you have focuse children each week???)


I'm so sorry to be rambling on and firing so many questions - i'm just really confused. :o


I feel the same! It is all a bit overwhelming! Any ideas and examples of what others are doing would be greatfully received! I need some inspiration! Thanks. By the way this is my first post!! :o


Welcome to the Forum, dransfieldm!


There have been lots of discussions on here about planning and the EYFS - have you done a forum search?


Also I had a good look on the CD/DVD that comes with the EYFS pack - there are some good templates on there showing a variety of plans/learning journeys. Good for me in pre-school - but I'm not sure about school settings!






My planning is probably going to be as follows (but I may have changed my mind another hundred times before next Monday!!):


LTP: (1) objectives linked to continuous provision areas

(2) Development Matters objectives from EYFS stuff for me to highlight when we have covered

them (for adult/focus activities) so, in theory, I don't end up with huge gaps and a huge

panic at the end of the year.


MTP: possibly not at all, but possibly a sheet with 6 boxes, one of each area of learning, for key objectives and/or possible activities - not sure about this yet, but might fill one in when we have chosen a topic. Will do a MT phonics plan as have always done.


STP: (1) weekly adult directed/focus activity sheet

(2) weekly enhancements sheet for areas of continuous provision

(3) weekly phonics plan


I really don't know though....! I guess I might be happier with it when we get started, but then maybe not! I always seem to feel I'm not doing it right, and as for what to give to subject leaders, who knows?! Normally give them MTP with their area of learning highlighted (so geog gets KUW with sense of place highlighted), but it's all changed . . . :o !!!!


Hope that helps...!


purplemagic x


Hi Fluffy


I am in a school setting to and my planning is going to go something like this, i think!?

LTP - continuous Provision sheets and Development matters objectives like Purple Magic.

MTP - Not having any

STP - one weekly planning sheet to record all group/whole class activities and any enhancements that the continuous provision sheets don't cover.

I find it really difficult to work with lots of pieces of paper for each week. Many people find it useful to have weekly plans, area plans and activity plans. I just find that is too much for me and I end up confusing myself so i put it all on one sheet and keep it brief. I know what I have to cover and how I'm going to do it and we keep being told that planning is for us and nobody else, so I do it my way!

Hope that helps a bit.


Hope that helps.

Welcome to the Forum, dransfieldm!


There have been lots of discussions on here about planning and the EYFS - have you done a forum search?


Also I had a good look on the CD/DVD that comes with the EYFS pack - there are some good templates on there showing a variety of plans/learning journeys. Good for me in pre-school - but I'm not sure about school settings!





Hi Maz, could you point me in the right direction on the CD/DVD......I cant find any templates there to help me! Thanks


Hi Maz, could you point me in the right direction on the CD/DVD


Hi mrsb!


When you've loaded the CD/DVD (which is it?) on the home page the four principles are shown in a box. Click on "Enabling Environments" and then on "3.1 Observation, Assessment and Planning". As well as info, video clips, on the right hand side of the screen there are a list of documents - scroll down the page to "Resources" and you'll find them there!




There is also a link to the same resources on the website



Reception Planning



Pre-school Planning




I actually adapted (well in the process of) one of the pre-school STP for my reception class for my enhanced provision plans and adult activities. They are worth looking at as well.


Fluffy - if your planning and practice works then why worry about having to change it - the core message of eyfs is that good practice continues to be good practice. The end goals are the same, all that is slightly different are the milestones we might use along the way to summate, but in essence it is just the same as it was before! The "in depth" pages on the enabling environmnets part of the cd rom are very good and talk about short, medium and long term plans clearly.


That's what I think anyway!



I have started to come around to if it works then why change it. I've changed a few things and highlighted areas i need to develop but i'm still planning like i did. I've been reading every thread on planning how people are doing it getting in a real tizz worrying about it all summer then thought why when what i was doing was working.


I completely agree with Catma and eggwoman.


I'm using the advent of the EYFS as an excuse to revamp those areas of my planning systems which need attention (such as continuous provision plans which I didn't have before) rather than completely changing everything I do. I have to say that I am thinking "but how can I show Mrs Ofsted how I implment the EYFS in my group?" when re-designing forms etc, and am taking care over the headings I use, though!


However I don't have the time or the inclination to make changes for the sake of it - so long as I can justify why we do things in certain ways and can demonstrate how and why it works for us, then I think I shall leave it well alone!




Absolutely Maz, it's the opportunity to take stock and reflect that is the key to preparing for EYFS - not wholesale changing what we know already works (This is the message from Ruth Pimental. Pauline Hoare etc etc down).



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