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Now No Sessional/daycare ...

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Our new manager has just had a 'chat' with Ofsted who sent us the incorrect registration certificate for our variation to conditions...In the converation they have told us that there is no longer full / sessional daycare but it is now the same...and to expect a new certificate in the next few months... so those wishing to extend or add hours, a phone call to check may be all you need to do...


BTW we can now operate full daycare.... soooo many changes all at once.


(and for those who know why we had to wait we still do not have a separate toilet for staff and are OK!)



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BTW we can now operate full daycare.... soooo many changes all at once.

Wow - result Inge! Do you ever get the feeling that you spend ages banging your head against a brick wall about some principle or other and then find if you just wait a bit the fuss dies down? :o How did it all resolve itself in the end?



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Having read the letter Ofsted sent out some months ago, that was my understanding that from 1st September we would all be called full-day care providers. I asked the Ofsted helpline back in June about this, we were told that we would need to have a variation request to go over 4 hours even my 15 minutes! so we duly got a variation request and will pay the higher fee when our registration is due in January. Wouldn't surprise me though if that has all magically changed having reached the 1st September, cos they didn't seem to know if they were coming or going! Look forward to finding out from others!

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Wow - result Inge! Do you ever get the feeling that you spend ages banging your head against a brick wall about some principle or other and then find if you just wait a bit the fuss dies down? :o How did it all resolve itself in the end?




Its all down to the EYFS and it not being a MUST have for the extra toilet, but a recommendation.....

as it turns out we can actually use the one in the hall next door now, but that had no bearing on it. Took me ages to get them to agree but the church has eventually said it is there if we need it, even given us a key and alarm code..

I imagine needing the toilet running out in the rain next door, setting an alarm off and causing absolute havoc..... If anyone will set the alarm off it will be me...



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I imagine needing the toilet running out in the rain next door, setting an alarm off and causing absolute havoc..... If anyone will set the alarm off it will be me...

Ah but think of the learning opportunities you'll be providing for the children, Inge! :o

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I just got my letter today telling me that I have to stick with my current sessional certificate till they send a new one. Before we had the hols I rang to ask about the changes could we go past the 4 hrs from Sept the reply was that there would be no sessional etc all would be the same. so have booked children for longer luckily they have not started yet ! rang the big O today the person on the other end of the phone had to keep putting me on hold to look for the correct details after 25mins they said I should write to Manchester (cant get them by phone ) asking them where we stand and do we need a variation , this was not mentioned in July or I would have done it. I rang my CDO who said disregard all info from the big O previous to this letter and get a variation as before this ofsted didnt know what they where doing.

now I dont know about you but I feel a bit put out with the mis-information, late information and the late changes that we have had to deal with, cynical me says that if they inspected me and I did that to them they would give me a thumbs down for organisation it is a shame we cant grade them! now I have to sit tight and wait for a variation does anyone know how long this takes , do they visit and can they say no?


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This is not a one off as EXACTLY the same thing happened to us. It took half a dozen phone calls to the Ofsted Helpline over several weeks, in the end our Chair had to get shirty (but not rude), that seemed to shift the blockage. The same day we had an ofsted inspector ring back and explain that we had to request a variation order, and send in an action plan showing how we would continue to meet the then national standards, all this for 15 minutes over 4 hours. IF they had told us that in the beginning we could have done it!!!!! In my experience the helpline are very poorly trained, if they don't know the answer they should find out!


I did the action plan beginning of July and faxed it to the number I had been given. We didn't need an inspection, we were told over the phone by the inspector that the variation request would be approved and the new registration certificate issued in due course. The certificate arrived some time around the middle of the summer holidays.


I would think it reasonable to expect Ofsted to pull out all the stops owing to the delay caused by their inefficiency.


You don't need to pay the higher registration fee (whatever that is) until your registration is up for renewal again. But that's another story... the Ofsted inspector initially told our Chair to contact the helpline and pay the higher registration fee over the phone. It took me a further 2 phone calls to ascertain this was not the case. However, I did receive a telephone apology from the Ofsted inspector herself....I was impressed!


Good luck hope you can get things moving now.

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I rang them today to ask when we could expect our new certificate. They said it may take up to 18 months :(:oxD:(

What are they playing at? How difficult can it be :( :wacko:

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What are they playing at? How difficult can it be xD:(

I think you're being a bit unfair, LJW.


They have to check what their "issuing certificate" policy says, review the procedure that imlements the policy, carry out a risk assessment to make sure no-one gets a paper cut or is poisoned by envelope gum, then make sure the person carrying out the task is suitably qualified and inducted correctly (and not to mention that their references are suitable), and finally they have to put in a requisition for the letter head and envelope and then make sure the franking machine has been certified as safe for purpose.


Let's hope they don't get a power cut when they come to put the envelope through the franking machine! :o



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Seems they definitely don't all give the same answers do they? We did actually apply for a variation in July,

we were firstly told there is a form on the website to use.. not one on there and no there isnt one to use..

we then had to send in lots of paperwork they asked for an action plan which we did by highlighting the differences between the two standard and saying how we would meet them.. there are not actually very many...

We also had to send in risk assessments... don't know what for.. i didn't do them

and a daily routine and a few other bits... think we just sent in everything available to give them paperwork overlad too....

we had a letter giving the new restrictions back within 2 weeks so we returned a copy saying we agreed with htis and got our certificate a week later.. this all took 20 days...

But get this one... they sent out the wrong certificate..its the same as out current one with a diferent date on it.... by now as others we had children booked to start 1 week later all day...

LEA were saying we could not open longer hours as was CIF, but on calling the big O we are registered full day, thier error and we will get a new certificate.. that said our letter also said to remain registered as at current certificate.... so we are now open all day .. and waiting out certificate.. if it takes 18 month we will be very upset.... (Ok not quite the word..*****)


We will now have to ring again to confirm our position .


Of course now with EYFS there are no differences in standards so would love to know what they want you to do for variations...



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