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good idea to leave E115 tucked away in its box until you have your E124 ECA out of the way.

Sorry to hear you are stuggling to get going with it and am more than happy to help if I can.


The slight difficulty I have is that I do not have access to the E124 assessment guide and though I have done the course it was in its first presentation in 2003. I guess the OU may have 'tweaked things' a little since then though I doubt they have done major changes.


I have rooted out my ECA and it consisted of an introduction, Part 1 My setting, Part 2 Auditing provision, Part 3 Effective practice and Part 4 Planning for the future. Is it still the same?


Whatever the requirements maybe the best way is to tackle one section at a time? Sometimes I think we can get overwhelmed by the bigger picture of assignments but by doing it one 'chunk' at a time the bigger picture slowly emerges and it all comes together.


Good luck with it and if I can help just shout :o

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Wishes Id had you around when I was completing E115 sadly I failed the ECA mainly due to family problems and not being able to put in enough time. I have gone back to the Degree starting with the E230 in Febraury and then hope to go on to E115 so will be watching this space with interest.



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Thanks for the advice Geraldine. I opened the box, panicked (should I be on this course when I can't even work out which file to put the paperwork in?) and shut it again. Have decided not to peep until I have finished my E124 ECA. Speaking of which I shoul not even be on this site, but am really stuggling on starting and planning this ECA.



Just wanted to welcome you to the forum Kate! :o


You join many of us who are finishing E124 ECA and waiting to start E115. The lid on my box is firmly closed and I'm not going near it until the ECA is finished. I have found some parts of this assignment very difficult. As usual I know what I want to write but find it hard to put on paper. As Geraldine says, taking each part of the assignment and concentrating on that can work for the best. Bite-sized chunks and all that.


I have found the OU course site pretty helpful in comparing what other people are doing and sometimes you find the answer to a question that you wanted to ask, but didn't.


I must get back to mine too. Good luck with yours and do ask on here....bound to be one of us who can help. xD

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Here we are the official start date. Have to say i'm a bit excited and worried about this one no turning back now lol :o


GOOD LUCK to all the E115ers starting the course today xD:(:(



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Hi Angela


We actually had our first tutorial yesterday. Tutor seems really nice, knows her stuff but seems very approachable.


The good thing about the tutorial was that we met 10 out of the 15 in our tutor group which I am sure will help when we do the computer conferencing later on. Nearly everyone expressed their concerns over time etc but I think it will be OK if we take one step at a time (I'm very good at hiding my head in the sand!!).


Thought I'd try to slot the Foundation Stage Forum as an example of working with other professionals if I have room on the form for table 3, haven't properly thought about it yet though.


Here we go!

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Just peeping out from my mound of revision notes to wish you all good luck with E115 xD:(

I certainly used this fantastic forum on Table 3 and later on as 'hard evidence' in my PEF.


I chose a discussion I was involved in thereby illustrating my contribution but removed all identifying features of anyone else in the 'conversation'.


Right off back to bury myself in my mound of paper and start trembling as October 10th is looming far too quickly :o

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Just peeping out from my mound of revision notes to wish you all good luck with E115 :oxD

I certainly used this fantastic forum on Table 3 and later on as 'hard evidence' in my PEF.

Gosh its like another language isn't it? Sometimes I think the whole of early years is based on a bowl of alphabet soup!


Good luck with the revision, Geraldine!



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Just checking in to say 'Hi' I have begun TMA 03, but am struggling to work out what 'references' I can use, and what appendices to add! AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHh

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Guest cathy m

Right off back to bury myself in my mound of paper and start trembling as October 10th is looming far too quickly



Good luck with exam I should be revising for the same exam but have become an expert at study avoidance tactics.


I would like to second what Geraldine has already said about E115 (I also completed it 3 years ago) it certainly makes you reflect on practice and looking back I'm really pleased I have continued with the OU


I'm signed up for the final BA honours in February - od dear serious OU addiction



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I went to my first tutorial on Saturday and now feel better about this course. It's a bit like NVQ isn't it....sort of!!


I tried to draft the table for TMA 3 today and was getting confused aout what goes where. But I also put in this forum for EYCLO 1 as 'Sources of existing knowledge/skills that I can draw on from day-to-day practice and previous studies' - as it is somewhere I come for day to day support and keeping up to date with current practice.


I'm still working on it!! Struggling to think of limitations for part 3 - although today our classroom computer failed it's PAT test so now I am limited in ICT resources - (the electricien must have thought I was bonkers when I smiled, as I was thinking of my TMA!!).

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Can I ask how you have referenced the forum ie


in text


Early Years Foundation Stage Forum (EYFSF) (2008?) - first time then EYFSF thereafter? or would I date it from when I joined?


Reference list


Early Years Foundation Stage Forum (EYFSF) - 2008 [online] webaddress, accessed on date etc

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Can I ask how you have referenced the forum ie


in text


Early Years Foundation Stage Forum (EYFSF) (2008?) - first time then EYFSF thereafter? or would I date it from when I joined?


Reference list


Early Years Foundation Stage Forum (EYFSF) - 2008 [online] webaddress, accessed on date etc


Deb -you've got me panicking now - do I have to reference all that I put in the TMA03 table 2nd column? or have you used this EYFSF reference in your intro / conclusion bits of the text?


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Sorry to panic you! Can only go by what my tutor has asked for. We have been asked to reference the course materials in column 1, and if using say a book you have read in column 1 to put say - Reading: Nutbrown (2008) in the table and full reference in the reference list. So I am assuming we would need to reference the FSF and indeed any of our policies. A lot to fit in such a little space!

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:oxD Thank you for your good luck messages :(:(

I survived!! phew and am so brain frazzled it is unreal but I don't mind it's great to have 'been and gone and done it'


I can hardly type my wrist hurts so much after writing almost constantly for three hours! As for the questions we had three sections to the paper with three questions in each section. I can only remember that I chose questions on participation, identity and multiagency working!

The identity one was something about 'Identity formation is a complex psychological process, critcally evaluate why this is significant to adults working in children's services' they were lengthy questions and rather strangely worded but hey ho!!!


Sorry didn't mean to hijack your E115 thread but just think if you continue to BA in Early Years with the OU, the paper I sat today will be available for you to practice on :( :wacko:


When I have 'recovered' more fully I will return and hopefully with a brain in gear and will check out my TMA 3 and the table and see what I did/didn't do.

If I forget or there is anything else concerning you about E115 feel free to PM and remind me xD

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xD It's a really strange feeling tonight I can't quite get my head round the fact that I might actually have a BA :o (if the exam results are OK) it feels surreal, sort of 'who me - never!!!' and yet I remember clearly starting E123 a few years back. The study journey has been fantastic and one I wouldn't have missed for the world - can't quite put it into words.


2 years ago I was where you are now and trying to get my head round Table 3 :( you are walking the same road I am just further along the journey that's all - it's good so keep on travelling along and in no time at all you won't be having palpatations you will be sitting in an exam hall writing away :(


Believe me if I can do ANYONE can :( :wacko:


Happy to hold hands for as long as you want and do please give me a kick up the rear via PM if I don't pop in often enough.


Beginning to wonder whether Steve may consider an OU 'section' I wonder if others find the lingo of course specific acronyms etc a bit uninteresting

As for table 3 the only thing I can think of tonight is to be honest!! it isn't about showing how you can meet everything it is more like an action plan for your benefit so you can see where you have gaps in knowledge/practice that you will need to fill to meet the EYCLO criteria - I identified a few limitations which served me well as I moved through the course

Edited by Geraldine
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Hijack as often as you like so long as you promise to come back and hold our hands through E115!


As for the BA - think I'll stick with the trials of table 3 for the minute xD suddenly it doesn't seem so bad!


Just been to my first tutorial and am even more confused now!!! :(


Deb, my tutor said that what we put in table 3 is just to get us thinking about our practice and nothing is right or wrong. She said it was only for her use as well as ours.


As Geraldine says (thank you Geraldine.....sound advice as ever!) be honest! Nobodys practice is perfect and table 3 will demonstrate our limitations and maybe give us some ideas to improve on things.


Good luck Deb and to all of us getting our heads around E115. :o

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Oh! not until December :rolleyes: so trying not to think about it!!

I don't know if you know but when you get to level 2 and 3 OU courses the final course results are graded :o

With E115 you have to pass the Overall Continuous Assessment Score (OCAS) and the Overall Examinable Score (OES) for courses with no exams the OES is your ECA mark. At the end of E115 it is 'straightforward' pass or fail and the final result shows no indication of whether you got 93 or 48 all the way through.

For graded courses there is Distinction (or pass 1) pass 2 pass 3 or Pass 4. Many people 'just want to pass' but the grades become very relevant if you go on to Hons as they determine the classification of your degree. I would love to have passed my exam 'well' and my OCAS is fine but I actually only need to get a pass 3 to get the degree classification that I want next year! So IF I have managed that I will be very happy. A pass 4 would be OK but not really what I want! Anything above a pass 3 and i would be singing from the rooftops xD


Anyway enough about me and back to E115 - table 3 is not about trying to show how good your practice is it is more about seeing the table as an action plan - yes acknowledge your strengths but detailing any weaknesses or gaps is equally important. I think the value of table 3 will become clear as you progress through the course and therefore I believe 'getting it right for you' is important. The tables are really unique to you and though chatting with others about quite what type of things to list can be helpful much will depend on your practice - where you work and what your job role entails.

Those working as deputies with perhaps more responsibility than others may have more available sources of evidence purely due to their practice.


The other thing is that if you 'have a good think' you will come up with sources of information and then be able to complete column 2. For example for EYCLO 1 I had 'keeping abreast of changes/new legislation via websites/journals in Column 1 and in Column 2 I put 'current example from DfES website'. At the time of completing the table what I wrote was absolutely true but I didn't physically have the example - column 2 illustrated my 'opportunity to collect evidence' - hope that makes sense. If you are signed up to OFSTED email alert service the confirmation email they sent could be a good one :(


As for TMA 3 it's really quite a nice one to start with :( I won't put what I wrote for mine as I don't want to sound patronising and know you are all more than capable :( However maybe my feedback would be of some use? for section 1 I got "You have provided a clear description of your own role and the context in which it is set' Section 2 (the table!) 'detailed analysis of your current practice identifying where you may be challenged in collecting evidence that will be required for this course' and for the final section ' You have an effective plan for overcoming the limitations you have identified.'


OK here endeth my prattle :wacko: xD

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Thanks for that Geraldine, much appreciated. Had first tutorial today, so with your help too, the 'Table' is now becoming clearer. No doubt you'll hear from me again soon, when I start trying to complete it.

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I have just received all the E115 course materials and wondered if I was alone in thinking 'YIKES!!! Have I done the right thing?!'



i have just started the E115 and I am struggling with TMA 03, do I just add the TMA 03 Table or do I need to add anything else at this point... please help

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