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I don't know if it has changed at all since I did E115 but for me TMA 3 had three parts



Audit of current knowledge and opportunites within my setting for meeting the EYCLO's (the table!!)

Implications for my practice


You will also need to ensure you include an 'assignment checklist' with your TMA.


Please don't take my word for it though! I have looked back at my assessment guide and the requirements for TMA 3 are nicely laid out - split into sections with details of what you need to do for each section.


I know it all seems new and strange and probably rather complicated too but rest assured if you follow the assessment guide you will be fine :o

hope this helps

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Hi everyone,


I'm new to this forum and this is my first post- quite daunting!

I'm studying the E115 this year and gave in my TMA1,2 & 3 yesterday- I hope I don't make a mess of it, or I'll just get a big fat FAIL!


It seems like there are some of you guys who have already done the course, so well done. I felt like I was going to faint after opening the course materials the first day they arrived, i just put them away until the first TMAs arrived, and then thought 'here I go'!


I've studied courses E123, EZL124, E230, E243 and just finished the exam of KE312 (which i failed by the way).

So if anyone needs a helping hand on the courses I've already done, then I'll be more than happy to help.


Also, I'll be doing the EK311 this coming February alongside the E115 (which i regret now)- Hoping it'll be ok with he 4 month overlap of the two courses.


Wish me luck with E115, I'll be needing it! Arghhhhhhh!


Amirah x

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I know how you feel amirah, I've posted my TMA's 1,2,&3 off this week. Not sure I've passed though - found it really difficult to understand what the Assessment guide was asking for. Keep in touch.

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Hi all you E115ers - just to confuse us even more (which doesn't take much these days!) I have just been on First Class and there is a new thread under 'Course resources' it's all about outdoor play?!!??! Am I completely losing it? I thought our next bit was all about working with parents and professionals?

GERALDINE - HELP! You've been there before - do the moderators slip in these little course discussions which are not relevant to the current Study Guides?

Love and best wishes from I who is totally confused!

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Hiya all,


Sent off my first TMA's on Tuesday aswell. Fingers and toes crossed :oxD


Guck luck to all


Snowbell (Angela)

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Hi all you E115ers - just to confuse us even more (which doesn't take much these days!) I have just been on First Class and there is a new thread under 'Course resources' it's all about outdoor play?!!??! Am I completely losing it? I thought our next bit was all about working with parents and professionals?

GERALDINE - HELP! You've been there before - do the moderators slip in these little course discussions which are not relevant to the current Study Guides?

Love and best wishes from I who is totally confused!


I think the idea is really to get us used to using it, prior to the compulsory discussion later. Haven't you got any comments about outdoor play??? Innocent smilie - playing devil's advocate!! LOL

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Hi Amirah and welcome to the forum from another E115'er! :o Good luck with yours and lets hope we all have good news about the first 3 TMA's for this course.


The course discussion is very interesting and I realise how lucky my setting is in it's outdoor space. Now all we need is an extension as the room is getting smaller every year......or is that just because we try to overfill it with stuff all the time!!! xD

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Sorry only just seen the 'Geraldine help!'


I don't think it's so much a case of them slipping things in that are not relevant to the study guide they are just 'discussion topics'.


In very general terms 'Personal, professional development' includes discussion/debate with practitioners from a diverse range of settings. I found the discussions we had were of great interest, outdoor play was one, we also had healthy eating, men working in early years and some others that I can't remember.


The advantage FSF members have is that you are used to discussion/debate in a forum:-) many OU students are not familiar with online discussion. These 'topics of discussion' that the course team post are twofold really - one they are interesting/helpful and two it provides an opportunity to participate in online discussion. Later in the course you will have compulsory tutor group conferences (TGC's).


When I did the course there was no requirement to participate in the general discussions it was really just an option.


So don't panic! you haven't 'lost it' :o


I would imagine there would be some sort of guidance/introductory message explaining the purpose of these discussions so I would have a hunt and see what it says. Failing that I bet there are lots of people asking what it's all about on the main course discussion forum. Getting used to the different OU forums can take a little while but before long you will be nipping in and out of the different forums without a second thought! xD


I hope this helps but of course as an 'ex' E115'er I don't have access to the conferences any more.

I really wouldn't worry and would view these discussions as an 'extra' that you may or may not want to read/participate in but sometimes they can be a welcome 'distraction' from the actual course study if that makes sense.


BUT please don't spend to much time discussing outdoor play on the OU site come here and talk to us instead :(:(:(

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I'm enjoying this forum already- you guys are great!! :o


Thanks for the warm welcome everyone- Look forward to reading and posting all lot more messages in the near future.

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Thanks Geraldine - as always I knew you'd have the answer. Have added my bit to the outdoor play discussion, so will see how it goes.

Thanks again - you're a star!

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Hi all,


I have started to look at part 2 :o


I have got as for as the topic for choosing an investigation. I have a few ideas but i am unsure if i am on the right track.


1 Looking into my own practice and how/do I work effectively in partnership with parents and other professionals




2 Explore the importance of partnership with parents and other professionals



Any help would appreciated


Thanks Angela

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I was just settling down to a cosy evening with E115 - which I'm actually really enjoying!! - when I received message from tutor to say TMA 1-3 hadn't arrived - would I send copies!!!! Threw me into a real spin and now completely 'ends-up' and can't settle to anything!!



Anyone else?



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HELP!!!!!!!! I don't like this!


I just got to Activity 2.19 and 2.20 where it asks to think of a key question about practice.

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions of what kind of questions I could attempt to investigate.


Just to help you...


Although i was a Nursery leader at my previous role (and that role would have made this TMA a lot easier)!!

My current role is a childminder.. hold on, i mean a 'Nanny' as i look after children in their own home and not my home. I work with ONLY one other worker and she's a childrcare student. :o


I have met the children's school teachers and an LSA who works with one of the children.

Also, I have had formal meetings with the parents when I took on this role and because I've recently started, I've hardly had many meetings with parents due to time restrictions.




I don't know what kind of question to come up with because I don't really work with 'other' professionals.





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HELP!!!!!!!! I don't like this!


I just got to Activity 2.19 and 2.20 where it asks to think of a key question about practice.

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions of what kind of questions I could attempt to investigate.


Just to help you...


Although i was a Nursery leader at my previous role (and that role would have made this TMA a lot easier)!!

My current role is a childminder.. hold on, i mean a 'Nanny' as i look after children in their own home and not my home. I work with ONLY one other worker and she's a childrcare student. :o


I have met the children's school teachers and an LSA who works with one of the children.

Also, I have had formal meetings with the parents when I took on this role and because I've recently started, I've hardly had many meetings with parents due to time restrictions.




I don't know what kind of question to come up with because I don't really work with 'other' professionals.






How about how you pass information from one set of providers to another - for example, how you share information between school teachers, LSA and home. The OU like you to be critical about your practice as it shows reflection, so you could say that you are aware of its current limitations but would like to progress the idea further, blah blah type of thing?


It's been a few years since my E115, so I can't remember how the question was phrased, but I'd be happy to help in any way I can and have a search in the loft for my assignments and stuff and re-read the questions again.


Ah - just noticed it's an activity, not an assignment. But you could still do the reflecting on practice thing as it will probably help with your assignment

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How about how you pass information from one set of providers to another - for example, how you share information between school teachers, LSA and home. The OU like you to be critical about your practice as it shows reflection, so you could say that you are aware of its current limitations but would like to progress the idea further, blah blah type of thing?


It's been a few years since my E115, so I can't remember how the question was phrased, but I'd be happy to help in any way I can and have a search in the loft for my assignments and stuff and re-read the questions again.


Ah - just noticed it's an activity, not an assignment. But you could still do the reflecting on practice thing as it will probably help with your assignment



Cait, you're a star


I'm trying to get my head around this activity as I'm sure I read that it's part of the next TMA - I will try to brainstorm some ideas and be critical wherever possible to show reflection. Don't know how the brainstorm map will come out- Finding E115 so different to the other OU courses I've done. Arghhh :o


Hope to hear from you soon

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Hi. Yes, I got TMA 1 and TMA 3 back one day then TMA 2 followed the next day - not sure why, but at least I passed, that's the main thing!! Well done on your results.

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Hi all,


Got my results today for TMA 01 (63%) and TMA 03 (78%) but none for TMA 02.


Has this happened to any one else?



Congratulations on passing everyone......me too! :o


I got TMA01 & 03 back together too......can only assume 02 had to come via the OU. I have since recieved it so don't worry, it's sure to be on it's way. xD

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Hi just arrived back from holiday to find results for TMA01 and 03 (passed- yippee!) but nothing arrived for TMA02 yet.

Have got some catching up with reading to do now. What is everyone putting for their Key Question? I thought of doing something about why is it important for parents and professionals to share information prior to transition - but don't know if this is what they are looking for? and whether to use this as a question before a child starts in the setting, or change within the setting to another group or a change from the setting to 'big school' - any ideas would be welcome.

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Hi, quick update! Sent copies to tutor (I keep everything backed up on pc, memory stick AND CDROM, in case!! :o ), received acknowledgement, but as yet no results! How on earth can you get a percentage for 1 and 2 when they are simply permissions/agreements ? !!! ?


Oh, well done everyone! and good luck



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