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Well done to everyone who have received the results for the TMAs and have passed.


I've received both TMA01 and TMA02 seperately, but I haven't received TMA03 yet xD .

I hope to get it next week, I'm just anticipating on the grade. :o



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Just received TMA02 - passed that too, don't know why that one came later???? - so 3 down......how many to go?

Any thoughts on your key question?

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Just a thought - having just been on First Class. The OU are keen that we share highs and lows, but ask that actual grades aren't shared, as people have different ideas/standards etc. I don't think that's too critical with TMAs 1 - 3, but what do you feel about future grade sharing on here? I haven't mentioned specific grades previously, feeling it could be a sensitive issue, leading to 'comparisons', however inappropriate that may be.


Not really very far on yet with my key question.



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Just a thought - having just been on First Class. The OU are keen that we share highs and lows, but ask that actual grades aren't shared, as people have different ideas/standards etc. I don't think that's too critical with TMAs 1 - 3, but what do you feel about future grade sharing on here? I haven't mentioned specific grades previously, feeling it could be a sensitive issue, leading to 'comparisons', however inappropriate that may be.


Not really very far on yet with my key question.




I'd go along with that Sue. I always felt uncomfortable in the past with sharing my grades whether they were what I expected or not. I'm just glad to have passed as I'm sure we all are. Congratulations all! :o


I've been sitting on this key question for a while now, not completely satisfied with what I came up with. I have a tutorial on Nov 8th but don't really want to wait another week before sending my questionaires out and then waiting for the replies.


The OU discussion groups are a good place to bounce ideas off too. Myhenroxanne, you asked about using transitions to cover your key question. There are quite a few people on the discussion forums doing this too so maybe you'll find more ideas there. Good luck! xD

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Just been on First Class and scared myself silly seeing some people being so far ahead - have always been a bit of a tortoise like someoneelse said.


Back now where I feel safe and warm.....



Finally got to Activity 2.20 - yey! I'm thinking about ways to improve communication between parents and practitioners to share information and skills relating to the learning and development of individual children so my question will probably be along those lines.


Probably need to sleep on it as I appear to passed my 9 pm deadline set by lovely husband - bless!!


Think I deserve a glass of wine!

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Thanks dublinbay, have just had a browse on First class.

I think I might go with transitions from pre school to reception, as I might consider sending questionnaires out to parents of children who left my setting last summer in addition to current parents. There are about 70% of past 'pupils' who have moved on from my setting to one local school, so relatively easy to send out questionnaires via the reception class teacher (whom I know quite well). The other children are dotted around town in other schools - do you think it overambitious to involve those at other schools too?

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There are about 70% of past 'pupils' who have moved on from my setting to one local school, so relatively easy to send out questionnaires via the reception class teacher (whom I know quite well). The other children are dotted around town in other schools - do you think it overambitious to involve those at other schools too?



I suppose it depends on how many questionaires you are thinking of sending. If you have enough with the children in the one school then I wouldn't bother with the others. Activity 2.26 suggests sending 5 to 10 questionaires out so you can decide from that. Good luck and lets hope we get lots of replies!! :o

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Oh dear, reading everyone's replies on here makes me feel sooooo far behind everyone!! I am behind on the study calendar, not sure how/when I am going to catch up....I'm sure I will eventually!!

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Oh dear, reading everyone's replies on here makes me feel sooooo far behind everyone!! I am behind on the study calendar, not sure how/when I am going to catch up....I'm sure I will eventually!!


I know that feeling Chicken Licken having just caught up myself! I'm sure you'll crack on with it when you can settle down to it. Just a friendly hint - I seem to remember they recommended that we try to get the questionnaires sent out by the end of this week in case you haven't read that bit yet!

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Hi everyone,


Wondering if anyone could help me? As i've temporarily left my Nursery Leader job, I took up a nanny job in order to complete the E115.


But i'm stuck for the 'various' types of evidence I need to show for the EYCLOs.


I'm on TMA 4 and 5, which asks for evidence of EYCLO 1,3 and 7. But don't know what kinds of evidence to use/produce as a nanny?


Does anyone have any suggestions?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Amirah, how have you got on? I have only just started looking at the TMA's (I feel so behind!!). I know it must be harder for you as a nanny. Did you send a questionnaire to your parents? What about a witness statement about a meeting you had with parents (EYCLO 7). Working with other professionals - do you ever have to talk with school teachers, health visitors etc? (EYCLO 3). Don't forget any training courses you've done and other documents you may read and gather information from (even magazines that show you update your own knowledge and practice (EYCLO 1).


Good luck with it - I bet you're more ahead than me!!

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Don't say that you feel behind... How far have you got upto??


I'm most definitely behind, that's for sure. I suppose it is pretty frustrating trying to gather evidence being a nanny. But I think I'm heading towards what i think might actually be the right direction (yeah right). Cait and Sarah from the forum helped me out quite a bit with lots of suggestions, some of which you have said. I've pretty much completed EYCLO 1 and 3 and going to start on 7 the coming week, which will be tough knowing that, that'll the EYCLO the tutor will be paying close attention to when marking.


Also, still got the anaylsing of questionnaires and interviews to do and then write up the TMA. Gosh seems like lots of work. Bearing in mind a 16month year old little munchkin of mine, who keeps tearing up all my papers and wacking the laptop whenever he gets a chance.


Not a great start towards TMA04 and 5 i guess.


Wish me luck.

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Any room for any more in that boat? Only hope it has plenty of life belts! Definiety behind now. Still working my way through part 3, which I am finding hard going.


Seem to have been constantly studying but perhaps not very smartly, spent too long on the questionnaires.


Good luck everyone, keep plugging away!

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Thanks for the 'good luck'- but i think i'm going to be needing a miracle with the E115!


I think i spent way too long on the questionnaires too.

Hope it goes well for everyone.



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I need to jump in the boat too. I have the morning off to complete TMA4 and 5.


Just when I think I am getting there I find or read something I think I should have included.


I am finding it hard to link the essay with EYCLO's


Ok back to it


Good luck to everyone



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Well, hi to all!


I've been off sick since 13th having had a foot op. I stupidly thought I'd get it all done in no time, but I can't sit at desk or computer for long without my foot playing up, so I'm joining the anxious brigade! Just starting Stage 3, although EYCLOs are under control, as I knew I'd have no access to work stuff for a while. Just got to get my Confirmer to sign me off!! Hopefully seeing her on Monday :o


Good luck to all!



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Me too! Am currently finding evidence for the EYCLO's and checking that I know where it came from so I don't get into trouble with plagerism.


Back to it. Can see me working up to the wire on this one!



Really not as hard as you are thinking it is, Deb and Glen - all you need is a sentence here and there 'as i stated in EYCLO 4 or whatever, we.

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