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New Childminders Or Ones Considering Packing It In.


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It would be interesting to see if the new framework and requirements are actually proving to put people off from doing this job. I know I wouldn't want my home turned into a totally child centred area, with all the money that may be needed to make sure it passed Ofsted requirements.I also know I wouldn't want the amount of paperwork that it engenders. We have a very successful afternoon club at my school which is under severe threat of closure and I know of some of the parents who will face difficulties if this happens.We just can't quite make the numbers add up to be self sufficient. I talked to several of these parent and two had considered childminding and after looking at it decided no way. I know that when I returned to work the only option I would consider was a childminder who made mine feel at home. I think that it is a shame that parents choices may actually be eroded

in some areas. What does everyone else think?

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Guest jane707

I definitely feel parents choice is being eroded...


But then you have the other side of the coin with childminders who have looked after children for years losing them to clubs who are charging $1.50 for an hour and a half session. Parents penny pinching in the current credit crunch.


Makes me very sad about the whole thing :o

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I read this post yeaterday and decided to think about it overnight! Definitely mixed feelings!! :o


Although it may provoke negative responses I decided to share my views....


I know of childminders who have given up or not proceeded to registration after initial training because of EYFS.


Perhaps if the training was more geared to childminders this could have been avoided.


Initial briefings were aimed very much towards daycare and I think some childminders panicked and decided to start winding down their business or to only provide before/after school care or to work only with children out of the EYFS age range. (I know of some in my area!) Inevitably this will reduce parental choice, as happens when small playgroups & pre-schools have to close because of falling numbers. (Although some of these childminders have found employment in schools or childrens centres...)


Thinking back, there were similar situations when Ofsted first took over Inspections and when Birth to Three was introduced.


If EYFS had been promoted as a chance for childminders to gain more status and respect as "childcare professionals" I think it would have been given a warmer reception.


There are a great many childminders (I include myself xD ) who already work to very high standards and produce daily diaries, scrapbooks, photo albums etc and need only revise their wording to meet the EYFS requirements. I chose to do this so parents have a visual record of their child's time with me. Even the youngest children like to show "their" book and talk about what they've done. They've been a useful tool for Mrs O, too.


I've been fortunate to have very positive feedback from local nurseries and primary schools when the children move on as to how well-prepared the children are - in terms of social skills, self care, attitude and disposition to learning etc


Other childminders have seen EYFS as a threat or a way of making their "job" more difficult. These are the ones who have decided not to undertake further training to meet new requirements or to look further into EYFS. Some of them haven't even opened the packs, choosing to rely on what the trainer tells them on the mandatory courses.


I have (& still do) mentored childminders through registration and their first 12 months of business. All have gone on to join the local Network and achieved "good" gradings from Ofsted. I always stressed that the National Standards were the MINIMUM level and that to achieve "good" they should use these as their starting point.


I can only think that in the long term EYFS will raise the standard of home-based childcare nationally if those that choose to see the changes as a bad thing opt out.


Those who have read other discussions I've taken part in know that I, like most of you, have spent many hours planning & preparing for 1st Sept. Yes, it has taken time and effort but hopefully it this initial workload will tail off over time :( - I certainly hope so!


I'm getting off my soapbox now and digging out my flak jacket to await feedback............



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well writtten nona

I agree much of what you say.

I think the new requirements will put some new childminders off- but then I think you have to be committed to being a registered childminder

I think its often been seen as an easy option and with the start up grant available to many -even more attractive.

Maybe we ll get more committed new childminders who want to be proffesionals and provide a high quality service


In our area we are loosing established childminders which is a shame as lots of them provide good quality childcare but many dont DO paperwork !!!(except for contracts info /permission forms etc) and dont DO training -except for mandatory first aid etc

Some have already given up and several have said they ll give up before their next inspection as they wont change their practice to meet the new requirments .


I have had to make changes to meet the EYFS,I have had spend time working my way through the pack,and what I already had and spend hours on the computer tweaking things


And HOURS and HOURS on the FORUM ,asking questions, gleaning tips and information !!!!!!-that really was time consuming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm not sure what I would have done without it so thank you everyone!!!


But I had policies and procedures,I kept diaries ,took photos and kept parents informed ,attended hours of training ,did level 3s, quality assurance and NVQ s -not because Ofsted said but because I chose to (and been called SAD for giving up my evenings and week ends to do so)


Its been tough at times and time consuming .and I m so glad I m not starting from scratch


I m sure we ll get there .It ll take time but its got to get easier!!!!!!!

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yes my area has seen good childminders change carear eg to class room ass. etc,


and its not just paperwork or EYFS, it was local schools and CC opening up more child care,

didn't think my area needed more child care we have good network childminders and PVI Settings,

but now every school has a nursery, before and after school care and summer clubs.


i fall over if i get a request but its usualy hrs the schools dont do eg, late nights and very early starts

not for me thanks lol


but back to EYFS training should be more personal to the type of setting and we should be asked what areas we need

training in

i was lucky as we have a good EY team, loads of support,

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