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It Disaster!

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Just had to come on here and moan about the terrible ICT disaster that has happened today! The school secretary took my laptop insisting she needed it to make my Smartboard work (I told her my smartboard was working fine, but she insisted and we both assumed that she knew what she was talking about). While she and the ICT support technician woman had my computer they seem to have lost all the work I did over the summer holidays - everything I did to update my continuous provision planning, all the work I did adapting everything to EYFS and bringing in new systems to really improve FS provision this year - ALL GONE!!!! :oxD:(


I can't believe it! At first I thought I'd just lost the Itunes library and that was really annoying, but when I then tried to print out some planning and found all my work had gone too I burst into tears!! I'm going to phon IT helpdesk tomorrow and hope they can retrieve it.


Just needed some sympathy from all you lovely people out there who understand how much hard work is involved!!! Sorry to moan, but I know you've got sympathetic ears and big shoulders to cry on!

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Just had to come on here and moan about the terrible ICT disaster that has happened today! The school secretary took my laptop insisting she needed it to make my Smartboard work (I told her my smartboard was working fine, but she insisted and we both assumed that she knew what she was talking about). While she and the ICT support technician woman had my computer they seem to have lost all the work I did over the summer holidays - everything I did to update my continuous provision planning, all the work I did adapting everything to EYFS and bringing in new systems to really improve FS provision this year - ALL GONE!!!! :oxD:(


I can't believe it! At first I thought I'd just lost the Itunes library and that was really annoying, but when I then tried to print out some planning and found all my work had gone too I burst into tears!! I'm going to phon IT helpdesk tomorrow and hope they can retrieve it.


Just needed some sympathy from all you lovely people out there who understand how much hard work is involved!!! Sorry to moan, but I know you've got sympathetic ears and big shoulders to cry on!


I really feel for you. It happened to me when writing an assignment, fortunately my son was able to help me out.

He is my computer whizz. I only have to phone him and he talks me through any problems. I will ask him if there is anything you can do and will post later.


Love Core

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have you tried doing a system restore you nedd to go to start then all programmes then accesories, system tools and then system restore and choose to restore your computer abck to an earlier date this should give you the opportunity to take the computer back to how it was before they messed about with it. Let us know how you get on

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Hi emmajess,

Have just spoken to my son and he said to find out exactly what has been done. If a system restore has been done the hard drive may have been reset, in which case the files were probably wiped without backing up. Or they may have moved the files around


He suggests that you tell them they have caused the problem so it is up to them to put it right.


I do hope you are able to get some answers from them and a lot of grovelling.


Love Core

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When our old PC suddenly went 'puff' pc world were able to retrieve all my files and put them on a disc before it went to the great cyber space in the sky-i hope something can be done for you

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I'm with Core, find out what happened and get them to fix it. They may have just done a 'tidy up' thinking they were being helpful!

A system restore could help too, we've done that on a home pc.

I know how you're feeling, my laptop fixed disc crashed just as I was about to print out a 3500 word assignment AARGH!!

Hope everything works out for you and you get everything back!



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ooh, I cringed as I read your post, having lost everything before through a computer crash, I know how you feel.


Sending positive thoughts to you though, really wishing with everything crossed that your work can be retrieved.


If worse scenario it can't let us know and we will all rally round as much as we can to help you find what you need from past forum posts, won't resolve all your hard work but will try and help you get back as much as possible to work from.






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We have someone in our village who works from home helping people with their IT problems. I remember he once told me about distraught students ringing him about their work they thought they'd lost but he was able to retrieve it somehow. Maybe before you do anything - have you got somebody like that who would KNOW what to do? Then send the bill to the office, I know the amount of time I put in over the summer on updating bits I couldn't comtemplate losing it all. Hope you can get it all back. If not maybe we can all help as Peggy said.

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I think i would have cried to all that hard work I hope that it all works out for you. I had this withcollege work the day before a essay was due I know back up all the time and save everywhere. You can only learn form these things, but it is easy to say that after they have happened.



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You must be feeling horrendous. However, to echo what everyone else has said - all is not lost, the data will still be on your computer and should be retrievable by someone in the know. I hope it all works out fine in the end.


And maybe now is not the time to remind everyone about the importance of backing up everything regularly.............. :o

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ohhh noooo i understand it happened to me

and yes once its happened once then you will always BACK YOUR WORK UP!


big big hugs your way from me too xxxx


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As others say it will be there somewhere. I agree about backing every thing up. I nearly had a disaster a couple of weeks ago when a memory stick snapped. I was able to put it back together enough to put everything onto the PC but even just the few hours since the previous back up would have been a lot of work. A colleage said she'd known someone else it had happened to who lost everything. aarggh.


Hope you find it all.



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Only just read your post had to add my crossed fingers.

Felt so awful for you but as others have said there are often ways of sorting these disasters!

hope it all works out


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