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Hello, does anybody know whether we can get the booklets that you fill out for the child and send home as their reports this year? If not, what are other professionals using as an alternative?


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no sorry i dont know but i hope some1 ere will?


im a childminder and had to type up my end of year reports and it wasn't easy

as it was the first time i had done it

went bk months worth of observations,


shame parents not read it yet or sent bk any of the paperwork i needed signing!!

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ok - call me silly but im really confused by this....

You're silly hali. xD


Frankly I have no idea: but when our advisory teacher visits me this term I shall be asking that very question. :(


It has never been mandatory for settings to fill out the booklets, has it? But it has always been obligatory to report to parents about their chidren's attainment of the profile points, and to report this information to the LA. What I'm not sure about is how we will report to schools - they are likely to get several different formats if we are not able to use the profile books. Which means they are probably less likely to read them than they were before.


Sorry - I realise I'm pushing one of your buttons here! (sits back and awaits explosion from the other side of Maidenhead! :o




PS: in reality, hali is far from silly!

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me explode never.. being flooded with eletric going on and off at mo.... wheres that wine!!!


we have always filled in profiles every sept for our 4 yr olds..a very well known lady whom you know of M (if u need a hint from EEL) said from now on we have to fill them in each term 4 yrs olds come up to us... but now im confused - ill just ring rachel on monday and ask her!!!! :oxD:(

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I have never ever received or used the booklets Maz

Do you have the eprofile in your area Marion? We don't use it here in Windsor and Maidenhead, and have always used the booklets. So it will be interesting to see what the advice is!


No doubt hali will keep me posted as to what the advice is! xD


(I should explain that one of hali's 'soap box' subjects is how long we in pre-schools spend on documentation and evidence which the teachers in our area seem never to have read...) Mind you if I had a reception class of 20 children I'm not sure where I'd find the time to read 20 sets of detailed files. So I just prepare information for children and parents, and encourage them to share with the child's teacher if they wish. Somehow it makes me feel better knowing that my intended audience is always incredibly interested in what I have to say! :(




(who is hoping not to have offended any weary reception or year one teachers... :o )

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As the profiles are no longer available I have printed out my own on the same sort of format.

Used one A4 piece of paper for each area and made little boxes and typed in all the points of achievement.

Took me a while, but I'll also add pages for photographs etc.




Gosh I sound a bit sad don't I, obviously had too much time on my hands!

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Gosh I sound a bit sad don't I, obviously had too much time on my hands!

Not at all, JMB: I think they sound lovely for parents and useful for teachers: the profile booklets were somewhat unwieldy and for someone with big handwriting like mine (and as verbose as me) it was difficult to fit everything in. I shall look into doing something similar (probably two days before I need to send the profile info off!) :o

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Do you have the eprofile in your area Marion? We don't use it here in Windsor and Maidenhead, and have always used the booklets. So it will be interesting to see what the advice is!






No my LA don't support the e profile. They intend to produce a new assessment document to use for EYFS but up to now there is no sign of it.

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We have just asked about profile booklets and have been told that new ones have been made to link to new EYFS, I'll let you know if we get them through

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We use these sheets and highlight off points as children are secure. We then transfer the info onto the e profile. We back them up with evidence and photos which we keep in an individual learning journal.


I know some staff just imput straight away onto the e profile and don't use paper sheets but my staff like to have it on paper. I've updated the letters and sounds points that have changed.


The first one is all on one page but prints off onto A3 paper.



The second is on A4 but split over 2 sides.


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As the profiles are no longer available I have printed out my own on the same sort of format.

Used one A4 piece of paper for each area and made little boxes and typed in all the points of achievement.

Took me a while, but I'll also add pages for photographs etc.




Gosh I sound a bit sad don't I, obviously had too much time on my hands!


Your not sad at all in fact you sound very organised. I dont suppose you would mind sharing this would you, i would really like to see how others are doing it this year. Thanks Lisa

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  • 8 months later...



I was looking at the sheets, but I don't understand why FS 1 children would be assessed via the EYFS profile when this is to be used at the end of the EYFS, so when the child is finishing Reception. No? Could you kindly clarify me?


Thanks in advance :o

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F1 aren't. It's only for F2/end of key stage.

There's often confusion re profile ie a learning journey and Profile- the statutory assessment at the end of EYFS.

The eyeProfile (new version of eProfile does have the capacity to track across 2 years but a QCA officer working with our LA says it's not what they want. It's developed by Suffolk LA and available for use usually if your LA supports it's use.


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There seem to be several threads at the moment rearding the profile, how to and when to fill it in and whether teachers actually read the evidence sent from previous settings. It seems each LEA has different expectations and requirements....


In Suffolk where we still have a three term entry (in some parts of the county) schools use the eyeprofile to record for the end of reception (well actually that should read for nearly the end or reception as they have to be at the LEA for the 19th of June) :o


There are some schools with one entry point and others with three term entry and this is where difficulties arise. At my previous school the Pre Sch would send a very positive report to parents that they suggested should be passed onto school sometines it was sometimes it wasn't. Therefore some children we would have lots of evidence and others we were starting from scratch. If children were attending different settings we would possibly have their reports etc too. One booklet I recieved was pages and pages of postits attached to pieces of paper with comments like "he looked at a book". In these circumstances it is impossible to read every post it for 30 children and actually retain the useful information.


The introduction of The Learning Journeys which Suffolk have introduced should ensure a more uniform format.... next term I will recieve the first Learning Journeys that started in Pre Sch then follow onto Nursery and finally into school (I will let you know!)


In my current school the Nursery begin the profile the term before they join us, on a sheet for each child we devised ourselves, I don't ask for any other evidence than the Learning Journey and their professional judgement which I trust. If they didn't do this there is no way I could fill in the profile in the 33 days that I will have my Easter entry children before I have to send it off! xD We send in the eyeprofile and keep the program updated termly to save time at the end of the year.


One further note to add (on this very long reply) I am also SENCO and we were told that there has been a discrepency in the teacher assessment evidence sent to the LEA and the AUDIT evidence. The LEA will be looking very carefully to ensure that scores are not being 'adjusted for a purpose' high to keep Profile moderators happy, low to get money from AUDIT, high to keep value added up etc etc.

It is possibly for this reason that due to pressure from Headteachers some teachers do not appear to value evidence sent from previous settings. It is the school that will be rated on the performance of the children leaving reception and their profile scores. Teachers will always want to read information about the children in their class so they can quickly begin to build up a true picture of that child and what makes him tick.

Edited by Sharon
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