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Some News.................


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My dear, lovely friends...................today, my world has been turned on its head.I have been to the hospital, where they inform me they are 99.99% certain I have breast cancer and will need a mastectomy.The good news is that as I went quite quickly, it has been caught early and they are hopeful of a full recovery. I will probably need chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, so the lovely long hair will be gone, which I am sad about, but i guess it will grow back again?

so, my lovelies, will you all do me a favour.................and yes, that includes the guys among us..........PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check your boobs, for lumps, bumps or puckering, and if you find anything at all that worries you, please make a date with your doctor to get yourself checked over. No tears, no sympathy please, i fully intend to get better and there are a lot of gigs to get to!!


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Oh Narnia, please be postivie. My mum had the same news just over a month ago - luckily things were sorted quickly, she had her masectomy and is now recovering well, her aftercare treatment is now being sorted.


Remember we are all here to 'chat' to or just to have a good old moan, and you may be suprised at how many people have been in the same postion you are in now. take care.




Sorry I stopped crying and re-read post .... so this should start 'Continue to be possitive'!! Hair - I've heard it often grows back thicker and stronger anyway.


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thankyou for that........................one of my main concerns is running my group while all this stuff goes on,how to tell parents (and reassure them that their children will still be well looked after),oh yes, and we may have an Ofsted inspection looming!! (do you think I can get a date out of them under the circumstances???I would want to be at my setting when they come).lots to think about :o


also, it occurs to me: I hope I haven't offended anyone, or brought up bad memories for anyone on here by being so open about my situation. Forgive me if i have xx

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All positive vibes coming from Lewes, too :o

So good you sought help as soon as you discovered it: thanks for the advice, and keep us up to date. It's worth a try contacting Ofsted, isn't it? Nothing to lose there.

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All my good wishes are with you Narnia. You are now a member of a very exclusive club (of which I am also a member) and I pray that soon a vaccine will be found as for cervical cancer and our club will become defunct. You are now on a journey during which you will cry, rage, laugh and eventually feel very happy to be alive. You will meet some wonderful people along the way and you will find strength you never knew you had. Of course you are concerned about your setting but just for now you must put yourself first.

with love


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Setting yourself goals and giving yourself something to focus on is a very positive move, however be sure to look after yourself and take time for you when you need it. We are all hear to listen and offer what support we can. Our thougths are with you. x

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******positive thoughts beaming your way***********



We've been there as a family so can understand somewhat the roller coaster you are on.Mother in law has had 2 masectomies (seperate occasions) and keeps her 'spares' in a box in the wardrobe for when she goes out as she choose not to have reconstruction


Lots of laughter with lots of tears.


I hope someone with access to this board will keep us updated when you busy with appointments




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Narnia you acted quickly and positively which demonstrates your attitude to life and this will see you through I know.

I have several friends who have had breast cancer and they have come through the other side of their treatment and are stronger than ever within themselves. One has curly hair now! Take some time for yourself and and remember we are all here to talk if you wish.

There are some very fetching hats around so make the most of the opportunity to wear them :o




or of course





Lots of love and prayers from all of us.

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Narnia I just wanted to thank you for your openness and honesty - I know that in a community like this relationships build quickly and easily but I do feel honoured that you have chosen to share this news with us all. It says a lot for your strength of character that you are worrying about how others are feeling and how they will cope: and if anything will get - and keep - you well it will be your positive attitude. Oh and I'm sure your surgeons and doctors will play a small part! :o


I can't offer words of advice and nor would I presume to. I would just like to wish you well for the trials ahead and send you a virtual hug - and I do hope you get enough 'real' hugs whenever you need them!


Maz xx

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I am a great believer in positive thought. My mum had a very good friend diagnosed with cancer 30 years ago who was given 6 months to live. She has always found something to look forward to and says that she can't spare the time to die! She is riddled with cancer and every new doctor she sees is astounded that she is still living and extremely active with it. She has been a real inspiration to everyone around her as I am sure you will be for family and friends alike. Take care.

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A very close friend of mine went through the same, her hair was fantastic when it grew back, much better than before! :o God Bless you Narnia......sending as many virtual hugs and wishes I can.xx

x Jessica

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Just thought I would add one of my bestest friends had breast cancer at 21 years old!! Double mastectomy at that age was devastating........until she got her new boobs - they are amazing and she is fast approaching 40 now still jiggling them about to make us friends with droopy boobs jealous!!!

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Narnia, you made me smile.


Only you could worry more about the Big O than the Big C :o


Keep fighting, question everything & trust your instincts as to alternative/complementary therapies, too. My Mum-in-law has renal cancer and finds massage & reiki beneficial but can't tolerate reflexology - she enjoys trying them all though. (she had a mastectomy 37 years ago!!)


Will send positive vibes your way and be (virtually!) right alongside you every step of the way


In love & light,



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