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Committee Leadership Vs My Leadership


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Hi there (I'm back at last after a few technical probs).


I am currently the manager of a committee led pre-school and I am looking at doing it without the committee.


Question 1 - I'm sure will be many more -


Is anyone else aware of or using a payroll company to pay the wages, sort the p45/60's and help out with the payroll?


I have found two companies;

Devon PLA Payroll Service (which don't seem to actually pay the wages) and

The Pre-School Payroll Service (which use the Standing Order system)


Does anyone have experience of these and if so, is it good? Please do help and if you want to be discreet send me a personal message through the FSF.


Many thanks,


cirhossa1 :-)

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Hi there (I'm back at last after a few technical probs).




Is anyone else aware of or using a payroll company to pay the wages, sort the p45/60's and help out with the payroll?


I used a payroll service when I had my nursery and it was the best £10 a month that I spent! He sorted everything out for me, all payslips, P60s, P45s the lot. I don't have experience of either of the two companies that you mention - I used someone who advertised locally, he was a retired accountant who did a few payrolls for small companies to earn a bit of pocket money. Fantastic service!

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The best of luck to you cirhossa!


Do you mind me asking what has made you decide to take it over? Plus how do you express an interest in doing that? Or have you not told anybody?


Does it cost? Do you have to close and then re-open?


Would love to hear anybodys experiences!

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umm ....as marley says i would be very interested to hear about how your going about this does the committee want you to take it over? :o



I would also like to know how you are managing to do this. What sort of building do you occupy and what do your existing parents think to this? Are there fee increases?


Good Luck and keep us all posted on how you are doing



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I use the CD that the inland revenue send and it calculates everything for you very easy. I even file online my end of year PAYE, and if I can do it it is very sefl explanatory. I have even found the inland revenue very helpful.

I have made my own wage slips on Excel which again took a little bit of time but were not to bad to do.

The CD is so easy it calculates everthing onto a electronic P11. It shows you their tax and N.I. payments even calculates the end of year amount that they pay. You can print your P60's P45's it is very basic knowledge of a computer and it leads you through it. It even has a tutorial. My staff are paid by Standing Order every week which again I set up online through the bank.


If I can do it any one can it is not that difficult. The Inland Revenue will talk you through on the phone if you get stuck. I was petrified the first time I used it but the staff on the helpline are really nice!!!!!!

Get in touch and see what they say, Good luck


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Sorry to hear you've had tech probs but nice to see you back, I've been wondering how you are :(


So, going it alone eh? Well not quite alone with the forum here. :o


I used to do my own payroll, used the I.R CD and online 'gateway' to submit end year figures plus produce P60's etc. I think the gateway service is being stopped soon though.

I still took a bit of time to do. Then I found a local lady she charged £4 per staff member for initial set-up, then £1 per staff member each payday, I would send her the gross figures then she would send out pay slips plus a P14 sheet for my records.

She was very good. When I had IR do a spot check visit to me to check I was paying minimum wage ect my PAYE lady was very helpful.


Give me a PM if you want her details and I'll look them up.


We really should get together sometime then you can tell me first what all the others are asking about going it 'independently' without committee xD:(



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We use the Devon PLA payroll service. They are very good, sorting out tax, P45s ... everything the Inland Revenue requires. They send the payslips, and we just write the cheques. Makes life a lot easier.

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Hi there everyone,


well I wasn't prepared for such a huge response, so thank you all xD


I currently have a chap to do the wages and it isn't going well. I saw these two companies advertised in our County Council Mag.


Certainly I'm keen to have a compoany work out the bits and bobs and we could write a cheque easily!



As well as this, I am looking into us becoming a Limited Company, therefore losing the committee and being able to make decisions without trying to get six or more people tied down to a meeting which seems to take weeks to arrange (and by then the items on the agenda are really pressing and affecting the team and the whole setting)!


Many of these decisions could easily be made by myself and my colleague and I feel it is a definite way forward.


At present, I am looking into the pro's and cons of being a Limited Company and it does look like there is more to do in terms of keeping in with legislation, but we are all used to that!


Anyone got any advice or help?


Or has anyone actually done this themselves?


Please do let me know :o

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The best of luck to you cirhossa!


Do you mind me asking what has made you decide to take it over? Plus how do you express an interest in doing that? Or have you not told anybody?


Does it cost? Do you have to close and then re-open?


Would love to hear anybodys experiences!



Hi Marley,


I've had this on my mind for some time. At present I have a committee made up of a few parents who wish to give up. They have been instrumental in helping me move the pre-school, but now I find I can't get them together to make simple decisions which I feel I am capable of (and it seems so do my staff).


I have had such a bad run of committee problems (holding meetings without enough members, trying to re-write and implement policies which had been re-written, incorrectly paying the staff wages, not providing reports etc). In fact the list goes on and on, but I have to say that a few years ago the icing on the cake (which was bitter and sour) was that an ex chairperson threw away the minutes of all the meetings and everything else they had been given - child protection things - the lot!!!


My current Chair has done the best job ever, but it is going to be a nightmare to replace her as no-one will meet her standard and serious attitude to the role (especially as they won't be paid).


I can do this - and my eyat isn't talking me out of it - yippee!


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Hae a chat with charity commission and PLA they should be able to help you with an action plan,steps of how to put ideas into practice / reality.


Good luck, I hope it all works out for you.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I know i'm jumping on this a bit late but its been forever since i last logged on (i'll sit myself on the sofa and talk to myself about my lack of participation later lol) but i'm in a similar situation .. we are committee led and apart from our fantastic treasurer (she really is worth her weight in gold) getting parents to join the committee is a massive task in itself so i'll be really interested in what the outcome of your situation is. With regards to the wages we pay our local pre school learning alliance £3.75 per staff member, per month to do our wages and honestly its money well spent. I hope everything works out well for you



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Guest Stephanie Mathivet

Hi Cirhossa1

As the manager of the pre-school you are employed by the committee. You cannot do anything without the agreement of your chairperson, who is technically your boss. It usually falls on the treasurer to sort out paying wages and would therefore be up to the treasurer to arrange for an outside company to take over the wages.


If you are members of the Pre-school Learning Alliance this is a service that is available for members. You should contact the Alliance for more information.




Hi there (I'm back at last after a few technical probs).


I am currently the manager of a committee led pre-school and I am looking at doing it without the committee.


Question 1 - I'm sure will be many more -


Is anyone else aware of or using a payroll company to pay the wages, sort the p45/60's and help out with the payroll?


I have found two companies;

Devon PLA Payroll Service (which don't seem to actually pay the wages) and

The Pre-School Payroll Service (which use the Standing Order system)


Does anyone have experience of these and if so, is it good? Please do help and if you want to be discreet send me a personal message through the FSF.


Many thanks,


cirhossa1 :-)

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Hi Cirhossa1

As the manager of the pre-school you are employed by the committee. You cannot do anything without the agreement of your chairperson, who is technically your boss. It usually falls on the treasurer to sort out paying wages and would therefore be up to the treasurer to arrange for an outside company to take over the wages.


If you are members of the Pre-school Learning Alliance this is a service that is available for members. You should contact the Alliance for more information.




:oxD:( Ha Ha , ok if your committee are committed to doing the things they should, if you are left to get on with it , whether you like it or not sometimes you have to take these things in hand.


As the manager of the pre-school you are employed by the committee. You cannot do anything without the agreement of your chairperson, who is technically your boss. This statement makes me want to roll over and laugh


Sorry but personal experiences of committee run Pre-schools will haunt me forever

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Hi Cirhossa1

As the manager of the pre-school you are employed by the committee. You cannot do anything without the agreement of your chairperson, who is technically your boss. It usually falls on the treasurer to sort out paying wages and would therefore be up to the treasurer to arrange for an outside company to take over the wages.


If you are members of the Pre-school Learning Alliance this is a service that is available for members. You should contact the Alliance for more information.




Hi Steph and welcome to the forum. :o You are absolutely right in theory that the committee is in charge and has the final say on everything. However, if you know anything about committee run groups then you will also know that there is a huge range in terms of the competency of committees and the commitment they show. Many committees not only abdicate responsibility to staff members but indeed have an expectation that staff members will carry out these roles as part of their job description.


You will find here that we are a real community and get to know each other, and each others problems(!) quite well. Cirhossa1 has been struggling recently with many committee issues, least of which is getting anyone at all willing to stand at the next AGM. Many of our members are in a similar situation and are striving to find an answer to this problem. One of the options open to staff is to effectively 'buy out' the committee, with the committees full knowledge and support of course. Before doing so it is of course wise to look into all aspects of running a business which is what Cirhossa is trying to do here. xD



:(:( :wacko: Ha Ha , ok if your committee are committed to doing the things they should, if you are left to get on with it , whether you like it or not sometimes you have to take these things in hand.


As the manager of the pre-school you are employed by the committee. You cannot do anything without the agreement of your chairperson, who is technically your boss. This statement makes me want to roll over and laugh


Sorry but personal experiences of committee run Pre-schools will haunt me forever




You have obviously had a difficult time in the past with voluntary committee groups and you have my full sympathy. I too have been there, done that and have the T-Shirt! One of the difficulties I faced was during a complete change of committee whose expectations were at complete odds with my previous committee. I am afraid I was very naive at that time, and assumed that any committee would value my advice and opinion in the same way as before and I was totally unprepared for the attitude I faced which was very much - we are in charge and you are merely the hired hand, so you will do as we say. So I think it is a timely reminder that although many committees are woefully 'hands off' there are others who are the complete opposite. It is as well to always bear in mind the actual structure of the group in terms of who is ultimately in charge and not make an assumption based on past experience.


I also hope that you can put aside any personal issues and find it in yourself to be open and welcoming to all new members who may have lots of good and timely advice to share with us all. :(

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Hi there everyone,


just thought I'd update you all!


As it stands at the moment, the Chair resigned and so did the treasurer (yippee)! That leaves five poeple on the committee - all of whom would like to resign, but all of whom are now bound to stay by the legalities!


So far only one parent has asked about joining the committee and I really was flummoxed when they asked me for my opinion (what can I say?)


Since then no-one has come forward and any that have been asked have been outside listening to the chair of another local preschool that has just closed down - and she took it on just weeks before it closed without knowing what she was taking on (poor thing).


Since then, I'm looking at the pro's and cons of taking it over - the pro's are the instant decisions, the ability to feel in charge and being able to support the staff how I feel they should be supported....the con's - more paperwork more than anything, but hey, I used to do everything myself so I can't see the difference.


My 'employer' has just cancelled the next committee meeting as there aren't enough people attending (again). My 'employer' has also admitted that the Treasurer had made alot, in fact a huge, big, enormous amount of mistakes - no apology though!


The blessing is that the committee have discussed it and I seem to have their blessing in taking it over as long as I do it right!


Phew . . .I'll let you all know how it goes as it goes along :o

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Best of luck cirhossa1,


Are you considering self employed ownership, or more of a Ltd company or co-operative or another type of set up?


It's good to hear the committee are supporting you in your goals of maintaining consistency within the management of the preschool. Try and get to know other local preschools who manage their settings in various ways, maybe the EYAT can put you in touch with other settings who have gone through what you are thinking of doing, especially ones based on school premises, which is, as I'm sure you know, a different ball game altogether, what with tenancy agreements etc etc.


I have every faith in that you will do what is best for the group, and that you will get through this unsettled time and end up with a supportive staff team, happy parents and children who have a secure future with the group. :o



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look up "management committees" on google? they are an alternative to parent commitees


we're a preschool with a management comittee, Im treasurer, the the deputy is secretary and another member of staff is chair the rest of the team sit in on meetings and are involved in all aspects of running the group. our group is part of a church and the church is named as the trustees but choose not to input on the day today running (optional arrangement) we have to submit accounts at the end of each year to the church.


if you want you can still have parent representatives on the management committee but they would be there more in a feedback liaising role.

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Since then, I'm looking at the pro's and cons of taking it over - the pro's are the instant decisions, the ability to feel in charge and being able to support the staff how I feel they should be supported....the con's - more paperwork more than anything, but hey, I used to do everything myself so I can't see the difference.






Surely if you are 'taking over' the assets of the pre-school without a committee it will become a private concern and as such the assets should be valued and you should pay the asking price to do so?

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