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Committee Leadership Vs My Leadership


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Surely if you are 'taking over' the assets of the pre-school without a committee it will become a private concern and as such the assets should be valued and you should pay the asking price to do so?

This will all be governed by the committee's constitution - and if the group is a PLA member then they will almost undoubtedly be involved in coming up with a reasonable price for the assets, waiting list etc. This will then be distributed according to the consitution (or the PLA will advise, if appropriate).


It really is important to get everything tied up legally if the group is going from a committee-run to a private concern otherwise all kinds of things could come crawling out of the wood work to bite you in the proverbial!


Good luck, cirhossa1! What an exciting time for you all. :o



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look up "management committees" on google? they are an alternative to parent commitees


we're a preschool with a management comittee, Im treasurer, the the deputy is secretary and another member of staff is chair the rest of the team sit in on meetings and are involved in all aspects of running the group. our group is part of a church and the church is named as the trustees but choose not to input on the day today running (optional arrangement) we have to submit accounts at the end of each year to the church.


if you want you can still have parent representatives on the management committee but they would be there more in a feedback liaising role.



We're the same. as I started the Preschool up, the equipment for the most part is mine, and I do the bulk of the work. My Management Committee is myself, two deputies and Assistant plus two parents. I really didn't want my 'baby' taken over by parents to do with as they wish - and the awful tales I have read on here only confirm my views! Ofsted were a bit surprised at first and unsure how to categorise us for some bizarre reason. It works though, for us, and parents seem to feel more comfortable this way I think as it's more a 'Board of Governors' type of Committee.

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we have just formed a limited company and are going it alone. my advice is to apporach your committee carefully, seek advice from you LA business development team because their are several ways of going about this and talk to the PLA. its a big step but we went for a private company as other forms of LTD companies have to have trustees, which could end up being similar to the committee situation. Also , as a private business we couldnt take any monies acruued ( Might have spelt that wrong) with us. so had to start from scratch


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  • 2 months later...


Good luck to you all who decide to come away from committee run groups. I now own a 40 place pre-school. We were committee run and as already posted it was a nightmare to get them to do anything. We had the PLA visit who informed us we wasn;t running to the constitution as we couldnt get parents involved. Decision made by only committee member to disolve the group. We offered the PLA a payment based on equipement we had and what we could afford and committe member wrote minutes from meeting explaining what we discussed, although we had a lot of equipment none of it was brand new and we only offered £300. The charity commission accepted and the group was dissolved. We kept the equipement and re-opened.

We then had to register again with Ofsted as a partnership and run for 2 years like that.Business partner done wages on CD Rom from Inland Revenue,she made a load of mistakes, for which I am still paying for.I am not an accoutant and to be honest, with the work load you will have on top, my opinion is leave accounts to someone who knows what they are doing.


Business partner emigrated and I went as sole trader and accoutant took on wages. He only charges extra £100 per year for doing wages, payslips, p60's, etc... More than worth it. Leaves you to get on with what you want to do and that is run your own group.

Good luck!!!!! :o

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Hi All,

Happy New Year!!


I am a Deputy at a Committee Run Pre-School, we to are having difficulties recruiting new parents for the committee roles....


With my manager we are looking into running as a CIC company (Community Interest Company). Lots of info on the web....


We would run as we are now but not have to rely on parents to be committee members, be able to run the pre-school ourselves and also not be financially liable......


Would have to have the go ahead from all parents and current committee members first though.....





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Hi All,

Happy New Year!!


I am a Deputy at a Committee Run Pre-School, we to are having difficulties recruiting new parents for the committee roles....


With my manager we are looking into running as a CIC company (Community Interest Company). Lots of info on the web....


We would run as we are now but not have to rely on parents to be committee members, be able to run the pre-school ourselves and also not be financially liable......


Would have to have the go ahead from all parents and current committee members first though.....






That sounds interesting ..... what about your constitution and charity Commission status?

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Would have to have the go ahead from all parents and current committee members first though.....

I would say that depends on what your consitution says. I'd definitely take advice either from the PLA if you're members, or from a lawyer or your Early Years team who should know!


Good luck - sounds like an interesting venture!



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we are still have our committee (until may 09) but out of 11 only 2 have children currently at pre-school. Thing is number are really low...only 25 on the roll and not much interest from current parents about attending meetings....come May not sure what will happen...going to look into this CIC thingy!

Keep us informed everyone!

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