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Base Lining New Reception Children

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I'm new to this forum and to reception. I have taught for a long time but not in reception.This is my first reception class.

How are you base lining children when they come in as my classes nursery profiles seem to vary greatly?

Also I am struggling with enhancing provision- any tips? :o


Hi Pongo


Sorry - not in school so I can't help much I'm afraid.


Just wanted to welcome you to the Forum and say that someone knowledgeable will be along with advice and support soon!




I'm new to this forum and to reception. I have taught for a long time but not in reception.This is my first reception class.

How are you base lining children when they come in as my classes nursery profiles seem to vary greatly?

Also I am struggling with enhancing provision- any tips? :o




I am an NQT in Reception and like you am uncertain as how to baseline children - I have been attempting to begin completing e-profile today as have been told need to have their entry scores entered by half term - some children have come into my class with no records from nursery, whereas others have records but as you say the structures are different. I have found it relatively easy to enter some children's data, especially if have nursery records as can compare scores/evidence, however I have found it extremely tricky for those who I have no records as I am worried I will over or under estimate each child's abilities. Also unsure how to complete profile for one child I have who have learning and communication impairments - any advice/pointers greatly received!!


Am also worrying that I am trying to achieve too much in a week to enable enough observation of the children but unsure how will get all areas covered in the time if I don't plan various activities - think I've reached the panicky stage and am worried if make mistakes will impede chidlren's learning and development - am I just thinking too much!!!


Hi and welcome!


I've just assessed the first 3 points of PSED, CLL and PSRN. (Still 30 assessment points, but a bit less enormous!) Quite a few of these can be done by teacher judgement, without lots of evidence - like separating from carer, and others can be done together through a carefully planned activity. Through the rest of the year I would put more emphasis on observations from child initiated learning, but I've found there just isn't the time to do this properly for an entry assessment, so I plan specific activities to assess as well as enhanced provision that links closely so as to gather lots of specific evidence in a short space of time.


Hi, this year we are using a resource to baseline children's early language skills as this is always a big issue for us. Some children are EAL but most have English as their firs tlanguage but at a very low level.

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