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Average Point Scores On Entry To Reception?

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I'm new to reception and am going through my baseline assessments at the moment (head wants assessments for PSED, CLL and PSRN by half term).


As I have never done this before I was wondering what your children usually score at the beginning of the reception year. A lot of mine are scoring 2 at the moment with some on 1, some on 3 and a couple on 4 for some areas of PSED. Does this sound about right?


Hi, welcome to the forum! Sounds about right, what sort of area do you work in? Might be worth checking out with colleagues from local schools to see what their results are like. Also might be worth looking at the data from your LEA - ours is just out. Hope this helps.


If you consider Ofsteds last pronouncement on on entry outcomes, they would have children at blue/green stepping stones (still not got any follow up to that Susan!!!) so a score of 2/3 , i.e. just below the ELGs (4 - 8) would seem to me to be around national expectations.

Point 1 often linked to the yellow SS so would be below the expected level for reception entry as that would link to on entry for Nursery. you could argue a child scoing 1 was already well below and has a lot of distance to get to 6+ by the end of the year.




I have several children to whom I would only give a score of 1 for writing (and this is usually the case on entry) as while they are happy to have a go at mark making and will give meaning to marks, they have to be using identifiable letters beyond this, and apart from their names, they are not. However, most go on to achieve 6 (or more) by the end of the year - some obviously don't.




Thanks for those replies, they're really helpful! I work in quite an affluent area. Hadn't thought of checking LEA averages thanks. I will also ask to look at the previous cohort's entry profiles on Monday.


Thanks again!

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