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Has anyone got any good ideas for a topic on Magic?





Thanks, my children are 4-5. F2.

I'm thinking about making a haunted house for my role-play area or a potions lab but not sure really.

I don't want anything too scary




perhaps go along the line of making magic wands, tiaras and wizzard hats. Not sure where your going with haunted house in relation to magic :o Winnie the witch is a good link too. We had a big bowl as the cauldren and i made up lots of little bottles of different potions in empty food colouring bottles such as water and oil,water and glittler, black colouring, green colouring,plastic mice,rats, spiders,frogs and we made up spells.



Room on the broom is a favourite story and we got some good role play


Literacy imput-We had a cauldron and dropped single letters in our 'at cauldron-stirred-chanted a spell and pulled out a CVC word.Kids faces were a picture :o as I was wearing my witches hat with orange hair while delivering the lesson.The 'at rhyming string fit beautifully with this-cat hat rat bat-and the props went in the role play area for extention


Meg and Mog of course


Use a 'Magic bag' put in 2d shapes and pull out solid ones


Green water with sequin stars with spoons, bowls and pans to make potions in the water tray.I also did this with green jellibaff on the tuff spot on Friday


KUW-its 'magic' when the caterpillar turns into a butterfly and tadpole into frog



buzzing -sounds like a great topic!!

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