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Hi everyone, after spending the evening with staff last night going through the various pieces of evidence we have gathered over the last few weeks from observations, photographs, childrens work.......I'm now wondering how you all arrange these into the child's folder...learning journey.


Or, could you tell me what you include in yours as I may be missing something out!! although I seem to have paperwork coming out of my ears at the moment!!!


many thanks

mrsb :o


We include all the stuff you mentioned above and place it in plastic pockets for the moment, held together with a treasury tag. At the end of the child's journey with us we will be putting everything into a folder, something with a clear front and a 'spine' which can just slide on. Hope you get what I mean.


Our admin. lady had designed a front page for a photo of the child with some clipart and their name of course. We have decided to take a photo of each child per half-term, participating in an activity. This is stuck to an A4 page with a description of the activity, the learning areas it covers and next steps. Hope this helps. :o


In case it's of use to anyone, we found something from Viking called a 'Snopake Clampbinder'. It's great because you can just clamp in each new sheet, rather than having to reorgansie the whole file for each child. [We used those folders where you hole punch each sheet & thread through a metal piece prior to finding these]


Hi, well what we have done in our school nursery setting is something similar. I go a wallet with pockets in and put each childs name onto a pocket. Then as we collected evidence photos, obs, paintings, writing etc we placed them into each childs pocket. We have devised a book into the six areas of learning and stuck these pieces of evidence into each childs book under the relevant area of learning, with a date and a stepping stone from the new EYFS. This is very time consuming as i have found out this afternoon spent 3hrs sticking in pictures etc and not even wrote anything into the books yet. At the start of the nursery session is Sept we took a photo of every child along with how they had settled and then we will then do this in July when they leave us.

Hope this helps. We dont put the next steps but i think this is a really good idea. Hope this helps Good luck 0258 x :o




Myself and my colleague collect "evidence" such as photographs, computer work, paintings and little comments/ observations and slip them into this folder which has like an accordion type inside and each child has their own slot. Numbers are low so we only need one folder presently!


At the end of the week. or when we have time these "bits" get stuck or written tidily onto A4 paper, (positive comments only) and put into the child's own plastic wallet which has 40 pockets.


Its our first year doing this so we may change next year but they are starting to come together already.........


Comments / obs about behaviour or things parents have mentioned , which are not so positive get kept on their cardex


I think the best thing here is to try and do it as you go along or with 26 children it could be a horribly BIG job! :o

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