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Went out las t night with some friends to a local pub to eat.


I bit into a tomato and the seeds shot across the table and hit my friend full frontal!, well this coupled with a few glasses of wine reduced my sister-in-law and myself to tears of laughter xD


I woke up this morning still tittering about it, and it made me wonder, with all the hard work we do, when was actually the last time you all laughed so much you nearly wet yourself?


I can't remember the last time I laughed so much, and it was much needed at the end of a every hard week :o


As they say: little things please little minds :(:(:(

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Yesterday with my H2B


Don't know what started it


He give me a lesson on washing and drying dishes lol (his way). I've never laughed so much. Everything has to be done just so and to his way or it isn't good enough


He then asked for a christmas present







Wait for it...............









Toilet Duck stick ons (toilet freshners for the loo)


He seriously wants some for christmas lol as he thinks they are 'mint', Well that just topped me over the edge lol

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Love this thread xD Cheers :(

Mine was with a friend last weekend but you had to be there really!! But we literally cried laughing with everyone just absolutly bewidered around us!! I have been with this friend before when she actually did wet herself laughing!! It does you the world of good doesnt it having a really good laugh I have an odd sense of humour I know! :o but when you find someone on you wavelength its wonderful! :( The hardest is when you lose it at work though sat infront of the children you have to keep it together to a certain extent especially when something they have inocently said start you off while you know the staff are on the floor in the kitchen!! :(


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Thursday night, I met up with another member of the forum for a drink. Just before she arrived at my house I said to hubby, it's a bit strange arranging a night out with someone you've only met on an internet forum (a new experience for me).


Well, it was like we'd known each other for years, had a good moan, shared work and family troubles but also had a good laugh about similar experiences of some 'types' of people who we've had to work with in early years. She'll know what I mean. :o


Must admit I did get a bit tipsy ! (don't get out much now, so can't handle the vino so well!) xD



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I've done the same with a tomato. A really posh Italian restaurant in Birmingham, on our anniversary last year. Hubby was wearing a white top too.


One laugh I definitly remember was a while back. I was in a pub with hubby and a close friend (just arrived and on our first drink) the football was on TV and when the goalie kicked the ball far down the pitch I asked hubby 'how far can you kick a ball?' He answered 'where from?' Me and my friend collapsed with laughter and my friend said 'from the end of your foot'. We howled all the more when hubby said 'I dont know what you're laughing at'.

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Guest MaryEMac

On monday night when we were coming back from a meeting, my deputy overshot my driveway and I said 'that's ok, I'll jump and roll'. She started to laugh and tried to say 'hang on I'll reverse so you can have a go', but she started to laugh so much she couldn't speak and in the end we were all laughing but didn't really know why. I didn't see her again until thurs to find out what she had been trying to say and then we started again. :oxD I suppose you really had to be there.



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On monday night when we were coming back from a meeting, my deputy overshot my driveway and I said 'that's ok, I'll jump and roll'. She started to laugh and tried to say 'hang on I'll reverse so you can have a go', but she started to laugh so much she couldn't speak and in the end we were all laughing but didn't really know why. I didn't see her again until thurs to find out what she had been trying to say and then we started again. :oxD I suppose you really had to be there.




Hi what lovely thoughts and times we have all had. Today I made my 10 yr old daughter laugh as I tickled her- it was just one of those spontaneous moments andshe ended up on the sofa laughing and laughing. It was so special as our days are short of laughter after teaching full time and also her Dad (my ex husband) is very ill and on dialysis 3 times a week and my 8yr old is finding his continual illness very hard to handle.They see him once a week but he can now barely walk and you can see him getting more ill each week. Plus my husband(now) is having trouble breathing and has emphysema so not much laughter in our usual days.

Sorry to have moaned but laughter today was so special and wanted to put it in context.

Nicky Sussex :(:(:(

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I bit into a tomato and the seeds shot across the table and hit my friend full frontal!,


One of the boys bit into a tomato at lunch the other week, and the insides shot out side ways, over my top & trousers, and on the face of a little boy sitting on my lap.

Needless to say we all found this very funny, but then I of course told them it was only funny because it was an accident, and they shouldn't go spraying the insides of their tomatoes on people on purpose!



Mrs Weasley.x

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I have to agree with him there.. I think they're fascinating !

But then you are very strange! :o


but then I of course told them it was only funny because it was an accident, and they shouldn't go spraying the insides of their tomatoes on people on purpose!


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On Friday the sand wasent dry enough to go through the childens sieves, so I thought I will dry it.

So took a bowl full over to the hand drier. Put the bowl under and activated the dryer (are you there yet?) I looked like I had been through a sand storm

Still gave every one a laugh for the rest of the morning

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Oh, Rosina that's fantastic!


I can now say the last time I laughed till I cried was minutes ago. I read it to hubby & daughter and they howled, too!



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Today when I got the chance to meet up with all my friends from my old dance class that I took part in before my ankle injury. All 6 of us were there at a Christening and it was great!

Here's us having our photo taken:


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:o mine was a little while ago now but, we had one of those days: 5 children wetting themselves,heating packing up,1 being sick and then to top it all , we were all engaged with children when a little voice came out of the toilets shouting it stinks of poo in there (this was at about 500 decibels) so I went to investigate and a child was standing in front of the the toilet with tights and knickers round ankles after having a very very very bad case of diahorrea which was on the floor,walls,toliet,in her boots!!! yes her boots so I called for back up and we cleaned up and at the end of session when a parent said have you had a good day ladies we all just nearly wet ourselves. We still laugh about it now !!!
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I'm actually about to pass out from laughing..


I've had enough of my touchscreen phone and I've put it on Amazon.co.uk (nice LG if anyone wants to buy it xD) and I got an email last night, from a man asking me to send it to his son in Nigeria. Which doesn't sound too funny but...

But a friend of mine, put his laptop on eBay, and sold it to a man in Nigeria. But, he sent the laptop off to him before he actually sent the money and ended up getting scammed. It's become a running joke, and although he lost out on a lot of money it's one of those things you just can't help but laugh at.


I'd forgotten all about this, and now I'm laughing so much after remembering it all !

and now my boyfriend thinks I'm going to do the same thing :o haha.Charming!


Mrs Weasley

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A few weeks ago a new little boy had a poo accident in his pants. It was quite bad and although I had prepared all the stuff I thought I would need I didn't account for how many wipes I would use. One of the other girls came over with a new packet and she looked over the top of the screen where I was changing him. I had just taken his pants off and as I looked up to say thank you he knocked my hand and the poo rolled out of the 'pant hammock' and along the changing mat. Without making a single sound she moved away, luckily we did't catch each others eye. When all the children had left we retold the story to the other girls. We could bearly talk for laughing and when I said 'pant hammock' we rolled up!! :oxD:(:(:(

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A few weeks ago a new little boy had a poo accident in his pants. It was quite bad and although I had prepared all the stuff I thought I would need I didn't account for how many wipes I would use. One of the other girls came over with a new packet and she looked over the top of the screen where I was changing him. I had just taken his pants off and as I looked up to say thank you he knocked my hand and the poo rolled out of the 'pant hammock' and along the changing mat. Without making a single sound she moved away, luckily we did't catch each others eye. When all the children had left we retold the story to the other girls. We could bearly talk for laughing and when I said 'pant hammock' we rolled up!! :oxD:(:(:(



:wacko: xD Well thats one way to put it!



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Anyway here's mine from last night.



After the day I had I went to watch football (boring match) but on the way out (giggling writing this) I noticed a car had been parked which was up on the grass verge/bank in the trees/bushes. The 3 of us I was with fell about laughing which set others around us off laughing once they had seen it.



Its there not a saying about cars in trees/bushes? :o




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My 17 year old daughter (planning to go to uni, supposedly intelligent !?!) has some very 'blonde' moments which really make me laugh, especially when she looks at me blankly and says 'whys that funny?'.


The latest? She was choking on a drink and afterwards said 'you nearly had to do the heineken remover then'..........





(Heinrich manouvre - abdominal thrust????)






With hindsight I think the Heineken Remover might be useful for university, what do you think?!



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At my last first aid training (June this year, I think) we were told not to call it the Heimlich manoeuvre any more because Mr Heimlich didn't want his name attached to it (something to do with litigation I think but I can't be sure). So they now talk about abdominal thrusts instead! :o



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I have just met for lunch with some ex collegues and one of the ladies recounted an incident that happened this week.


A little girl told the group that her daddy was collecting her from pre-school that day because her mummy couldnt drive because she had just had new boobies!!!!!! :(:(


Later on in the week the same little girl brought up the subject again - saying that her mummy had got new boobies because when she was a little girl she had sucked them all out :oxD


What is the world coming to?? (dont have anything against boob jobs but I dont think its right that the little girl should think its all because of her!!!!!)

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I did find one thing very amusing today. Driving into Hook to do to the supermarket I noticed the sign that said 'Welcome to Hook. Please drive carefully' was totally bent! Perhaps someone too busy trying to read the sign and forgot to look where they were going. :o


xD:(:( I bet that was a site for sore eyes! :(




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Guest Wolfie
With hindsight I think the Heineken Remover might be useful for university, what do you think?!


I think that this training should be an essential part of Freshers' Week if my son's first year at uni is anything to go by!! :o

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