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Manager - Ofsted Interview


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Hi - I am opening a new pre-school and I will be the manager. I will of course need to be interviewed by Ofsted to ensure I am suitable. Can anyone remember what they were asked at this interview. Obviously some of it will be about standards and policies and planning? Also how long does it normally last? thanks

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Mine lasted a couple of hours but she inspected the premises too. She looked at certain Policies and checked how we would implement the EYFS. She asked about staff and qualifictions and wanted to see a passport and proof of address. She talked about numbers of children and what our long term plans were. It seemed to fly by a lot of the time I just watched her ticking boxes!

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Hi - I am opening a new pre-school and I will be the manager. I will of course need to be interviewed by Ofsted to ensure I am suitable. Can anyone remember what they were asked at this interview. Obviously some of it will be about standards and policies and planning? Also how long does it normally last? thanks





Firstly you will be asked about your suitability i.e. Health issues, criminal record clearances, relevant training and your experiences in the childcare sector.

Then Staff recruitment and development will be discussed:- What are your vetting and recruitment procedures, how you will deploy staff effectively ensuring adult to child ratios are adhered to and covering annual leave/sickness leave appropriatly, grouping of children and your registration systems you have in place, Management of students and volunteers and additional staff, training and induction processes and how you will review and manage these.

Then you will be asked about suitable activities, resources and equipment and how they will support each individual child's age and stage ensuring they reflect culture, ethnicity and ability/disability. The Early Years Foundation stage should be linked to all activities etc.

Others items you may discuss could be:-


Documentation includind childs details etc

Confidentiality- Data protection/Information security systems you have in place

Safety and suitability of equipment.

Funding of three and four year olds and your intention of applying for this?

Policies and procedures you will have in place for inside/outside and outings to ensure the child stays safe, be healthy, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and support economic well-being. How will you ensure all staff are fully aware of these documents and how you will review them.

Dealing with sick or ill children

Accidents inc first aid, medication and appropriate storage and emergencies such as a lost child or non collected child

Food and drink and healthy balanced diets inc dietary/cultural requirements/childrens preferences

Equal opportunities and anti discriminatory practice-staff/children

special needs including code of practice and identifying and assessments of children inc I.E.P's and care plans

Safeguarding procedures, allegations, complaints etc

Management of children's behaviour

partnership working with parents/families and outside agencies


My interview lasted around 1 1/2 hours it really depends on how much you elaborate and expand on your answers


Good Luck, hope all goes well for you!!



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Welcome to the Forum, Charlotte - I can't ever remember such a detailed first post! I'm sure you'll make yourself at home really quickly.


Bluemandie: I'm sure these replies have given you lots to think about so I won't add to the list. Just remember that they're on your side (yes, they really are!) and be yourself. I hope it all goes well.



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My interview and questions were much as already stated on here in earlier posts.


The whole experience was much less scary than I had thought or worried about!

If she asks anything you haven't thought of, just be honest.....


There was something she asked me re after school club (I am manager of lunch club, private afternoon nursery and after school club) and I said we would see when it was up and running..... there are some things you can't know until you are working the situation!


She did want policies to look at, but as our pre registration visit was way in advance of our opening I emailed them to her I think.


Its also a good opportunity to ask anything you are unsure of......... I had worked previously in LA nursery and so much of the private stuff was new to me.


I took a note book in with me to write down anything she mentioned that I hadn't thought of/ planned to do.


It will be fine!!

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Guest Wolfie

Hi Charlotte and welcome to the forum!


Good luck Bluemandie - nothing much to add except that in my experience they sometimes give you a scenario to test your knowledge rather than straight questions - to find out how you would react and be guided by you policies in response to a given situation.


Let us know how you get on - I'm sure you'll be fine! :o

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When I had mine the Inspector completely acknowledged my qualifications and experience, which was very nice. She asked mostly about dealing with accidents and safeguarding children. Lasted about an hour. You'll be fine, you are capable of doing the job or you wouldn't have got it, and she will know that, you just need to prove to them that you can or you know where to turn to if you have doubts.

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I had mine very recently as took over a nursery at the beginning of this term.


The interview really wasn't as scary as I expected. I was asked things like "how will you ensure children have access to drinking water?" "how would you deal with a parent who consisitently sent an unhealthy lunchbox for their child?" As well as other things but everything was about everyday things that I'm sure you know - it really is common sense - good luck!!

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Mine was much the same as others have said, lasted for about 2 hours, really nice lady and just checking on the stuff you already now as a manager. They are not trying to slip you up and are usually informal.

As prep you could maybe just look through your operational plan and the EYFS to be on the ball.


Good luck :oxD:( :( :( :wacko: xD :rolleyes:

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Mine was much the same as others have said, lasted for about 2 hours, really nice lady and just checking on the stuff you already now as a manager. They are not trying to slip you up and are usually informal.

As prep you could maybe just look through your operational plan and the EYFS to be on the ball.


Good luck :oxD:( :( :( :wacko: xD :rolleyes:

hi shirel-i had mine a few weeks ago and the inspector emailed me the questions beforehand. They are now based around the welfare requirements as are the new inspections

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