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Gmtv Article On Childminders


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Hi there

This is my first post so sorry if its a bit muddled

I didnt see the artcile as i have been told it was on v early on fri 17th Oct.

I tried to find it on thier websit but with no success, could anyone help, or let me know what was said.

In my area BANES there are some who have given up laready, some who are totally out of thier depth with getting all the paperwork together.Then others like me who are muddling along, feeling the job is now one of evidencing everything, not being with the children and enjoying them teaching them in a home environemnt as we do things.

I am only continuing now as i still want to be home for my kids till they are 15 or so

Any comments would be appreciated


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Hi crazychris and welcome to the forum! I didn't see it either but I'm sure someone will be along shortly who did - and you've joined the right forum for support! :o

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Thanks for the link, Inge.


I'd bet there weren't many childminders watching GMTV when it was shown :o too busy finding hats, coats, school bags...............



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is this one the item you were looking for ? They are asking for responses ....



Thanks for your replies everyone

Yes that was the article, apparently it was aired before 6.45 am, so no not many of us werewatching tv then!!

unfortunately madonas divorce took over thurs programme when it was supposd to be on!!

Ive saved it and will take the article to our supprot group 2moro, will give you feedback form there!! :o

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hi again

Thankz for all your messages, its nice to know others are out there

I have no children 2day between school hrs so am eatin lunch then doin ---paperwork!!

Did anyone see Lorraine Kelly on gmtv today, they did a 5 min piece on us!!

I felt quite emotional watching as it cud have been me, or 100s of other colleague talkin

I'd post a link to it but dont know how!!

Wud like to hear from anyone who is finding the new system easy, and how they do it as well as any others out there who r beginning to feel we shud be standing up and protesting louder

I will write to ncma, but having seen thier rep today dont feel they really appreciate how many feel parents included

:o hey the suns out lovley!!!

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Hi Chris and welcome to the forum.


Unfortunately childminders are now having to do what those who have worked in nurseries have had to do for a long time - paperwork. However, I would actually say that, although I really don't like a lot of the wording in the new EYFS, it is too complicated and some of it totally inappropriate, the take on ensuring that we meet every child's individual needs and planning for individual child's interests is an excellent idea and is working in settings.


I agree that we should be playing with the children and that is what we are there for, and if you look after children before and after school, it is quite mad that you have to do mountains of paperwork as they only want to chill out after school or draw, play games, play outside etc.


However, I do agree when working with young childdren that there is some importance to be placed on ensuring that you are looking at a child holistically, and able to recognise and record their development and plan for the next stage in their development.


To be honest, your paperwork shouldn't be too huge. If you only look after a couple of children, even full time, you don't have to be doing huge amounts of long observations, just record their 'wow' moments, that is moments when they are showing you something you have never seen before. Record these moments under the appropriate headings iunder the EYFS e.g. knowledge and understanding, Exploration of the world.


Then as you observe your children, note down when they show a particular interest in anything e.g. spiders or consturction for example, and ensure that you provide opportunities to further their interest in these areas, making the occasional note as you go along as to their progress. Whatever you put out in resources for one child, the other children will probably enjoy doing. Just make sure you are providing something for all the children you look after each week.


Every few weeks, review your folders and just see how the children are doing. Are there areas that new need to look at e.g. physical development - are they getting outside enough and being given opportunities for throw and catch balls. From this, look at what you need to provide for them. For children under 3 you don't have to prepare long and medium term plans. If you are planning for children's interests, they are what they like now - how are you going to tell what they will like in six months!!


I hope you get the idea. You can always do the paperwork whilst the children are taking a nap.


It really doesn't have to be that hard. However I think if you are going to look after children you do need to brush up on your knowledge of things like the value of play, of which you will find useful articles on this site and in many books and also read up in more detail on how children develop. Obviously if you have done your Level 3 you will know some of these things, but after having done my Foundation Degree in Early Years, you realise there is a lot more knowledge out there than you learn doing your Level 3, and all of it is very important to provide a really good experience for your children.


So don't look at is as too much of a burden - it doesn't have to be. Look at it as providing the best for the children you look after and it's a way of proving that to prospective parents and Ofsted.

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Hi Crazychris, you are in my area, well I am in Somerset, but sometimes work in BANES. Welcome to the forum-you will get loads of support on here. :oxD

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Sheila's right - the paperwork shouldn't be too demanding!


I've been told that by recording "WOW" moments, 1 observation per term and the daily diary of information that I share with parents I'm doing enough.


This has come from my local Network after discussion with NCMA & Ofsted.


The Network are also saying that some of the childminders they're visiting are doing TOO much, TOO often and in TOO much detail!


I feel this is because everyone has their own "take" on EYFS and it's hard to know how much is enough or too much :o



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Sheila's right - the paperwork shouldn't be too demanding!


I've been told that by recording "WOW" moments, 1 observation per term and the daily diary of information that I share with parents I'm doing enough.


This has come from my local Network after discussion with NCMA & Ofsted.


The Network are also saying that some of the childminders they're visiting are doing TOO much, TOO often and in TOO much detail!


I feel this is because everyone has their own "take" on EYFS and it's hard to know how much is enough or too much :o




Absolutely Nona, and unfortunately all of this negative press is only going to reinforce the idea that EYFS means more paperwork.


I understand that perhaps for some childminders a more formal approach to how they plan activities and deliver them is something new and that there will be uncertainty to the changes taking place. However, I think those who are determined to reflect and improve their practice will welcome the changes. This is an opportunity for childminders to stand up and demand to be respected as a profession, and hopefully valued more which may eventually lead to them being able to charge realistic fees for their work.

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Hi there

Thanks for all your feedback, and hi to Shirel who ive now met!! Small world isnt it!!

My meeting yest was poorly attended, clash of dates with a course.

I am probably trying to do too much too quickly, and agree the EYFS isnt set out well.

Weve been told 1 obs per child per week is fine, as ive 6 to do , i have been doing this.

Overall the main problem is too much new info too quickly, including the Self Evaluation Form too.

Ive decided to reorganise and leave the SEF form till after xmas, and am logging all my to do./ planning on a sheet to demonstrate to ofsted/my coordinator im reflecting and planning.!!

I agree we should get regonsied more, but there are still many who think we are cheap babysitters, as opposed to the government who think we are cheap teachers!! But my parnets value me and that is what counts the most !!

He ho, im feeling bit less stressed today, off to iron!!


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I agree we should get recognised more, but there are still many who think we are cheap babysitters, as opposed to the government who think we are cheap teachers!! But my parents value me and that is what counts the most !!


Hear! Hear!


I think I'll frame that for my wall :o



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Hi crazychris

a belated welcome to the forum - i was looking through some old threads and spotted your in BANES, same as me.

I'm also a childminder and would be happy to share ideas for working within the framework if you're still around on the forum


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