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Funny Things Children Say


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I ran the Great North Run on Sunday (13 miles) for a cancer charity. I took my medal into school on the Monday to show the children. One little girl examined it carefully before saying 'Aw you got the silver...never mind, that's still good!' I didn't have the heart to tell her that I didn't come second (more like 22, 206th!!!) She made me laugh and forget my aching legs!

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We were experiencing the fruits Handa had in her basket.After discussion and cutting open we passed then round the circle to exeperience smell feel etc.


When it came time for the lovely purple bumpy passion fruit to be passed around cut open one delightful :o little boy very crest fallen announced


"but its just full of boogies!!! "

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Today, I was going off to go to the toilet, and one of the little boys I had just been sitting with followed me.

He asked where I was going and I told him I needed to go to the toilet.


The children use the ladies, which is opposite the accesible toilet, which the adults use.

He looked confused and said to me "But the toilets are here. You can come with me"

So I followed him into the toilets, and I just stood there looking at him and he said, "You go in that one, and me in this one" So I went into the cubicle he told me to, and he followed me in. So I asked him what he was doing, and he showed me how to lock the door and then said "Can I leave you now?" so I told him he could go to which he replied, "I'll just be next door okay?" So we both went to the toilet, and I came out to wait for him and he came out of his cubicle and said "Are you ready to wash your hands now?"


All throughout this I was trying so hard not to laugh - but he was being so serious ! Bless his heart.


It really made my day haha.


Mrs Weasley.xx

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So much nicer than our setting where the curious children follow you to the toilet and then try to peep under the door to check on you! I wouldn't mind but we most definitely don't do that so I don't know where they are learning it. My niece asked me how come I was so quick in the toilets the other day and cracked up when I explained it was because I usually had three or four children shouting "where did you go? are you ok?" all the time.

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So much nicer than our setting where the curious children follow you to the toilet and then try to peep under the door to check on you! I wouldn't mind but we most definitely don't do that so I don't know where they are learning it. My niece asked me how come I was so quick in the toilets the other day and cracked up when I explained it was because I usually had three or four children shouting "where did you go? are you ok?" all the time.


Well, I was in the loo the other day, and there's a gap in the door where the lock is and it's just about eye height for the children and I suddenly saw this eye. And then I heard "What are you doing in there?!" to which I said, "I'm going to the toilet" and then the little boy said "Oh Sorry!! I'm going to play now"



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Our pre-school was recently brightened by the arrival of two children from the local Traveller site. They kept us on our toes and entertained every day they came, here are a few eg of conversations we had with them;


adult "Do you need a wee wee"

as child was holding her self and wiggling around


child "no" now almost jumping up and down


adult "if you need a wee wee you must go to the toilet"


child "no, I need a piss"


Looking at a farm yard puzzle


child "i've got chickens"

adult "oh really, where did you get them from?"

child "my dar robbed em"



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my 2yr old granddaughter was running up a down the living room with a soft toy tied on a piece of string. she was sort of pulling it along between her legs she was making a neigh sound . I said are you a horse she said no I'm a rabbit and ran up and down again I said but that's a horse noise she stopped looked at her very stupid gran and said I'm a rabbit riding a horse.


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Guest MaryEMac

At the weekend I went shopping with my daughter and my grandaughter (son's child). Millie aged three and a half has inherited her auntie Leanne's love of shoes and as we were passing Brantanos she said, " we'll just go and have a look shall we? They might have some bargains." She made a beeline for the children's section and all we heard was, "they're nice, oooh I like those, Nana, are they my size?

She didn't get any but I dread to think what she will be like as she gets older.



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  • 2 weeks later...

We had Goldilocks and the Three Bears theme in our role play area last week so we took the opportunity to work on matching sizes - which is daddy's bowl? etc then it came to the beds. Where does baby bear sleep? "in the little bed" Where does daddy bear sleep? "in the big bed" Where does mummy bear sleep? "in the big bed with daddy"!!! That's from a two year old and it makes sense really doesn't it?!

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  • 3 weeks later...

We've been Autumnal recently and went down the trees-wood-whats made of wood route.


I set up a small world on the builders tray with damp wood shavings, playmobil trees, twigs, pine cones, trucks etc for a logging camp.


I was doing observations and 2 little girls were busy playing. As i observed and listened in it was clear the 'logging camp' had become a cemetary ! (we'd just done about rememberance day) They buried the figures under the sawdust using the diggers and then decorated the mounds with pine cones and twigs. The discussion was all about burying great-grandmas .Millie asked Hannah 'What did your great Grandma died of? " Hannah studied the table and replied "she climbed to the top of a REALLY tall tree then jumped off the top!"

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest MaryEMac

I was making the drinks today and a little boy came up to the door and asked where his cousin was. I told him that his cousin didn't come today. The answer.....why? His mummy likes to have him at home today. Why? is he poorly?

No , his mummy likes to have him at home today.


Because she loves him.

No she doesn't.


Then he went off to wash his hands for snack. I had to have a chuckle. They actually live next door to each other so I guess he knows.



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Took a group of children to see the Queen today, they clapped and waved flags, but when they saw a helicopter they clapped and cheered even louder shouting "helicopter, helicopter" ah bless 'em

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have only recently joined the forum but I have been readin these posts and giggling like an idiot!!


two instances for me one with my son and one with a little girl from playgroup, both concerning mass (or church I think its called UK).


A couple of years ago my son (then 4)and me where sitting upstairs in the chapel and were at the very front overlooking the altar. There was a coffin sitting at the front of the altar as the funeral service was during Sunday mass. Because of this mass had been going on a bit longer than usual and by the time we got to communion (as in the really quiet part) he was starting to get restless, fidgeting and starting to talk a little too loudly.


To try and get him to settle again I told him he needed to be quiet as there was a lady downstairs going to heaven. On hearing this he stands up, peers through the railings and shouts at the top of this voice "WHERE IS SHE MUMMY, SHOW HER TO ME, WHERE'S THE LADY GOING TO HEAVEN? IS IT THAT LADY DOWN THERE WITH THE BLUE COAT?????"


Needless to say, I then had to explain about the coffin, although I called it a magic box and said that it was a special thing that takes people to heaven after they have died. James then commented that he had never seen it at mass before and I explained that you only see it in the chapel when someone has died and that everyone gets their own magic box. On hearing my explanation, he grinned at me and said "Cool!!!"


A couple of weeks ago I was in playgroup chatting to 2 of the girls and I commented that I had seen them both in mass and that they had been very good and sat nice and quietly in gods house. One little girl turned round to me and said "I saw you in mass too and your little boy was very naughty!!"


It was all I could do not to burst out laughing!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi, I love reading these, they do make me laugh, so thought I would share this from the other day.

Several of my children have been off ill with a temperature for the last few weeks. When I do the register I comment that they are off ill (just so the children don't wonder where they are). I had mentioned that one of the boys was ill, one of his friends had asked what was wrong with him and I told them that he had a temperature and was feeling hot. "Oh he must be feeling steamy" excalimed the boy. Now each time a child is off ill I am greeted with various children telling me "they must be steamy too". What a funny picture I have in my mind of children with steam coming off them!!!



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Hi nutleywonbat, welcome to the forum.

Your post is so similar to my 6 yr old daughters comments yesterday about children in her class being off sick. She said their names then said they've all got 'absent'. :oxD (wonder if 'absent' causes a rash or high temperature? :(:( )



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Although my daughter is older she has a dyslexia type problem which gives her problems with

words. While talking about weddings the other day she asked my husband about his "spatula" party.

Poor girl couldn't understand why Mum had tears pouring down her face, but the idea of my beloved's friends

being called spatulas was too funny. From now on I'm sure stag nights will be referred to as spatula parties in this house!


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We were sat doing a circle time this week in our reception class when the headteacher walked through in his overcoat and scarf with a heating engineer on the way to the outside boiler house (heating problems!) The children only see him during school sessions when he has on his suit and tie.


One little girl turn to her neighbour and said

"I wonder what Mr M*** is doing"


her friend reply


"Dunno...(and after a short pause) he must be taking his dog for a walk"


Not sure where in school he keeps his dog but she obvious couldn't think of any other reason he would be going outside in his coat!!! xD outside play whats that? :o

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a little boy at nursery has taken to pointing to my chin and saying 'Beard! Beard!' I happened to mention it to mum and she was relieved, he'd been saying it to her too and she was beginning to get a complex! lol :)

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Just before starting Primary School my Grandaughter told me that mummy had bought her some 'ruzoles' for PE (plimsolls)!


She also liked to read mazagines and her favourite chocolates were congratulations (celebrations) and not forgetting one of her favourite T.V. programmes Gradulators (Gladiators) aaaah bless!



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I've only just found this post and I'm reallt glad I did, I've had a bad few weeks and it has really made me smile.


It reminded me of when my two daughters 4 & 6 were bridesmaids for my sister last summer they were doing really well, walked ino the church nicely, 6 year old sang hymms well (knew them from school). Then the Vicer said 'you may kiss the bride' and as they kissed by 4 year old sais rather loudly 'ERR YUCK THEIR KISSSING!!!' which caused the rest of the church including the vicor to laugh.


I'm sure i'll think of some more for another time!

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At snack time a little girl was pouring milk into her cup, she poured quite a few cups full and when I said to her "You must be thirsty, if you drink much more you might go pop! She looked at me with a very shocked expression xD and said "No I wont, but my dad does that and it stinks !! :o

I won't say that to anyone again.


Sue J

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Guest MaryEMac

This isn't something that was said but on Monday I went back to work after having two weeks off with Labyrinthitus. One of the girls was asking if she could have something but because I still have tinnitus and the group was rather noisy, i couldn't hear her. After asking her to repeat it and still not catching what she had said, I told her that she would need to speak up because I had got a poorly ear and I couldn't hear very well. As I was speaking her eyes left my face and she was craning her neck to check out my ears. I'm not sure what she expected to see. :o

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This afternoon I put a sheet of yellow stickers (which had different silly facial expressions on) on the mark making table just to see what they would use them for- was thinking they would perhaps pretend they were giving out stickers. When they came in from outside lo and behold went straight to stickers and began distributing them to each other.

One little boy decided to put them all over his arm- 'oh you look like you've got chicken pox' I smiled so of course everyone immediately began sticking them all over their jumpers and faces but bless, one little girl comes up to me smiling with stickers all over her face: 'I've got chicken pops! I've got chicken pops!' she laughs xD:(:o

so funny cuz then all the others (bar a few older ones) were going round with 'chicken pops' hehe :(

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